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Bachelor of Business and Enterprise, Bachelor of Arts

Bachelors Double Degree

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Course abbreviation

    BBusEnt, BA

  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Indicative Fee


Innovation, entrepreneurship and digital communication are key qualities required by the leaders of tomorrow.

The Bachelor of Business and Enterprise, Bachelor of Arts develops these qualities, combining business management skills with a focus on humanities and communication.

You will build core capabilities to support business decision-making, with foundational knowledge in business law, economics and accounting with the opportunity to major in a range of subjects from both business and arts disciplines. You may also elect to specialise in accounting or financial services.

This double degree is a pathway to multiple career options, from journalism to policy development, management to design, public relations to banking and beyond.

Course Learning Outcome

GA1: Intellectual rigour

Apply critical analysis, reasoning and reflexivity to social and cultural situations and problems.

Demonstrate the ability to develop a persuasive independent argument incorporating a range of perspectives and evidence.

Develop and create effective solutions to straight forward problems from a discipline area. Critically evaluate, analyse and synthesise a straight forward issue or theory from a discipline area to arrive at a conclusion / decision with justification.

GA2: Creativity

Develop innovative and creative responses to contemporary and historical social, environmental and cultural issues.

Apply knowledge and skills creatively in devising solutions to challenges related to a business discipline.

GA3: Ethical practice

Investigate and evaluate issues with reference to principles of social justice and equity and according to ethical conventions.

Demonstrate understanding of cross-sector and cross-cultural differences in ethics and morality.

Describe and apply a recognised ethical framework to analyse behaviour in a discipline or workplace/ organisation. Apply discipline based knowledge and skills in situations that require autonomy and well-developed responsible behaviour.

GA4: Knowledge of a discipline

Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of society and culture in chosen disciplines of study.

Apply disciplinary knowledge to diverse contexts.

Demonstrate and apply in-depth discipline specific knowledge and skills with a global perspective. Demonstrate an understanding and application of research, analytical and technical skills in a broad business discipline.

GA5: Lifelong learning

Access, interpret and evaluate information to inform decision-making and action.

Reflect on, assess and self-regulate own learning capabilities and performance.

GA6: Communication and social skills

Investigate and identify a broad range of leadership practices in the management of people and self.

Demonstrate the ability to effectively participate in and reflect upon self and team activities in general business situations.

Prepare and deliver well developed discipline advice, knowledge and ideas orally for a business and public context. Prepare and deliver well developed and justified, discipline advice using written communications suitable for business and public contexts.

Communicate effectively in a variety of forms, including in working autonomously or collaboratively.

GA7: Cultural competence

Demonstrate cultural competence in local, Australian-wide and international settings as applied in business and social situations.

Demonstrate a commitment to multicultural perspectives.

Develop awareness of knowledge and skills needed to engage in a culturally competent way with Indigenous peoples.

You can choose a double-weighted internship unit to get practical experience and build professional networks.

There are opportunities to intern or study abroad to expand your global experience.

Majors available in the Bachelor of Business and Enterprise include:

  • Aviation Management
  • Business and Data Analytics
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Tourism Management.

Specialisations available in the Bachelor of Business and Enterprise include:

  • Accounting
  • Financial Services.

Majors available in the Bachelor of Arts include:

  • History
  • Creative Writing
  • Cultural Studies
  • Digital Media
  • Political and International Relations
  • Social Science.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Online Term 1 , Term 3 , Term 5 N/A N/A

Career Outcomes

The Accounting specialisation is accredited by CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

The Financial Services specialisation is accredited by the Treasury's Financial Adviser Standards (FAS). For information on how to become a registered financial adviser in Australia, please visit the FAS website


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Course requirements

To be eligible to receive the Bachelor of Business and Enterprise, Bachelor of Arts, students must complete the equivalent of 32 units (384 credit points), comprising:

  • 8 core units (96 credit points),
  • 1 Arts major (96 credit points), and
  • Business and Enterprise Financial Services Specialisation (192 credit points),
    Business and Enterprise Accounting Specialisation (144 credit points) and the equivalent of 4 Arts elective units (48 credit points),
    1 Business and Enterprise major (96 credit points) and the equivalent of 4 Arts elective units (48 credit points) and 4 Business and Enterprise elective units (48 credit points).

