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Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science

Bachelors Degree

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Course abbreviation


  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Indicative Fee


The Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science was developed out of a need to provide qualified professionals for employment in the fields of sport, health, fitness and rehabilitation. These areas are currently expanding and offer increased employment opportunities both in Australia and overseas.

Field experience is a feature of the course which provides the opportunity to apply theory and knowledge in practical settings, enabling students to develop a professional approach to training and preparation for a career as a sport manager, exercise scientist, or health and fitness consultant.

Graduate AttributeCourse Learning Outcome
Intellectual rigour

Demonstrate the level of critical analysis, problem solving and decision making expected of a professional in sport and exercise science.

Exercise sound theoretical and practical judgement in dealing with the challenges and situations common to the work of a sport and exercise science professional


Demonstrate innovative and creative responses and solutions to problems encountered by a sport and exercise science professional

Ethical practice

Demonstrate a knowledge of – and commitment to – social responsibility, ethics and legal principles consistent with what is expected of a professional in sport and exercise science

Knowledge of a discipline

Demonstrate an ability to understand industry best practice in sport and exercise science.

Apply and integrate knowledge of industry best practice in professional settings in sport and exercise science

Lifelong learning

Integrate responsibility for independent, self-directed learning and reflective practice.

Manage personal and professional behaviour in response to the outcomes of self-directed learning and reflective practice.

Communication and social skills

Communicate concisely and appropriately in oral and written form in academic and professional settings in sport and exercise science.

Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of teamwork in the profession of sport and exercise science

Cultural competence

Demonstrate an understanding of social and cultural issues as they relate to the work of a sport and exercise science professional.

Apply cultural and indigenous competence and sensitivity in dealings with clients and stakeholders in sport and exercise science.

Students complete a three-week internship of their choice during their third year studies and have the option of an additional internship. These placements normally occur during the breaks between teaching sessions. Field experience provides the opportunity to apply theory and knowledge in practical settings.

Students select one of two majors:

  • Exercise Science enables students to study at a more advanced level in subject areas such as exercise physiology, sport and exercise psychology and applied biomechanics. It also covers areas such as exercise biochemistry and drugs in sport, and exercise physiology for specific populations (such as ageing people, or people with disability).
  • Sport Management provides study in areas like sport organisation leadership, sport marketing, promotion and public relations, sport policy and planning, facilities and events, and sport economics and finance, including developing small business skills.

This choice allows students to develop areas of particular interest relevant to their career goals and aspirations.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Lismore Session 1 , Session 2 335100 055001

Career Outcomes

The Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Exercise Science major) has been fully accredited by Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA) at Exercise Science level. Graduates who have completed the major in Exercise Science will therefore be eligible for full membership as Exercise Scientists with ESSA.

Graduates of this program may undertake further postgraduate study to gain registration as an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP).

In addition, graduates with the Exercise Science major will be eligible to receive the Certificate III and IV in Fitness through TAFE NSW, and to apply for Exercise Professional Registration with Fitness Australia (FA).

All graduates meet the requirements of the Level 1 Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA) coaching accreditation, making them eligible to register as Level 1 Strength and Conditioning Coaches.

The course is also recognised by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) of America.


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Course requirements

  1. To be eligible for the award of the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science a candidate shall successfully complete not less than twenty-four (24) units comprising:
    1. All units listed in Part A of the Schedule of Units attached to these Rules;
    2. All ten (10) units from one major sequence of units in Part B of the Schedule, and;
    3. One (1) elective unit which may include units from Part C of the Schedule.

Entry requirements

English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this course are as follows

Language requirements

  1. To be eligible for the award of the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science a candidate shall successfully complete not less than twenty-four (24) units comprising:
    1. All units listed in Part A of the Schedule of Units attached to these Rules;
    2. All ten (10) units from one major sequence of units in Part B of the Schedule, and;
    3. One (1) elective unit which may include units from Part C of the Schedule.

