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Bachelor of Visual Arts/Bachelor of Education (Secondary)

Bachelors Double Degree

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Course abbreviation

    BVA/BEd (Sec)

  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Indicative Fee


The Bachelor of Visual Arts/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) is four year (full-time or part-time equivalent) combined degree in secondary education. The course provides a strong foundation of knowledge in teaching subjects for the secondary school curriculum and in the professional practice of teaching. This degree provides the qualification necessary to teach visual arts in secondary schools. The course is flexible, enabling students to complete a second teaching subject to expand their employment opportunities in high demand areas.

The core education units can be studied either on-campus or by distance education. Distance education requires students to attend two two-day workshops on campus.

Graduate AttributeCourse Learning Outcome
Intellectual rigour

Data Conversion - Course in phase out


Data Conversion - Course in phase out

Ethical practice

Data Conversion - Course in phase out

Knowledge of a discipline

Data Conversion - Course in phase out

Lifelong learning

Data Conversion - Course in phase out

Communication and social skills

Data Conversion - Course in phase out

Cultural competence

Data Conversion - Course in phase out

Education students complete a program of practical in-school teaching experiences during the course, culminating in a seven-week in-school professional development experience, for students to demonstrate their independent and professional capabilities as secondary school teachers.

Students undertake Visual Arts as their first teaching subject and can also select to study a second teaching subject including English, modern history, geography or mathematics. The education component of the combined degree also provides studies in the professional practice of teaching.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Lismore Session 1 331107 051061

Career Outcomes

This course is approved by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards and is nationally recognised. Graduates meet the qualification requirements for accreditation/registration as a teacher in schools across all Australian states and territories.

Usually, Australian teacher qualifications are recognised internationally, but students need to check with potential employers and teacher registration authorities in other countries regarding accreditation requirements.


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Entry requirements

Applicants for admission to candidature must have an assessable entry qualification from a country where English is the main language and where the medium of instruction for that qualification was English, or demonstrate proficiency of English by:

  1. International English Language Test System (IELTS). The applicant must have a minimum overall score of 7.5, including a minimum result of 8.0 in both the speaking and listening modules and 7.0 in reading and writing.

  2. International Second Language Proficiency Rating (ISLPR). The applicant must have a score of at least 4+ in each of the four areas: speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Applicants for the Bachelor of Visual Arts/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) must meet the entry requirements of the Bachelor of Visual Arts.

Credit for prior learning

  1. Advanced standing will be determined by the School Board responsible for the unit for which advanced standing is sought, or in the case of unspecified advanced standing, by the School Board responsible for the award in which it is sought.
  2. In granting the advanced standing also refer to the Course Requirements for the relevant single degree.
  3. Advanced standing greater than the limits of Rule 2 Section 4 Clause (23) (Rules Relating to Awards) may be granted by the relevant School Board, which shall notify Academic Board of all instances.

Course requirements

  1. To be eligible for the award of a combined degree a candidate shall successfully complete not less than thirty-two (32) units (384 credit points) comprising:
    1. all units listed in Part A; and
    2. two (2) sequential units in a curriculum specialisation (which must accord with the First Teaching Subject selected for Course Requirement (a)(iii), below, from Part B; and
    3. a minimum of six (6) sequential units (i.e. First Teaching Subject) from Part C as determined by the Course Coordinator from the School of Education, to ensure equivalence and compliance with the Minimum Requirements for Eligibility for Accreditation to Teach in a NSW Secondary School, as determined from time to time by the NSW Institute of Teachers or its successor; and
    4. Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Contemporary Music/Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Visual Arts/Bachelor of Education must complete two (2) units from Part D; and
    5. Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education students must also complete all units in Part E
    6. Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education students must complete Biology as a First Teaching Subject, and Chemistry as a Second Teaching Subject, and Earth and Environmental Science as a Second Teaching Subject
    7. the balance of units will be selected from Part B, Part C, Part D or Part E
  2. A candidate who as part of the combined degrees completes a First Teaching Subject from Part C:
  3. in English or Modern History or Geography or Mathematics is eligible for a combined degree which includes a Bachelor of Arts
  4. in Biology is eligible for a combined degree which includes a Bachelor of Science
  5. in Visual Arts is eligible for a combined degree which includes a Bachelor of Visual Arts
  6. in Music is eligible for a combined degree which includes a Bachelor of Contemporary Music
  7. in PDHPE is eligible for a combined degree which includes a Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science
  8. A candidate who while enrolled for the Bachelor of Visual Arts/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) has completed the requirements for the Bachelor of Visual Arts may elect to be awarded the Bachelor of Visual Arts following withdrawal from candidature for the Bachelor of Visual Arts/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) degree.
  9. Permission to undertake a practicum will at all times be at the discretion of the Head of the School of Education.

