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Bachelor of Engineering Systems (Honours), Bachelor of Business

Bachelors Double Degree

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Course abbreviation

    BEngSys(Hons), BBus

  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Indicative Fee


This double degree provides graduates with a thorough understanding of contemporary, responsible business practices, and the critical role technology plays in supporting robust business functions, as well as the technical ability to build infrastructure and systems. 

The course produces industry-ready professional engineers with the skills, capabilities and attributes needed to analyse and create solutions for complex engineering systems. Students choose either a Civil Engineering or Mechanical Engineering specialisation to develop their expertise in a field of practice. 

Students also choose a business-focused major from a range of subjects.

A practical placement in a relevant engineering environment rounds out the student experience, with the option to also complete a professional placement in a business environment. Graduates have a skill set to pursue careers across the engineering and business spectrum, as professional engineers with management and business capabilities or as entrepreneurs capable of running their own engineering business.

Course Learning Outcome

GA1: Intellectual rigour

Critically apply systems approaches using a wide range of technical and contextual factors to conceptualise and evaluate human-centred solutions to complex, industry-relevant problems in the chosen field of engineering specialisation

Conduct research to create and apply new knowledge in the chosen field of engineering specialisation with some independence

Lead or function as a team member and systematically manage information and projects to deliver industry-relevant engineering solutions aligned with stakeholder and community needs

Critically evaluate and apply practical and responsible business and enterprise solutions from a range of related disciplines to both inform and justify critical decisions.

GA2: Creativity

Critically apply systems approaches using a wide range of technical and contextual factors to conceptualise and evaluate human-centred solutions to complex, industry-relevant problems in the chosen field of engineering specialisation

Creatively apply established engineering methods, techniques, tools and resources in the context of systematic engineering synthesis, design and management processes

Apply knowledge and skills creatively in devising innovative, effective and responsible solutions to challenges related to a business or enterprise.

GA3: Ethical practice

Apply professional conduct and judgement that reflects contemporary industry standards of ethical, sustainable and human-centred engineering practice

Develop and apply recognised ethical frameworks to influence responsible business behaviours within an organisational context.

GA4: Knowledge of a discipline

Draw upon a broad conceptual knowledge of mathematics, other basic sciences, computing and information sciences, and specialist bodies of knowledge in the chosen field of engineering specialisation

Conduct research to create and apply new knowledge in the chosen field of engineering specialisation with some independence

Demonstrate and apply in-depth and responsible discipline-specific knowledge and skills within a local, regional and global perspective.

GA5: Lifelong learning

Conduct research to create and apply new knowledge in the chosen field of engineering specialisation with some independence

Critically reflect on and document development of proficiency in competencies in the relevant field of engineering practice to guide continuing professional development and lifelong learning

Demonstrate autonomy, responsibility and accountability for ongoing learning in business and enterprise settings.

GA6: Communication and social skills

Employ effective oral and written communication and social skills, informed by an appreciation of diverse cultural and Indigenous perspectives

Prepare and deliver, individually and/or in a team, well developed and justified discipline-specific advice through both written and oral communication.

Investigate and identify a broad range of responsible leadership practices in the management of people and self.

GA7: Cultural competence

Employ effective oral and written communication and social skills, informed by an appreciation of diverse cultural and Indigenous perspectives

Demonstrate responsible cultural competence in local, national, and international settings as applied in business and social situations.

A compulsory 60-day Engineering placement is a component of the Bachelor of Engineering Systems (Honours). Students may also choose an optional business-related placement as part of the Bachelor of Business.

Students choose either the Civil or Mechanical Engineering specialisation to tailor their Engineering studies.

Students may also choose a Business major from the following:

  • Aviation Management
  • Business and Data Analytics
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • International Business
  • Marketing
  • Tourism and Event Management.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Gold Coast Term 1 N/A N/A
Online Term 1 N/A N/A

Career Outcomes

The Bachelor of Engineering Systems (Honours) is accredited by Engineers Australia.


