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Bachelor of Veterinary Technology

Bachelors Degree

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Course abbreviation


  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Indicative Fee


The Bachelor of Veterinary Technology provides the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to operate as a Veterinary Technologist in Australia or New Zealand.

You will graduate job-ready with a solid understanding of veterinary procedures and animal care, supported by ongoing work experience in general veterinary practice settings and comprehensive clinical skills training.

You will develop a strong theoretical understanding of a veterinary health care team philosophy, focussing on areas such as anatomy and physiology, animal nutrition and reproduction, clinical pathology and microbiology, radiography, and pharmacology.

You will apply your knowledge through professional placements which will foster skills in examination and clinical diagnostics, husbandry, therapeutics, pharmacy, anaesthesia, diagnostic imagery and surgical processes, allowing you to hit the ground running.

Important Information:

  • Veterinary Technology students must complete compulsory vaccinations (Q-Fever and Tetanus) prior to commencement of study in Term 1. Other recommended vaccinations (not compulsory) are Lyssa Virus (rabies) and annual Influenza.
  • Students are expected to fund and organise their own travel to external partner locations and may need to provide their own equipment (PPE, boots, overalls). 

Course Learning Outcome

GA1: Intellectual rigour

Identify and describe the structure and function of various animal body systems.

Critically review and evaluate the validity of information to practice evidence-based veterinary technology.

Apply knowledge of best practice animal husbandry with due regard to animal welfare to safely and humanely handle and restrain animal patients.

Apply knowledge and practical skills to assist with veterinary diagnostic procedures, sample collection and transport, diagnostic tests, and diagnostic imaging.

Undertake the preparation, administration and monitoring of anaesthesia, assist in surgical planning and procedures, and oversee infectious control through the perioperative period.

Assist and contribute to common clinical procedures, carry out care treatment plans, and ensure compliance with medicine dispensing regulations and guidelines.

Communicate effectively using oral, written, electronic, and innovative technologies to interact appropriately according to the audience and context.

GA2: Creativity

Communicate effectively using oral, written, electronic, and innovative technologies to interact appropriately according to the audience and context.

GA3: Ethical practice

Apply knowledge of best practice animal husbandry with due regard to animal welfare to safely and humanely handle and restrain animal patients.

Apply reflective practice to analyse professional and personal growth, foster lifelong learning, and develop self-awareness through recognition of personal strengths and limitations in a range of cultural contexts.

GA4: Knowledge of a discipline

Identify and describe the structure and function of various animal body systems.

Critically review and evaluate the validity of information to practice evidence-based veterinary technology.

Apply knowledge of best practice animal husbandry with due regard to animal welfare to safely and humanely handle and restrain animal patients.

Apply knowledge of animal behaviour, nutrition, hygiene, biosecurity and disease prevention to undertake patient evaluation, management, and treatments.

Apply knowledge and practical skills to assist with veterinary diagnostic procedures, sample collection and transport, diagnostic tests, and diagnostic imaging.

Undertake the preparation, administration and monitoring of anaesthesia, assist in surgical planning and procedures, and oversee infectious control through the perioperative period.

Assist and contribute to common clinical procedures, carry out care treatment plans, and ensure compliance with medicine dispensing regulations and guidelines.

Communicate effectively using oral, written, electronic, and innovative technologies to interact appropriately according to the audience and context.

Apply reflective practice to analyse professional and personal growth, foster lifelong learning, and develop self-awareness through recognition of personal strengths and limitations in a range of cultural contexts.

GA5: Lifelong learning

Apply reflective practice to analyse professional and personal growth, foster lifelong learning, and develop self-awareness through recognition of personal strengths and limitations in a range of cultural contexts.

GA6: Communication and social skills

Demonstrate knowledge of the legislation, laws, and ethics related to a veterinary practice business.

GA7: Cultural competence

Demonstrate knowledge of the legislation, laws, and ethics related to a veterinary practice business.

Apply reflective practice to analyse professional and personal growth, foster lifelong learning, and develop self-awareness through recognition of personal strengths and limitations in a range of cultural contexts.

This course includes a maximum of 24 weeks core professional placement in general veterinary practice and animal health settings.

Important information about your placements:

  • Veterinary Technology students must complete compulsory vaccinations (Q-Fever and Tetanus) prior to commencement of study in Term 1. Other recommended vaccinations (not compulsory) are Lyssa Virus (rabies) and annual Influenza.
  • Students are expected to fund and organise their own travel to external partner locations and may need to provide their own equipment (PPE, boots, overalls). 

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Lismore Term 1 N/A N/A

Career Outcomes

In 2023, the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council announced an intention to establish a regulatory framework for the accreditation of undergraduate award courses in veterinary technology. Currently Veterinary Technology Graduates can voluntarily register with the Veterinary Nurses Council of Australia’s (VNCA) Australian Veterinary Nurse and Technicians (AVNAT) scheme. Western Australia is the only state that currently requires mandatory registration of Veterinary Nurses and Technologist who work in veterinary practice.


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Entry requirements

Completion of an Australian Year 12 (or equivalent) or a recognised VET or Higher Education qualification (Cert IV AQF4 or higher) that meets the minimum ATAR/rank specified. Incomplete Higher Education qualifications with a passing GPA may be considered for admission.

