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Bachelor of Arts

Bachelors Degree

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Course abbreviation


  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Indicative Fee


Immerse yourself in studying issues and concepts that you really care about. The Bachelor of Arts will expand your horizons and challenge your preconceptions. It will empower you to investigate, create, critique, and celebrate the many achievements, ideas and values of our human world and the human condition.

This is a degree that enables critical thinking, community engagement and creative practices in a course that you can tailor to suit your interests and career goals. You can choose to focus narrowly on a single area or choose a broad program, selecting from a diverse range of majors and minors that span communication and politics, creative arts, secondary teaching areas, vocationally-oriented majors such as tourism or psychology or even science.

Regardless of the subjects you choose, the Bachelor of Arts fosters transferable skills valued by employers – including communication, analysis, critical thinking and problem solving. Graduates also develop cultural awareness and a deeper understanding of how to build their creative capacities.

Students can choose to complete a professional placement to build contacts and apply aspects of their degree to the workplace.

Graduate AttributeCourse Learning Outcome
Intellectual rigour

Apply critical analysis, reasoning and reflexivity to social and cultural situations and problems.

Demonstrate the ability to develop a persuasive independent argument incorporating a range of perspectives and evidence.


Develop innovative and creative responses to contemporary and historical social, environmental and cultural issues.

Ethical practice

Investigate and evaluate issues with reference to principles of social justice and equity and according to ethical conventions.

Demonstrate understanding of cross-sector and cross-cultural differences in ethics and morality.

Knowledge of a discipline

Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of society and culture in chosen disciplines of study.

Apply disciplinary knowledge to diverse contexts.

Lifelong learning

Access, interpret and evaluate information to inform decision-making and action.

Communication and social skills

Communicate effectively in a variety of forms, including in working autonomously or collaboratively.

Cultural competence

Demonstrate a commitment to multicultural perspectives.

Develop awareness of knowledge and skills needed to engage in a culturally competent way with Indigenous peoples.

An optional professional placement provides students with the opportunity to gain experience in the workplace and to establish key contacts. In the Bachelor of Arts, students can undertake learning opportunities in the community through a number of units as well as through assessment opportunities.

The majors available in humanities and social sciences provide an overview of the humanities (or study of the human condition) and the study of human society and social relationships which contribute to the advancement of human understanding. These majors include:

  • Australian Studies
  • Communication Studies
  • Cultural Studies
  • English
  • History
  • Indigenous Studies
  • International Studies
  • Politics
  • Society and Culture
  • Human Geography.

Note: Humanities and social sciences majors are all available online and on campus at Lismore. Cultural Studies is also available at the Gold Coast campus.

Majors in creative arts provide opportunities for students to develop practical or theoretical understandings of creativity in:

  • Media Studies
  • Creative Arts
  • Music
  • Visual Arts
  • Writing.

Note: Creative arts majors are all available at Lismore campus. Writing and media Studies are also available online.

Majors are in the secondary school teaching areas for students interested in pursuing further studies to become teachers. Students can combine the following majors with a major in Education:

  • Environmental Studies
  • English
  • Physical Geography
  • History
  • Indigenous Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Society and Culture
  • Visual Arts

Note: These majors are all available at the Lismore campus. Environmental Studies, History, Indigenous Studies, Society and Culture are also available online.

Students who choose a major in the secondary school teaching areas and hope to progress to Southern Cross University's Master of Teaching (which they would need to complete to become teachers) need to choose very specific majors to qualify for entry into the Masters degree and should contact the University for further advice. Students who specifically want to become teachers should apply for one of Southern Cross University's combined education degrees. See related degrees on this page for more information on these courses.

The opportunity to combine traditional arts subjects with majors in sciences allows people to pursue their passions across disciplines in:

  • Environmental Studies
  • Physical Geography
  • Human Geography
  • Mathematics.

Note: These majors are all available on campus at Lismore.

Other vocationally-oriented majors could be combined with studies in the arts. These majors include:

  • Law and Justice Studies
  • Tourism
  • Psychology

Note: These majors are all available online. Law and Justice Studies is also available on campus at Lismore. Tourism is also available on campus at Lismore and the Gold Coast.