Entry requirements

English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this course are as follows

Language requirements

To be eligible to receive the Bachelor of Business and Enterprise, Bachelor of Arts, students must complete the equivalent of 32 units (384 credit points), comprising:

  • 8 core units (96 credit points),
  • 1 Arts major (96 credit points), and
  • Business and Enterprise Financial Services Specialisation (192 credit points),
    Business and Enterprise Accounting Specialisation (144 credit points) and the equivalent of 4 Arts elective units (48 credit points),
    1 Business and Enterprise major (96 credit points) and the equivalent of 4 Arts elective units (48 credit points) and 4 Business and Enterprise elective units (48 credit points).

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Notes

Complete the following units to satisfy the Requirements of the Award

First Year

BUSN1004 Starting a Business
Location Domestic International
Gold Coast
Melbourne N/A
Perth N/A
Sydney N/A
WRIT1003 Written Communication
Location Domestic International
Gold Coast
CLST2002 Australia, Asia and the World
Location Domestic International
Gold Coast
BUSN1007 The Interconnected World
Location Domestic International
Gold Coast
Melbourne N/A
Papua New Guinea - IBSU Port Moresby N/A
Perth N/A
Sydney N/A
BUSN1006 Solving Wicked Problems
Location Domestic International
China - Guangxi UST N/A
Gold Coast
Melbourne N/A
Papua New Guinea - IBSU Port Moresby N/A
Perth N/A
Sydney N/A
POLT1002 World Politics and Global Environmental Challenges
Location Domestic International
CLST1004 Critical Thinking for Digital Times
Location Domestic International
Gold Coast
BUSN2001 Professional Development for the Workplace
Location Domestic International
Gold Coast
Melbourne N/A
Perth N/A
Sydney N/A
Anti-requisites SPRT3001 - Professional Preparation

Second Year

Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit

Third Year

Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Elective OR Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Elective OR Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Elective OR Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Elective OR Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit

Fourth Year

Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit ORAccounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Elective OR Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Elective OR Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Elective OR Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit
Elective OR Arts Major Unit OR Business Major Unit OR Accounting Specialisation Unit OR Financial Services Specialisation Unit

Note 1:

Internship A and Internship B are both double-weighted units that are usually completed over a 14-week (450 hours) period after the completion of a minimum of 16 units, including BUSN2001 Professional Development for the Workplace. All internship placements must be approved by the relevant Course Coordinator, prior to commencement. Please forward any queries to the Professional Experience Coordinator on

Unit Code Unit Title Notes

Core Units

BUSN1004 Starting a Business
BUSN1006 Solving Wicked Problems
BUSN1007 The Interconnected World
BUSN2001 Professional Development for the Workplace
CLST2002 Australia, Asia and the World
CLST1004 Critical Thinking for Digital Times
POLT1002 World Politics and Global Environmental Challenges
WRIT1003 Written Communication
Business and Enterprise Majors and Specialisations

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
BUSN2005 Airline Operations
LAWS2029 Aviation Regulation and Law
MGMT3002 Human Factors in Aviation
MGMT3003 Airport Management
TOUR2005 Aviation Management
TOUR2012 Transport for Sustainability
BUSN2010 Service Design Thinking
MRKT2007 Digital Marketing Strategies

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
ACCT3003 Business Analytics and Big Data
ISYS3006 Business Analysis Project
MRKT2007 Digital Marketing Strategies
STAT1001 Statistical Analysis
ISYS1006 Introduction to Computing for Data Analytics
ISYS2004 Business and Market Intelligence
ISYS2003 Data Visualisation and Representation

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
BUSN2003 Intrapreneurship
BUSN2008 Applied Social Entrepreneurship
BUSN2009 The Founder's Journey
BUSN2010 Service Design Thinking
MRKT2007 Digital Marketing Strategies
BUSN3010 Innovation Ecosystems
BUSN3009 Entrepreneurial Finance
BUSN3011 New Venture Creation