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Entry requirements

  • If admission is being offered on the basis of completion of the Preparing for Success program, students need to achieve a Distinction or above in their maths unit UNIP1003 Problem Solving with Maths.
  • If admission is being offered on the basis of completion of the Transition to Uni program, students need to achieve a Distinction or above in their maths unit UNIP1007 Science and Maths for University.
  • Applicants will not be considered for admission on the basis of having fully or partially completed a Certificate III (AQF Level 3) or a Certificate IV (AQF Level 4).

Language requirements

English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this course are as follows

Listeningminimum 5.5
Readingminimum 5.5
Speakingminimum 5.5
Writingminimum 5.5

Credit for prior learning

A maximum of the equivalent of 16 Engineering Core units (192 credit points) of Advanced Standing may be granted to ensure the requirements for accreditation of the course by Engineers Australia are met. This may only apply to the Civil Engineering OR the Mechanical Engineering Specialisations.

Course requirements

To be eligible to receive the Bachelor of Engineering Systems (Honours), Bachelor of Business students must complete the equivalent of 40 units (480 credit points), comprising:

  • 1 Specialisation in Civil Engineering or Mechanical Engineering (336 credit points).
  • 4 Business core units (48 credit points), and 1 Business Major (96 credit points)


All students successfully completing this course will be awarded Honours, based on the Core Engineering Units only. Additionally, a student who has reached the required standard of academic performance may be awarded Honours with one of the following merit descriptors based on the criteria specified in Rule 10:

  • First Class Honours
  • Second Class Honours Division I
  • Second Class Honours Division II

Exit Awards

Students may be eligible to exit with a Diploma of Engineering after completing the equivalent of 8 units (96 credit points), as per the Diploma of Engineering Schedule of Units.

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Notes
Complete the following units to satisfy the Requirements of the Award
First Year
ENGN1005 Planning and Delivering Engineering Projects
Location Domestic International
Gold Coast
PHYS1004 Physics I: Motion, Mechanics and Waves
Location Domestic International
Gold Coast
ENGN1003 Engineering Technology and Design
Location Domestic International
Gold Coast
Enrolment information This unit requires a software that only is compatible with Windows (W10 and newer) products.
INFO1001 Essentials of Information and Communication Technology
Location Domestic International
Gold Coast
MATS1001 Introduction to Engineering Materials
Location Domestic International
Gold Coast
Enrolment information There will be a 1 day compulsory residential at the Lismore Campus. This unit requires software that is only compatible with Windows (W10 and newer).
MATH1005 Introductory Algebra and Calculus
Location Domestic International
Gold Coast
BUSN1007 The Interconnected World
Summer Term
Location Domestic International
Gold Coast
Summer Term
Summer Term
Melbourne N/A
Summer Term
Summer Term
Summer Term
Papua New Guinea - IBSU Port Moresby N/A
Perth N/A
Summer Term
Sydney N/A
Summer Term
BUSN1008 Business Practice and Impact
Location Domestic International
Gold Coast
Melbourne N/A
Papua New Guinea - IBSU Port Moresby N/A
Perth N/A
Sydney N/A
Please consult the Client Services Team for your course progression for years 2 -5, based on your selected business major.

Unit Code Unit Title Notes

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
INDG1001 Indigenous World-Views
ENGN1003 Engineering Technology and Design
MATH1005 Introductory Algebra and Calculus
PHYS1004 Physics I: Motion, Mechanics and Waves
MATS1001 Introduction to Engineering Materials
INFO1001 Essentials of Information and Communication Technology
ENGN1005 Planning and Delivering Engineering Projects
MATH2003 Calculus and Linear Algebra I
INDG1002 Indigenous Knowledge
MATH3003 Computational Analysis
ENGN2005 Statics of Solids
CIVL2018 Water Cycle Systems
CIVL2019 Road Transport Systems
CIVL2020 Built Structure Systems
CIVL3009 Integrated Water Cycle Management Systems
CIVL3010 Smart Infrastructure and Places
CIVL3011 Advanced Built Structure Systems
CIVL3012 Sustainable Engineering Systems
CIVL2022 Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics
CIVL2021 Building Information Modelling
MECH3009 Engineering Applications
CIVL3013 Civil Engineering Systems
ENGN4009 Engineering Professional Practice Thesis 1
ENGN4010 Engineering Professional Practice Thesis 2
ENGN4011 Engineering Capstone Project
ERTH2004 Career Development and Professional Practice