Four units from any of the majors can be taken as a minor. Additional minors in a range of subject areas are also available to provide further opportunity for specialisation in: Curatorial Studies, Event Studies, Food Studies, Healthy Childhood Studies, Sound Production, Welfare State Studies and Human Geography.

Please note, not all units in the minors are available at each location.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Gold Coast Session 1 , Session 2 N/A N/A
Lismore Session 1 , Session 2 333100 053001
Online Session 1 , Session 2 N/A N/A


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Entry requirements

Credit for prior learning

Candidates who completed an Associate Degree of Creative Writing or the Associate Degree of Arts may be granted advanced standing for up to sixteen (16) units towards the Bachelor of Arts.

Where a student has completed multiple awards of the same level below AQF level 7, only one will be assessed for Advanced Standing.

Course requirements

  1. To be eligible for the award of Bachelor of Arts degree a candidate shall successfully complete not less than twenty-four (24) units (288 credit points) comprising:
    1. all units listed in Part A; and
    2. at least one of the eight (8) unit majors and two of the four (4) unit minors from Part B and four (4) electives; or
    3. two of the eight (8) unit majors and one four (4) unit minor from Part B or four (4) electives; or
    4. at least one of the eight (8) unit majors one four (4) unit minor from Part B and eight (8) electives
  2. No unit will be credited to more than one major.
  3. A maximum of ten (10) Introductory level units and a minimum of six (6) Advanced level units should be completed.
  4. To be eligible for the award of the Associate Degree of Creative Writing a candidate shall successfully complete not less than sixteen (16) units (192 credit points) comprising:
    1. all units listed in Part A of the Associate Degree of Creative Writing; and
    2. eight (8) units of study from Part B of the Associate Degree of Creative Writing; and
    3. three (3) units from Part C of the Associate Degree of Creative Writing
  5. A candidate who while enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts has completed the requirements of the Associate Degree of Creative Writing may elect to be awarded the Associate Degree of Creative Writing following withdrawal from candidature from the Bachelor of Arts.
  6. To be eligible for the Associate Degree of Arts a candidate shall successfully complete not less than sixteen (16) units (192 credit points) comprising:
    1. all units listed in Part A; and
    2. one of the eight (8) units majors from Part B; or
    3. two of the four (4) unit minors from Part B; and
    4. four (4) electives.
  7. A candidate who while enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts has completed the requirements of the Associate Degree of Arts may elect to be awarded the Associate Degree of Arts following withdrawal from candidature from the Bachelor of Arts.
  8. To be eligible for the award of Diploma of Arts a candidate shall successfully complete eight (8) units (96 credit points) comprising:
    1. all four (4) units listed in Part A; and
    2. any four (4) units listed in Part B
  9. A candidate in the Bachelor of Arts who has completed the requirements for the Diploma of Arts may elect to be awarded the Diploma of Arts following withdrawal from candidature from the Bachelor of Arts.

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Year 1, Session 1
CUL00210 -  Australia, Asia and the World Introductory
COM10295 -  Written Communication Introductory
1 unit from your chosen major
1 unit from your chosen minors
Year 1, Session 2
SOC10399 -  Philosophy on Screen: Film and Television Introductory
HUM00271 -  Unruly Subjects: Citizenship Introductory
1 unit from your chosen major
1 unit from your chosen minors
Year 2, Session 1
2 units from your chosen major
1 unit from one of your chosen minors
1 unit from your other chosen minor
Year 2, Session 2
2 units from your chosen major
1 unit from one of your chosen minors
1 unit from your other chosen minor
Year 3, Session 1
1 unit from your major
1 unit from your chosen minor
1 unit from your other chosen minor
1 elective
Year 3, Session 2
1 unit from your chosen major
3 electives

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Year 1, Session 1
COM10295 -  Written Communication Introductory
CUL00210 -  Australia, Asia and the World Introductory
1 unit from your chosen major
1 unit from your other chosen major
Year 1, Session 2
SOC10399 -  Philosophy on Screen: Film and Television Introductory
HUM00271 -  Unruly Subjects: Citizenship Introductory
1 unit from your chosen major
1 unit from your other chosen major
Year 2, Session 1
2 units from your chosen major
1 unit from your other chosen major
1 unit from your chosen minor OR 1 elective
Year 2, Session 2
2 units from your chosen major
1 unit from your other major
1 unit from your chosen minor OR 1 elective
Year 3, Session 1
1 unit from your chosen major
2 units from your other chosen major
1 unit from your chosen minor OR 1 elective
Year 3, Session 2
1 unit from your chosen major
2 units from your other chosen major
1 unit from your chosen minor OR 1 elective