Course structure

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes

Part A

EDU10710 Learners, Teachers and Pedagogies Intermediate
EDU10711 Effective Communication in the Classroom Intermediate
EDU10712 Supporting Learners with Diverse Abilities Intermediate
EDU10713 Curriculum, Assessment and New Media Advanced
EDU10714 The Inclusive Classroom Intermediate
EDU10715 Issues in Education Advanced
EDU10716 Professional Development in Education Advanced

Part B

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
EDU01021 Curriculum Specialisation: Personal Development, Health, Physical Education I Intermediate Note 1
EDU01022 Curriculum Specialisation: Personal Development, Health, Physical Education II (Lifestyle) Advanced Note 1
EDU01143 Curriculum Specialisation - Music I Intermediate Note 1
EDU01144 Curriculum Specialisation - Music II Intermediate Note 1
EDU01145 Curriculum Specialisation: Mathematics I Intermediate Note 1
EDU01146 Curriculum Specialisation: Mathematics II Advanced Note 1
EDU01153 Curriculum Specialisation: Visual Arts I Intermediate Note 1
EDU01154 Curriculum Specialisation: Visual Arts II Advanced Note 1
EDU01246 Curriculum Specialisation: Science I Intermediate Note 1
EDU01247 Curriculum Specialisation: Science II Advanced Note 1
TCH10007 Curriculum Specialisation: Human Society and its Environment I Intermediate Note 1
TCH10008 Curriculum Specialisation: Human Society and its Environment II Advanced Note 1
TCH10174 Curriculum Specialisation: English I Intermediate Note 1
TCH10175 Curriculum Specialisation: English II Advanced Note 1
EDU10631 Technology Pedagogy and Curriculum I Intermediate Note 1
EDU10632 Technology Pedagogy and Curriculum II Advanced Note 1

Part C

Note 4

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
For English as a First Teaching Subject, complete:
- six units (including first four units)
For English as a second teaching subject, complete:
- first four units
ENG00400 Introduction to Written Texts Introductory
ENG00401 Issues and Themes in Contemporary Writing Intermediate
ENG00406 Theories of Text and Culture Advanced
WRI10001 Introduction to Creative Writing Introductory
Choose from:
HUM00273 Borderlands: Identity, Culture and Belonging Advanced
WRI10003 Short Story Writing Intermediate
ENG00411 Writing Genre Intermediate
ENG00407 Writing for Performance Intermediate
WRI20004 Writing Lives Intermediate
WRI20003 Writing Poetry Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
For Modern History as a first teaching subject, complete:
- all six units
For Modern History as a second teaching subject, complete:
- first four units
HIS10016 Making History Introductory
CUL00420 History of Invasion of Aboriginal Nations Advanced
HIS10725 US History: From Reconstruction to Globalization Introductory
HIS10726 Australian Cultural History Intermediate
HIS10018 Writing Place: Landscapes, Memory, History Intermediate
HIS00235 Community History Research Project Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
For Mathematics as a first teaching subject, complete:
- six units
For Mathematics as a second teaching subject, complete:
- the first four units
MAT10251 Statistical Analysis Intermediate
MAT10718 Mathematical Ideas Introductory
MAT10719 Calculus Intermediate
MAT10720 Linear Algebra Intermediate
MAT10721 Multivariate Calculus and Differential Equations Advanced
MAT10722 Complex Analysis Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
For Geography as a first teaching subject, complete
- six units
For Geography as a second teaching subject, complete:
- first four units
GLY00201 Earth Systems I: The Lithosphere Introductory
ENS00203 Earth Systems II: The Hydrosphere Introductory
GLY00223 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Intermediate
SUR00201 Environmental Mapping Introductory
Choose two (2) from the following:
HUM00272 Space, Place and Travel Intermediate
ISY01224 Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis Intermediate
AGR00214 Soil Processes Intermediate
AGT00217 Land Degradation and Rehabilitation Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Society and Culture should only be completed in conjunction with Modern History or Geography.
For Society and Culture as a second teaching subject,
- HUM00270 Doing Cultural Studies and
- HUM00271 Unruly Subjects: Citizenship
will be covered in Part E, complete two (2) additional units.
Choose from:
HUM00272 Space, Place and Travel Intermediate
HUM00273 Borderlands: Identity, Culture and Belonging Advanced
HUM00274 EcoCultural Studies Advanced
SOC10400 Gender, Sexuality and Culture Intermediate
HUM00275 Cultural Studies Research Project Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
For Biology as a First Teaching Subject, complete
- six units
For Biology as a second teaching subject, complete
- the first four units
BIO00201 Biology Introductory
BIO00202 Ecology Introductory
BIO00212 Wildlife Conservation Intermediate
BIO00307 Human Physiology Introductory
BIO00232 Coastal Marine Ecosystems Intermediate
BIO00213 Plant Identification and Conservation Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
For Chemistry as a second teaching subject, complete:
- all four units
CHE00201 Chemistry Introductory
CHE00073 Environmental Chemistry Intermediate
GLY00232 Coastal Biogeochemistry Intermediate
CHE10700 Chemistry for Health Sciences Introductory