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
INDG1001 Indigenous World-Views
ENGN1003 Engineering Technology and Design
MATS1001 Introduction to Engineering Materials
MATH1005 Introductory Algebra and Calculus
PHYS1004 Physics I: Motion, Mechanics and Waves
ENGN1005 Planning and Delivering Engineering Projects
ERTH2004 Career Development and Professional Practice
INFO1001 Essentials of Information and Communication Technology
MATH2003 Calculus and Linear Algebra I
INDG1002 Indigenous Knowledge
MATH3003 Computational Analysis
PHYS2001 Physics II: Electricity and Circuits
MANI2001 Smart Sensing and Control Systems
MANI2002 Industrial Robotics Systems
MANF2001 Smart Manufacturing Systems
PHYS2002 Physics III: Energy and Thermodynamics
MANI3001 Automation and Control Systems
MANF3001 Mechanical System Design
MANI3002 Energy Systems
MECH2003 Engineering Dynamics
MECH3009 Engineering Applications
MECH3008 Mechanical Engineering Systems
ENGN4009 Engineering Professional Practice Thesis 1
ENGN4010 Engineering Professional Practice Thesis 2
ENGN2005 Statics of Solids
ENGN4011 Engineering Capstone Project

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
BUSN1004 Starting a Business
BUSN1007 The Interconnected World
BUSN1008 Business Practice and Impact
BUSN1006 Solving Wicked Problems

Business Majors

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
BUSN2005 Airline Operations
LAWS2029 Aviation Regulation and Law
MGMT3002 Human Factors in Aviation
MGMT3003 Airport Management
TOUR2005 Aviation Management
TOUR2012 Transport for Sustainability
BUSN2010 Service Design Thinking
MRKT2007 Digital Marketing Strategies

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
BUSN2003 Intrapreneurship
BUSN2008 Applied Social Entrepreneurship
BUSN2009 The Founder's Journey
BUSN2010 Service Design Thinking
MRKT2007 Digital Marketing Strategies
BUSN3010 Innovation Ecosystems
BUSN3009 Entrepreneurial Finance
BUSN3011 New Venture Creation

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
ACCT2007 Finance for Business
LAWS2021 International Business Law
MRKT2003 Global Marketing
BUSN3002 Sustainable Business Management
BUSN3004 International Business
BUSN3001 Competitive Strategy
BUSN3010 Innovation Ecosystems
MRKT2007 Digital Marketing Strategies

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
MRKT1001 Marketing Principles
MRKT2001 Consumer Behaviour
MRKT2003 Global Marketing
MRKT2004 Marketing Communications
MRKT2005 Services Marketing
MRKT2007 Digital Marketing Strategies
MRKT3001 Strategic Marketing
MRKT3002 Marketing Research

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
HOSP2007 The Casino, Club and Hotel Environment
HOSP2001 Event Planning
TOUR2008 Event Operations
TOUR2001 Sustainable Tourism
TOUR2010 Tourist Behaviour and Interactions
TOUR2014 Managing the Visitor Economy
TOUR1003 Service Quality Management
MRKT2007 Digital Marketing Strategies

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
ACCT3003 Business Forecasting
ISYS3006 Business Analysis Project
MRKT2007 Digital Marketing Strategies
STAT1001 Statistical Analysis
ISYS1006 Introduction to Computing for Data Analytics
ISYS2004 Business and Market Intelligence
ISYS2003 Data Visualisation and Representation