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Year 1, Session 1
COM10295 -  Written Communication Introductory
CUL00210 -  Australia, Asia and the World Introductory
2 units from your chosen major
Year 1, Session 2
HUM00271 -  Unruly Subjects: Citizenship Introductory
SOC10399 -  Philosophy on Screen: Film and Television Introductory
2 units from your chosen major
Year 2, Session 1
2 units from your chosen major
2 units from your chosen minor
Year 2, Session 2
2 units from your chosen major
2 units from your chosen minor
Year 3, Session 1
4 electives
Year 3, Session 2
4 electives

Note 1:

A student who receives an absent fail or fail for COM10295 Written Communication will need to complete EDU10010 Language and Learning in your Discipline. If a student passes EDU10010 they will not need to complete COM10295.

Note 2:

Double weighted unit

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes

Part A

CUL00210 Australia, Asia and the World Introductory
COM10295 Written Communication Introductory Note 1
SOC10399 Critical Thinking for Digital Times Introductory
HUM00271 Unruly Subjects: Citizenship Introductory

Part B

Majors (8) units or Minors four (4) units

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Choose eight (8) units for a major or four (4) units for a minor from the following:
CUL00211 Perspectives on Australia Introductory
SOC00118 Introduction to Sociology Introductory
SOC10274 Non-Standard Lives: Work and Family in Australia Intermediate
POL10244 Australian Politics Introductory
POL00010 Local Government Intermediate
HIS10726 Australian Cultural History Intermediate
HIS10018 Writing Place: Landscapes, Memory, History Intermediate
HUM71006 Indigenous Knowledge Introductory
HUM72015 Racism and Eugenics Intermediate
SOC20003 Society, Health and Illness Intermediate
ENG00401 Issues and Themes in Contemporary Writing Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Choose eight (8) units for a major or four (4) units for a minor from the following:
HUM00270 Doing Cultural Studies Introductory
COM10001 Effective Communication Introductory
COM73001 Cyborg, Virus, Algorithm: Concepts for Media Practice Advanced
COM20001 Sensory Cultures Intermediate
COM10082 Film Studies Intermediate
COM00481 Journalism in the Digital Age Intermediate
WRI20002 Introduction to Editing and Publishing Advanced
SOY10114 Independent Project Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
From the following choose the one (1) foundational unit plus an additional seven (7) optional units for a major or the one (1) foundational unit plus an additional three (3) optional units for a minor:
HUM00270 Doing Cultural Studies Introductory
HUM00272 Space, Place and Travel Intermediate
HUM00273 Borderlands: Identity, Culture and Belonging Advanced
HUM00274 EcoCultural Studies Advanced
HUM00275 Cultural Studies Research Project Advanced
SOC10400 Gender, Sexuality and Culture Intermediate
CUL00211 Perspectives on Australia Introductory
COM20001 Sensory Cultures Intermediate
COM30001 Community Engagement Project Advanced
SOY10114 Independent Project Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Choose eight (8) units for a major or four (4) units for a minor from the following:
EDU01286 Environmental Education Introductory
ENG10010 Foundations: Language & Literacy Introductory
MAT10002 Foundations: Mathematics and Numeracy Introductory
EDU10003 Learning Technologies Intermediate
EDU01308 Indigenous Australians in Education Advanced
CYS20003 Children's Rights: Policy into Practice Advanced
CYS20001 Understanding Children and Childhood Advanced
EDU01105 Professional Learning Project Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