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
ACCT1002 Financial Accounting
ACCT2001 Taxation
ACCT2002 Financial Reporting
ACCT2003 Management Accounting
ACCT2007 Finance for Business
ACCT3001 Advanced Taxation
ACCT3002 Advanced Management Accounting
ACCT3004 Auditing
ECON1001 Economics for Decision Making
LAWS2001 Company Law
LEGL1003 Introduction to Business Law
STAT1001 Statistical Analysis

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
ACCT2001 Taxation
ACCT2007 Finance for Business
BUSN3003 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
BUSN3005 Internship A Note 1
ECON1001 Economics for Decision Making
FINC2002 Behavioural Finance and Client Relationships
FINC2007 Insurance and Risk Management
FINC2004 Superannuation and Retirement Planning
FINC2005 Principles of Financial Planning
FINC3001 Investments and Portfolio Management
FINC3003 Estate Planning
LAWS2001 Company Law
LEGL1003 Introduction to Business Law
STAT1001 Statistical Analysis
FINC2006 Ethics and Professionalism
Arts Majors

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
WRIT1001 Introduction to Written Texts
WRIT1002 Introduction to Creative Writing
WRIT2004 Short Story Writing
WRIT2005 Writing Genre
WRIT2001 Issues and Themes in Contemporary Writing
WRIT3001 Theories of Text and Culture
One unit from the following:
WRIT2003 Writing Lives
WRIT2006 Writing for Young People
WRIT2007 Writing Poetry
WRIT3002 Introduction to Editing and Publishing
COMM3004 Independent Project
COMM3002 Professional Placement

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
COMM3004 Independent Project
CLST1001 Perspectives on Australia
CLST1003 Doing Cultural Studies
CLST2001 Culture, Technology and the Senses
CLST2004 Gender, Sexuality and Culture
CLST2005 Space, Place and Travel
CLST3002 Borderlands: Identity, Culture and Belonging
CLST3003 EcoCultural Studies

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
COMM3002 Professional Placement
MDIA1001 Media Studies
MDIA1002 Visual Communication and Design
MDIA1003 Digital Media Practices
MDIA1004 Journalism in the Digital Age
MDIA2002 Essential Screen Skills
MDIA2006 Film Studies
MDIA3001 Advanced Screen Production

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
CLST2003 Australian Cultural History
CLST2006 Road Trip
EDUC3016 Interdisciplinary Studies of History and Time
HIST1001 Making History
HIST1002 US History: From Reconstruction to Globalization
HIST2001 Writing Place: Landscapes, Memory, History
HIST3001 Community History Research Project
INDG1009 Colonising Histories

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
POLT1001 Australian Politics
SOCI1004 Applied Ethics and Sustainability
POLT2002 Local Government
POLT3004 Global Social Movements
SOCI1005 Social Policy
POLT3001 Peace, War and International Politics
ENVR5007 Building Resilience in a Changing Climate: Through Drought, Fire and Flood
Choose one (1) unit from the following:
COMM3002 Professional Placement
COMM3001 Community Engagement Project
COMM3004 Independent Project

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
SOCI1001 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI1002 Understanding Community
SOCI1003 Deviance in Society
SOCI2005 Society, Health and Illness
SOCI2006 Doing Social Research
SOCI3003 Religions and the State
SOCI2007 Global Inequality and Development
Choose one (1) unit from the following:
COMM3001 Community Engagement Project
COMM3002 Professional Placement
COMM3004 Independent Project
Arts Elective Units
Choose elective units from the Bachelor of Arts degree, ensuring at least one (1) unit is at an advanced level of learning.
Business and Enterprise Elective Units
Choose elective units from any Business and Enterprise or Tourism major/specialisation, and/or choose from the following list:
BUSN3005 Internship A Note 1
BUSN3006 Internship B Note 1
BUSN3007 Industry Project I
BUSN3008 Industry Project II