Language requirements

English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this course are as follows

Listeningminimum 5.5
Readingminimum 5.5
Speakingminimum 5.5
Writingminimum 5.5

Credit for prior learning

Advanced Standing or Recognised Prior Learning will be assessed on a case by case basis.

Course requirements

To be eligible for the Bachelor of Veterinary Technology, students must complete 24 units (288 Credit Points), comprising:

  • 23 core units (276 credit points) and
  • 1 elective unit (12 credit points)


Professional Experience Learning

This course includes professional experience learning. Pre-requisites to meet professional regulatory requirements must be met prior to attending professional experience placement. All professional experience learning hours must be completed and professional behaviour and conduct must be demonstrated.

Inherent Requirements

Inherent Requirements apply to this course as defined on the Student Equity and Inclusion website. Students who have a disability or health condition which may impact on their ability to meet these requirements are encouraged to visit the Student Equity and Inclusion website for further information and contact details.

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Notes

Fulltime students are to complete the following units to satisfy the requirements of the Award. Students intending to complete a part-time progression are to contact Client Services.

First Year

HLTH1004 The Reflective Learner and Health Science Scholar
Location Domestic International
Coffs Harbour
Gold Coast
ANIM1001 Animal Husbandry, Management, and Behaviour 1
Location Domestic International
BIOL1005 Cells and Molecules
Location Domestic International
National Marine Science Centre Coffs Harbour
Enrolment information There will be a 2-day compulsory residential for Online students that will be held on the Lismore campus. Please refer to for further information on timetables.
VETS1001 Foundations of Veterinary Professionalism and Communication
Location Domestic International
Pre-requisites HLTH1004 - The Reflective Learner and Health Science Scholar; OR admission to the 2127298 - Diploma of Science (Veterinary Technology Specialisation) AND successful completion of EDUC1001 - Language and Learning in your Discipline
ANIM2001 Animal Husbandry, Management, and Behaviour 2
Location Domestic International
Pre-requisites ANIM1001 - Animal Husbandry, Management, and Behaviour 1
VTEC1001 Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technologists
Location Domestic International
VTEC1002 Principles of Animal Health Assessment for Veterinary Technologists
Dual Term4
Location Domestic International
Dual Term4
Dual Term4
Pre-requisites ANIM1001 - Animal Husbandry, Management, and Behaviour 1 AND VTEC1001 - Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technologists
VTEC1003 Surgical Theatre and Dental Care for Veterinary Technologists
Location Domestic International
Pre-requisites VTEC1001 - Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technologists

Second Year

Students must have successfully completed all units in the first year progression before commencing second year units.
VTEC2001 Medical Nursing for Veterinary Technologists 1

Not currently available

VTEC2002 Diagnostic Procedures, Laboratory Techniques and Imaging for Veterinary Technologists

Not currently available

BIOL2007 Biochemistry
Location Domestic International
Gold Coast
Pre-requisites HBIO1008 - Human Physiology II OR HBIO1010 - Integrated Anatomy and Physiology
VTEC2004 Pharmacology for Veterinary Technologists

Not currently available

VTEC2003 Medical Nursing for Veterinary Technologists 2

Not currently available

VETS2002 Applied Veterinary Microbiology

Not currently available

VTEC2005 Anaesthesia and Analgesia for Veterinary Technologists

Not currently available

VETS2011 Animal Nutrition for Health, Performance and Production

Not currently available


Third year

Students must have successfully completed all units in the second year progression before commencing third year units.
VETS2006 Building Competency in Veterinary Professionalism and Communication

Not currently available

VTEC3006 Medical Nursing for Veterinary Technologists 3

Not currently available

VTEC3010 Animal Emergency Management in Natural Disasters

Not currently available

VTEC3007 Clinical Placements 1

Not currently available

VTEC3008 Clinical Placements 2

Not currently available

VTEC3009 The Professional Veterinary Technologist

Not currently available

VETS2003 Applied Veterinary Reproduction, Genetics, and Breeding

Not currently available


Unit Code Unit Title Notes
HLTH1004 The Reflective Learner and Health Science Scholar
ANIM1001 Animal Husbandry, Management, and Behaviour 1
BIOL1005 Cells and Molecules
VETS1001 Foundations of Veterinary Professionalism and Communication
ANIM2001 Animal Husbandry, Management, and Behaviour 2
VTEC1001 Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technologists
VTEC1002 Principles of Animal Health Assessment for Veterinary Technologists
VTEC1003 Surgical Theatre and Dental Care for Veterinary Technologists
VTEC2001 Medical Nursing for Veterinary Technologists 1
VTEC2002 Diagnostic Procedures, Laboratory Techniques and Imaging for Veterinary Technologists
BIOL2007 Biochemistry
VTEC2004 Pharmacology for Veterinary Technologists
VETS2002 Applied Veterinary Microbiology
VTEC2003 Medical Nursing for Veterinary Technologists 2
VTEC2005 Anaesthesia and Analgesia for Veterinary Technologists
VETS2011 Animal Nutrition for Health, Performance and Production
VETS2006 Building Competency in Veterinary Professionalism and Communication
VTEC3006 Medical Nursing for Veterinary Technologists 3
VTEC3010 Animal Emergency Management in Natural Disasters
VTEC3007 Clinical Placements 1
VTEC3008 Clinical Placements 2
VTEC3009 The Professional Veterinary Technologist
VETS2003 Applied Veterinary Reproduction, Genetics, and Breeding

Elective Units

Select 1 university wide elective unit (12 credit points)