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
For Earth and Environmental Science as a second teaching subject, complete:
- four units
GLY00201 Earth Systems I: The Lithosphere Introductory
ENS00203 Earth Systems II: The Hydrosphere Introductory
Choose two from the following:
SUR00201 Environmental Mapping Introductory
AGR00214 Soil Processes Intermediate
AGT00217 Land Degradation and Rehabilitation Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Physics units can be completed as “Cross-Institutional Units”.
Please note that cross-institutional enrolment must be finalised at least six (6) weeks prior to the intended session of enrolment.

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
For Music as a first teaching subject (and only Teaching Subject), complete
- the first twelve units, then either
- the eight unit Performance or
- the eight unit Music Education I stream
For Music as a first teaching subject where a second Teaching Subject is also completed, complete:
- first twelve units, then
- four unit Music Education II stream
MUS10501 Music Practice I Introductory
MUS10502 Music Practice II Introductory
MUS00497 Introduction to Music Technology Introductory
MUS00620 Contemporary Music Theory I Introductory
MUS00621 Contemporary Music Theory II Intermediate
MUS00630 Songwriting Introductory
MUS10505 Applied Musicianship Introductory
MUS10509 Sounds, Styles and Cultures Introductory
MUS10524 Studies in Western Art Music Advanced
MUS10525 Advanced Studies in Western Art and Contemporary Music Advanced
MUS10544 Advanced Musicianship Intermediate
MUS10546 Ensemble Direction and Arranging Advanced
Plus choose one (1) from the following three (3) streams.
Performance Stream
For Music as a first and only teaching subject.
MUS10506 Music Industry Landscapes Introductory
MUS10531 Performance I Intermediate Note 2
MUS10532 Performance II Intermediate
MUS10541 Ensemble I Intermediate Note 2
MUS10542 Ensemble II Intermediate
MUS10508 Sound Theory and Recording Technique Intermediate
MUS10548 Sounds, Beats and the Home Studio Intermediate
One (1) music education elective
Music Education Stream I
For Music as a first and only teaching subject.
MUS10506 Music Industry Landscapes Introductory
MUS10503 Music Practice III Intermediate
MUS10504 Music Practice IV Intermediate
MUS10508 Sound Theory and Recording Technique Intermediate
MUS10548 Sounds, Beats and the Home Studio Intermediate
Three music education electives
Music Education Stream II
For Music as a first teaching subject, where a second teaching subject is also completed:
MUS10503 Music Practice III Intermediate
MUS10504 Music Practice IV Intermediate
MUS10548 Sounds, Beats and the Home Studio Intermediate
One music education elective
Music Education Electives
MUS10552 Advanced Recording Studio Production Advanced
MUS10551 Advanced Live Sound Production Advanced
MUS10547 Advanced Songwriting and Arrangement Intermediate
MUS10545 Oceans of Sound: Global Music Cultures in the 21st Century Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
For PDHPE as first teaching subject and Mathematics as a second teaching subject, complete all of the following:
BIO01302 Human Anatomy Introductory
HEA00331 Principles of Behaviour in Physical Activity Introductory
BIO00207 Mechanics for Movement Introductory
BIO00307 Human Physiology Introductory
HMS00202 Principles and Practices of Sport and Exercise Science Introductory
HMS00203 Sports Conditioning and Training Methods Intermediate
BIO10493 Motor Control Intermediate
BIO00203 Exercise Physiology Intermediate
BIO10494 Human Growth, Development and Ageing Intermediate
BIO00209 Musculoskeletal Functional Anatomy Intermediate
HMS00328 Motor Learning Intermediate
EDU10691 Physical Education Studies I: Athletics and Aquatics Intermediate
EDU10692 Physical Education Studies II: Dance and Gymnastics Intermediate
EDU10694 Contemporary Health Issues for Young People Advanced
NUT00330 Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity Intermediate
EDU10693 Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of Young People Advanced
Mathematics Stream
MAT10251 Statistical Analysis Intermediate
MAT10718 Mathematical Ideas Introductory
MAT10719 Calculus Intermediate
MAT10720 Linear Algebra Intermediate
EDU01145 Curriculum Specialisation: Mathematics I Intermediate
EDU01146 Curriculum Specialisation: Mathematics II Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
For PDHPE as first teaching subject and the Exercise Science Stream, complete all of the following:
BIO01302 Human Anatomy Introductory
HEA00331 Principles of Behaviour in Physical Activity Introductory
BIO00207 Mechanics for Movement Introductory
BIO00307 Human Physiology Introductory
HMS00202 Principles and Practices of Sport and Exercise Science Introductory
HMS00203 Sports Conditioning and Training Methods Intermediate
BIO10493 Motor Control Intermediate
BIO00203 Exercise Physiology Intermediate
BIO10494 Human Growth, Development and Ageing Intermediate
BIO00209 Musculoskeletal Functional Anatomy Intermediate
HMS00328 Motor Learning Intermediate
EDU10691 Physical Education Studies I: Athletics and Aquatics Intermediate
EDU10692 Physical Education Studies II: Dance and Gymnastics Intermediate
EDU10694 Contemporary Health Issues for Young People Advanced
NUT00330 Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity Intermediate
EDU10693 Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of Young People Advanced
Exercise Science Stream
MAT00330 Research and Analysis in Health Introductory
HEA00332 Exercise Psychology Intermediate
BIO00204 Advanced Exercise Physiology Intermediate
BIO10496 Exercise Physiology for Specific Populations Advanced
BIO10497 Exercise Physiology for Healthy Individuals Advanced
BIO00324 Applied Biomechanics Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
For PDHPE as first teaching subject and the Sport Management Stream, complete all of the following:
BIO01302 Human Anatomy Introductory
HEA00331 Principles of Behaviour in Physical Activity Introductory
BIO00207 Mechanics for Movement Introductory
BIO00307 Human Physiology Introductory
HMS00202 Principles and Practices of Sport and Exercise Science Introductory
HMS00203 Sports Conditioning and Training Methods Intermediate
BIO10493 Motor Control Intermediate
BIO00203 Exercise Physiology Intermediate
BIO10494 Human Growth, Development and Ageing Intermediate
BIO00209 Musculoskeletal Functional Anatomy Intermediate
HMS00328 Motor Learning Intermediate
EDU10691 Physical Education Studies I: Athletics and Aquatics Intermediate
EDU10692 Physical Education Studies II: Dance and Gymnastics Intermediate
EDU10694 Contemporary Health Issues for Young People Advanced
NUT00330 Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity Intermediate
EDU10693 Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of Young People Advanced
Sport Management Stream
MAT00330 Research and Analysis in Health Introductory
MNG00301 Management for Sport and Exercise Introductory
MKT00205 Sport Promotion and Public Relations Intermediate
MNG00307 Sports Policy and Planning Intermediate
MNG00305 Sport Facilities and Events Advanced
MNG00306 Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Allied Health, Fitness and Sport Introductory