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Session 1, Year 1
Part-time students should complete the first two units in Session 1, Year 1 and the remaining two units in Session 1, Year 2.
[U166311] [Human Anatomy]
[U166861] [Sport Management Principles]
[U166607] [Principles of Behaviour in Physical Activity]
BIO00207 -  Mechanics for Movement Introductory
Session 2, Year 1
Part-time students should enrol in the first two units in Session 2, Year 1 and the remaining two units in Session 2, Year 2.
[U166306] [Human Physiology]
[U166674] [Principles and Practices of Sport and Exercise Science]
[U166300] [Biomechanics and Kinesiology]
[U166817] [Research and Analysis in Health]
Session 1, Year 2
[U166297] [Exercise Physiology]
[U166675] [Sports Conditioning and Training Methods]
[U166316] [Motor Control]
[U166317] [Human Growth, Development and Ageing]
Session 2, Year 2
[U166608] [Exercise Psychology]
[U166683] [Sport and the Law]
[U166298] [Advanced Exercise Physiology]
[U166308] [Exercise Biochemistry and Drugs in Sport]
Session 1, Year 3
[U166677] [Professional Preparation]
[U167043] [Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity]
[U166268] [Advanced Sport and Exercise Psychology]
[U166319] [Exercise Physiology for Healthy Individuals]
Session 2, Year 3
[U166307] [Applied Biomechanics]
[U166681] [Motor Learning]
[U166318] [Exercise Physiology for Specific Populations]
[U166678] [Internship] OR U166676] [Graduating Seminar] OR [U166864] [Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Allied Health, Fitness and Sport] OR University-wide elective

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Session 1, Year 1
Part-time students should enrol in the first two units in Session 1, Year 1 and the remaining two units in Session 1, Year 2.
[U166311] [Human Anatomy]
[U166861] [Sport Management Principles]
[U166607] [Principles of Behaviour in Physical Activity]
[U166299] [Mechanics for Movement]
Session 2, Year 1
Part-time students should enrol in the first two units in Session 2, Year 1 and the remaining two units in Session 2, Year 2.
[U166306] [Human Physiology]
[U166674] [Principles and Practices of Sport and Exercise Science]
[U166817] [Research and Analysis in Health]
[U166865] [Sports Policy and Planning]
Session 1, Year 2
[U166297] [Exercise Physiology]
[U166675] [Sports Conditioning and Training Methods]
[U167111] [Theories and Issues in Sport and Tourism]
Session 2, Year 2
[U166608] [Exercise Psychology]
[U166683] [Sport and the Law]
[U166835] [Sport Promotion and Public Relations]
[U166836] [Sport Marketing]
[U166240] [Accounting for Business]
Session 1, Year 3
[U166677] [Professional Preparation]
[U167043] [Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity]
[U166862] [Sport Organisation Leadership]
[U166863] [Sport Facilities and Events]
Session 2, Year 3
[U166864] [Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Allied Health, Fitness and Sport]
[U166679] [Professional Practice in Sport and Exercise I]
[U166680] [Professional Practice in Sport and Exercise II]
[U166678] [Internship] OR [U166676] [Graduating Seminar] OR University-wide elective

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Session 2, Year 1
Part-time students should enrol in the first two units in Session 2, Year 1 and the remaining two units in Session 2, Year 2
[U166306] [Human Physiology]
[U166674] [Principles and Practices of Sport and Exercise Science]
[U166683] [Sport and the Law]
[U166817] [Research and Analysis in Health]
Session 1, Year 2
Part-time students should enrol in the first two units in Session 1, Year 2 and the remaining two units in Session 1, Year 3.
[U166311] [Human Anatomy]
[U166299] [Mechanics for Movement]
[U166297] [Exercise Physiology]
[U166607] [Principles of Behaviour in Physical Activity]
Session 2, Year 2
[U166300] [Biomechanics and Kinesiology]
[U166298] [Advanced Exercise Physiology]
[U166308] [Exercise Biochemistry and Drugs in Sport]
[U166608] [Exercise Psychology]
Session 1, Year 3
[U166675] [Sports Conditioning and Training Methods]
[U166319] [Exercise Physiology for Healthy Individuals]
[U166316] [Motor Control]
[U166317] [Human Growth, Development and Ageing]
Session 2, Year 3
[U166307] [Applied Biomechanics]
[U166681] [Motor Learning]
[U166318] [Exercise Physiology for Specific Populations]
[U166678] [Internship] OR [U166676] [Graduating Seminar] OR [U166864] [Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Allied Health, Fitness and Sport] OR University-wide elective
Session 1, Year 4
[U166861] [Sport Management Principles]
[U167043] [Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity]
[U166268] [Advanced Sport and Exercise Psychology]
[U166677] [Professional Preparation]