For a major choose the five (5) foundational units plus an additional three (3) optional units. For a minor choose four (4) of the five (5) foundational units.
ENG00400 Introduction to Written Texts Introductory
ENG00401 Issues and Themes in Contemporary Writing Intermediate
ENG00406 Theories of Text and Culture Advanced
WRI10001 Introduction to Creative Writing Introductory
WRI10002 The Nature of Narrative: Self, Time, Place and the Environment Intermediate
ENG00411 Writing Genre Intermediate
COM10082 Film Studies Intermediate
HUM00273 Borderlands: Identity, Culture and Belonging Advanced
WRI10003 Short Story Writing Intermediate
ENG00407 Writing for Performance Intermediate
WRI20004 Writing Lives Intermediate
WRI20003 Writing Poetry Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Choose eight (8) units for a major or four (4) units for a minor from the following:
POL10244 Australian Politics Introductory
HUM00274 EcoCultural Studies Advanced
SOC73001 Caring for Country Advanced
HIS10018 Writing Place: Landscapes, Memory, History Intermediate
BIO10187 Global Environmental Issues Introductory
POL00005 Ideas and Ideals in Politics Intermediate
POL30001 Environmental Politics Advanced
ECO00202 Ecological and Environmental Economics for Sustainable Development Intermediate
COM30001 Community Engagement Project Advanced
SCI10002 Science in Society Introductory
GLY00201 Earth Systems I: The Lithosphere Introductory
ENS00203 Earth Systems II: The Hydrosphere Introductory
BIO00244 Protected Area Management Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Complete eight (8) units for a major or the one (1) foundational unit plus an additional three (3) optional units for a minor:
HIS10016 Making History Introductory
HIS10018 Writing Place: Landscapes, Memory, History Intermediate
SOC71005 Colonising Histories Introductory
HIS00235 Community History Research Project Advanced
HIS10725 US History: From Reconstruction to Globalization Introductory
HIS10726 Australian Cultural History Intermediate
COM00471 Professional Placement Advanced
SOY10114 Independent Project Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Choose eight (8) units for a major or four (4) units for a minor from the following:
PLN10001 Rural and Regional Planning Introductory
HMS00423 Sustainable Tourism Intermediate
HUM00272 Space, Place and Travel Intermediate
MKT01425 Tourism in Pacific Asia Intermediate
MNG10696 International Tourism Destinations Intermediate
PLN20002 Settlements and Urban Design Intermediate
WEL73004 Planning and Delivering Human Services Advanced
ECO00202 Ecological and Environmental Economics for Sustainable Development Intermediate
ENV00207 Environmental Planning Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Choose eight (8) units for a major or four (4) units for a minor from the following:
EDU01308 Indigenous Australians in Education Advanced
SOC71005 Colonising Histories Introductory
HUM71006 Indigenous Knowledge Introductory
SOC73001 Caring for Country Advanced
CUL00401 Indigenous World-Views Introductory
CUL00408 Health and Indigenous Australian Peoples Intermediate
IHE72006 Aboriginal Social and Emotional Wellbeing Intermediate
CSL71001 Trauma and Resilience I Introductory

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Choose eight (8) units for a major or four (4) units for a minor from the following:
POL10244 Australian Politics Introductory
POL00005 Ideas and Ideals in Politics Intermediate
POL10023 Peace, War and International Politics Advanced
POL10024 Justice in World Politics Advanced
POL00013 Global Social Movements Intermediate
HUM00273 Borderlands: Identity, Culture and Belonging Advanced
LAW00526 International Criminal Justice Advanced
HUM72020 Indigenous Rights Intermediate
BIO10187 Global Environmental Issues Introductory