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
For Visual Arts as the first teaching subject and only teaching subject, complete:
- all 12 units
For Visual Arts as a first teaching subject where a second teaching subject is also completed, complete:
- the first 10 units
ART00406 Studio Drawing I Introductory
ART00601 Framing Modernity Introductory
ART00630 Design Introductory
ART00498 Contemporary Debates in Visual Culture Intermediate
ART00626 Visual Arts Studio Studies VI Advanced Note 3

Part D

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
COM10295 Written Communication Introductory
CUL00401 Indigenous World-Views Introductory
CUL00402 Contemporary Australian Indigenous Issues Intermediate
CUL00412 Indigenous Ways of Cultural Expression Introductory
EDU00298 Co-operative Learning Skills in the Classroom Advanced
EDU00353 Teaching the Gifted Intermediate
EDU01104 Assessment and Reporting Intermediate
EDU01105 Professional Learning Project Advanced
EDU01286 Environmental Education Introductory
EDU01304 Music and Children Intermediate
EDU10131 Transition to Teaching Advanced
EDU01308 Indigenous Australians in Education Advanced
ENG00351 Children's Literature Advanced
ENG00355 Storytelling Intermediate

Part E

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
COM10295 Written Communication Introductory
CUL00210 Australia, Asia and the World Introductory
HUM00270 Doing Cultural Studies Introductory
HUM00271 Unruly Subjects: Citizenship Introductory