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Session 2, Year 1
Part-time students should enrol in the first two units in Session 2, Year 1 and the remaining two units in Session 2, Year 2.
[U166306] [Human Physiology]
[U166674] [Principles and Practices of Sport and Exercise Science]
[U166683] [Sport and the Law]
[U166817] [Research and Analysis in Health]
Session 1, Year 2
Part-time students should enrol in the first two units in Session 1, Year 2 and the remaining two units in Session 1, Year 3.
[U166311] [Human Anatomy]
[U166861] [Sport Management Principles]
[U166607] [Principles of Behaviour in Physical Activity]
[U166299] [Mechanics for Movement]
Session 2, Year 2
[U166608] [Exercise Psychology]
[U166835] [Sport Promotion and Public Relations]
[U166836] [Sport Marketing]
[U166865] [Sports Policy and Planning]
Session 1, Year 3
[U166297] [Exercise Physiology]
[U166677] [Professional Preparation]
[U166675] [Sports Conditioning and Training Methods]
Session 2, Year 3
[U166864] [Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Allied Health, Fitness and Sport]
[U166679] [Professional Practice in Sport and Exercise I]
[U166680] [Professional Practice in Sport and Exercise II]
[U166240] [Accounting for Business]
[U166678] [Internship] OR [U166676] [Graduating Seminar] OR University-wide elective
Session 1, Year 4
[U167111] [Theories and Issues in Sport and Tourism]
[U167043] [Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity]
[U166862] [Sport Organisation Leadership]
[U166863] [Sport Facilities and Events]

Note 1:

Required unit if applying for entry to Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science with Honours.

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes

Part A

BIO01302 Human Anatomy Introductory
MNG00301 Management for Sport and Exercise Introductory
HEA00331 Principles of Behaviour in Physical Activity Introductory
BIO00207 Mechanics for Movement Introductory
MAT00330 Research and Analysis in Health Introductory
BIO00307 Human Physiology Introductory
HMS01202 Sport and the Law Intermediate
HMS00202 Principles and Practices of Sport and Exercise Science Introductory
BIO00203 Exercise Physiology Intermediate
HMS00203 Sports Conditioning and Training Methods Intermediate
HEA00332 Exercise Psychology Intermediate
NUT00330 Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity Intermediate
HMS00223 Professional Preparation Advanced

Part B

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
BIO10493 Motor Control Intermediate
BIO10494 Human Growth, Development and Ageing Intermediate
BIO00209 Musculoskeletal Functional Anatomy Intermediate
BIO00326 Exercise Biochemistry Introductory
HMS00328 Motor Learning Intermediate
BIO00204 Advanced Exercise Physiology Intermediate
BHS10495 Advanced Sport and Exercise Psychology Advanced
BIO00324 Applied Biomechanics Advanced
BIO10496 Exercise Physiology for Specific Populations Advanced
BIO10497 Exercise Physiology for Healthy Individuals Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
MNG00303 Sport Organisation Leadership Intermediate
MKT00205 Sport Promotion and Public Relations Intermediate
MKT00320 Sport Marketing Intermediate
MNG00307 Sports Policy and Planning Intermediate
MNG00305 Sport Facilities and Events Advanced
ACC10707 Accounting and Finance for Business Introductory
MNG00306 Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Allied Health, Fitness and Sport Introductory
HMS00225 Professional Practice in Sport and Exercise I Advanced
HMS00226 Professional Practice in Sport and Exercise II Advanced

Part C

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
HMS00220 Graduating Seminar Advanced Note 1
HMS00224 Internship Advanced
SOY00011 Theories and Issues in Sport and Tourism Introductory