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
From the following choose the two (2) foundational units plus an additional six (6) optional units for a major or the two (2) foundational units plus an additional two (2) optional units for a minor:
LAW00051 Legal Research and Writing Introductory
LAW10157 Australian Legal System Introductory
LAW00520 The Philosophy of Law Intermediate
LAW00118 Environmental Law Intermediate
LAW00522 Human Rights Advanced
LAW00059 Welfare Law Intermediate
LAW10487 Animal Law Intermediate
LAW10727 Marine Animal Protection Law Intermediate
LAW00128 Interviewing, Negotiation and Ethics Introductory
LAW00121 Intellectual Property Advanced
LAW00126 Competition and Consumer Law Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Choose eight (8) units for a major or four (4) units for a minor from the following:
MAT71215 Introductory Algebra and Calculus Introductory
MAT10718 Mathematical Ideas Introductory
MAT10719 Calculus Intermediate
MAT10720 Linear Algebra Intermediate
MAT10721 Multivariate Calculus and Differential Equations Advanced
MAT10722 Complex Analysis Advanced
MAT10001 Foundation Mathematics Introductory
MAT10706 Quantitative Methods with Economics Introductory
MAT10251 Statistical Analysis Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Choose eight (8) units for a major or four (4) units for a minor from the following:
COM00439 Media Studies Introductory
COM10627 Digital Media Practices Introductory
COM10628 Media Project Advanced
COM00481 Journalism in the Digital Age Intermediate
COM10081 Video Journalism Intermediate
COM10110 Visual Communication and Design Introductory
COM10112 Essential Screen Skills Intermediate
COM10113 Advanced Screen Production Advanced
COM01402 Screenwriting Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
For a major choose the four (4) foundational units plus an additional two (2) units from options A and an additional two (2) units from options B. For a minor choose the four (4) foundational units.
MUS71001 Musicianship I Introductory
MUS71002 Musicianship II Introductory
MUS72003 Musicianship III Intermediate
MUS72004 Musicianship IV Intermediate
Options A:
MUS71005 Creative Music Practice I Introductory
MUS71006 Creative Music Practice II Introductory
MUS10509 Sounds, Styles and Cultures Introductory
MUS10506 Music Industry Landscapes Introductory
MUS71010 Instrumental Techniques I Introductory
MUS71011 Instrumental Techniques II Introductory
MUS10545 Oceans of Sound: Global Music Cultures in the 21st Century Intermediate
Options B:
MUS73005 Musicianship V Advanced
MUS10507 The Independent Musician Intermediate
MUS10524 Studies in Western Art Music Advanced
MUS10525 Advanced Studies in Western Art and Contemporary Music Advanced
MUS10550 Screen Sound Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
From the following choose the one (1) foundational unit plus an additional seven (7) optional units for a major or the one (1) foundational unit plus an additional three (3) optional units for a minor:
POL10244 Australian Politics Introductory
POL00013 Global Social Movements Intermediate
POL00005 Ideas and Ideals in Politics Intermediate
POL10023 Peace, War and International Politics Advanced
POL20001 Analysing Policy Problems Intermediate
POL10024 Justice in World Politics Advanced
POL00010 Local Government Intermediate
POL30001 Environmental Politics Advanced
SOC20001 Doing Social Research Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
From the following choose the two (2) foundational units plus an additional six (6) optional units for a major or the two (2) foundational units plus an additional two (2) optional units for a minor:
BHS11001 Introduction to Psychology I Introductory
BHS11002 Introduction to Psychology II Introductory
BHS20001 Psychological Assessment Intermediate
BHS30003 Development across the Lifespan Intermediate
BHS30004 Biological Psychology Advanced
BHS20006 Social Psychology Advanced
BHS20007 Learning and Memory Advanced
BHS20008 Quantitative Methods in Psychology Intermediate
BHS30001 Advanced Quantitative Methods in Psychology Advanced
BHS30002 Abnormal Psychology Intermediate
BHS30006 Behaviour Change Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
From the following choose the one (1) foundational unit plus an additional seven (7) optional units for a major or the one (1) foundational unit plus an additional three (3) optional units for a minor:
HUM00270 Doing Cultural Studies Introductory
HUM00272 Space, Place and Travel Intermediate
SOC10400 Gender, Sexuality and Culture Intermediate
HUM00274 EcoCultural Studies Advanced
HUM00273 Borderlands: Identity, Culture and Belonging Advanced
SOC00118 Introduction to Sociology Introductory
POL10244 Australian Politics Introductory
SOC01123 Deviance in Society Introductory
SOC10430 Religions and the State Intermediate
SOC10027 Networked Society Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Choose eight (8) units for a major or four (4) units for a minor from the following:
SOY00411 Tourism Theories and Practices Introductory
MNG10696 International Tourism Destinations Intermediate
TRM20001 Tourist Behaviour and Interactions Intermediate
HMS00423 Sustainable Tourism Intermediate
MKT00204 Special Interest Tourism Intermediate
MKT00128 Tourism and Hospitality Sales and Promotion Intermediate
MNG10724 Coastal and Marine Tourism Intermediate
MKT01420 Convention and Exhibition Planning Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
From the following choose the three (3) foundational units plus an additional five (5) optional units for a major or the three (3) foundational units plus an additional one (1) optional unit for a minor:
POL10244 Australian Politics Introductory
SOC00118 Introduction to Sociology Introductory
SOC00112 Social Policy Introductory
LAW00059 Welfare Law Intermediate
WEL73004 Planning and Delivering Human Services Advanced
SOC20001 Doing Social Research Intermediate
CSL10558 Case Management and Care Planning Intermediate
SOY10114 Independent Project Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
From the following choose the two (2) foundational units plus an additional six (6) optional units for a major or the two (2) foundational units plus an additional two (2) optional units for a minor:
WRI10001 Introduction to Creative Writing Introductory
ENG00400 Introduction to Written Texts Introductory
WRI10003 Short Story Writing Intermediate
ENG00407 Writing for Performance Intermediate
ENG00411 Writing Genre Intermediate
ENG10022 Writing from the Edge Advanced
WRI20004 Writing Lives Intermediate
WRI20002 Introduction to Editing and Publishing Advanced
WRI20001 Writing for Young People Intermediate
WRI20003 Writing Poetry Intermediate
WRI10002 The Nature of Narrative: Self, Time, Place and the Environment Intermediate
COM01402 Screenwriting Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Select the four (4) foundational units and any four (4) optional units for a major. Select the four (4) foundational units for a minor:
AAD71101 Drawing Introductory Note 2
AAD71102 Painting Essentials Introductory
AAD72202 Modern Art and the Avant-Garde Intermediate
AAD71103 Design Fundamentals Introductory
AAD71104 Photography and Digital Imaging Introductory
AAD72212 Communication Design Intermediate
AAD72204 Art after 1960 Intermediate
AAD73302 Advanced Theories of Contemporary Art Advanced
Any one (1) elective from Art and Design Electives
Minors four (4) units

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
LAW10487 Animal Law Intermediate
LAW10727 Marine Animal Protection Law Intermediate
BIO03103 Wildlife Conservation Introductory
HUM00274 EcoCultural Studies Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
SCI10002 Science in Society Introductory
HUM00270 Doing Cultural Studies Introductory
COM73001 Cyborg, Virus, Algorithm: Concepts for Media Practice Advanced
COM20001 Sensory Cultures Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Choose four (4) units from the following:
AAD72202 Modern Art and the Avant-Garde Intermediate
AAD72204 Art after 1960 Intermediate
AAD73302 Advanced Theories of Contemporary Art Advanced
COM00471 Professional Placement Advanced
SOY10114 Independent Project Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
SOY00411 Tourism Theories and Practices Introductory
MNG00421 Festival and Special Events Planning Intermediate
MKT01420 Convention and Exhibition Planning Intermediate
MNG10228 Production Management for Conventions and Events Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
SCI00428 Food and Beverage Operations Introductory
MKT00128 Tourism and Hospitality Sales and Promotion Intermediate
ENP10645 Food Technology and Society Intermediate
MKT00204 Special Interest Tourism Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
From the following choose the two (2) foundational units plus an additional two (2) optional units for a minor:
BHS30003 Development across the Lifespan Intermediate
WEL73001 Issues of Protection Advanced
CYS20001 Understanding Children and Childhood Advanced
CYS20002 Engaging with Children and Young People Advanced
CYS20003 Children's Rights: Policy into Practice Advanced
CYS20004 Strengthening Young People's Social and Emotional Wellbeing Advanced
CYS20005 Supporting Young People's Health and Safety: Perspectives on Drugs, Alcohol and Sexual Health Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Choose four (4) units for a minor from the following:
GLY00201 Earth Systems I: The Lithosphere Introductory
BIO01230 Principles of Coastal Resource Management Advanced
SUR00201 Environmental Mapping Introductory
BIO00244 Protected Area Management Advanced
BIO10187 Global Environmental Issues Introductory
GLY00223 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Intermediate
ECO00202 Ecological and Environmental Economics for Sustainable Development Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
MUS71003 Sound Production I Introductory
MUS72005 Sound Production II Intermediate
MUS73006 Sound Production III Advanced
COM00471 Professional Placement Advanced