Student Handbook - Shared Majors

Art and Design (Unavailable) - UART01

Students will create artworks from day one in this major. You will develop your drawing skills, fabrication skills and understand contemporary art and its theory. You will learn the fundamentals of art making and critique through individual assessment and group learning. 

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
ARTD1002Painting Essentials
ARTD2002Modern Art and the Avant-Garde
ARTD1008Digital Fabrication
ARTD1004Photography and Digital Imaging
ARTD1005Printmaking Fundamentals
ARTD2004Art after 1960
ARTD3001Advanced Theories of Contemporary Art

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Aviation Management - UAVI01

Provides pathways for aviation professionals to navigate a complex and rapidly growing industry. Students will be exposed to the strategic and operational facets of the global aviation industry giving them the skills and tools to have successful careers. Students study six core aviation units and a further two units from a selection of unit options. This major is open to any students who are looking to work in aviation including pilots, cabin crew, logistics, transport, infrastructure, retail and customer service. 

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
BUSN2005Airline Operations
LAWS2029Aviation Regulation and Law
MGMT3002Human Factors in Aviation
MGMT3003Airport Management
TOUR2005Aviation Management
TOUR2012Transport for Sustainability
BUSN2010Service Design Thinking
MRKT2007Digital Marketing Strategies

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Biomedical Science - UBSC01

This major will provide you with a solid foundation in the basic sciences that underpin the structure and function relationships of the human body in health and disease. Whether your interests are in genetics, infection and immunity, population health, or medical laboratory sciences, the units in this major provide the opportunity for you to explore these areas further. This major will equip you with the skills and knowledge for career paths in medical research and post-graduate allied health and medicine.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Health

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
HLTH1001Introduction to Science for Health Professions
HBIO1009Introductory Anatomy and Physiology
HBIO1010Integrated Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL1006Introduction to Medical Science
HBIO2005Human Pathophysiology

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Business and Data Analytics - UBUS01

The Business and Data Analytics major will help students use data analysis to uncover useful insights into authentic problems. Students will learn to use a variety of tools to clean and transform data, before using techniques to visualise and communicate information. This information tells organisations and people what they need to do next for the outcome they desire—whether that be to make sales, save lives, increase clicks and more.


Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
ACCT3003Business Forecasting
ISYS3006Business Analysis Project
MRKT2007Digital Marketing Strategies
STAT1001Introduction to Business Analytics
ISYS1006Introduction to Computing for Data Analytics
ISYS2004Business and Market Intelligence
ISYS2003Data Visualisation and Representation

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Counselling - UCSL01

This major is relevant for students who are interested in learning counselling skills. Students learn a range of approaches to counselling theory and practice including behavioural, humanistic, and psychodynamic approaches.

Please note:  This Major does not not lead to professional counsellor registration.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Health

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
COUN1001Counselling Skills 1
COUN1002Ethical Issues in Practice
COUN1003Case Conceptualisation
WELF1003Counselling Theory and Practice
COUN2001Counselling Skills 2
COUN2005Counselling Skills 3
Select two (2) units from the following:
COUN2002Group Therapy: Theory and Practice
COUN2003Addictions Counselling
COUN2004Counselling Children and Young People
COUN2006Counselling Families and Couples

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Creative Writing - UCRW01

Creative Writing Units prepare students to engage with the world creatively and increase their literacy and communication skills.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Education

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
WRIT1002Introduction to Creative Writing
WRIT1001Introduction to Written Texts
WRIT2005Writing Genre
WRIT2001Issues and Themes in Contemporary Writing
WRIT2007Writing Poetry
WRIT2004Short Story Writing
WRIT3001Theories of Text and Culture
COMM3004Independent Project

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Cultural Studies (Unavailable) - UCUL01

Introduces students to critical approaches to the study of different cultural forms and practices, everyday life and the political dynamics of contemporary culture.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
CLST1003Doing Cultural Studies
CLST2005Space, Place and Travel
CLST3002Borderlands: Identity, Culture and Belonging
CLST3003EcoCultural Studies
COMM3004Independent Project
CLST2004Gender, Sexuality and Culture
CLST1001Perspectives on Australia
COMM2005Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and Culture

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Digital Media (Unavailable) - UDIG01

The Digital Media major introduces student to a core set of cross-media production skills and software proficiencies, a background in media history and theory, and knowledge of various narrative and story structures. The major gives students experience in the production and critical study of contemporary digital media modes.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
MDIA1001Media Studies
MDIA1003Digital Media Practices
MDIA1002Visual Communication and Design
MDIA1004Journalism in the Digital Age
MDIA2006Film Studies
MDIA2002Essential Screen Skills
MDIA3001Advanced Screen Production
COMM3002Professional Placement

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Entrepreneurship and Innovation - UENT01

This major is designed to stretch your imagination and start you on the path to a successful future in an increasingly dynamic and complex world. You will develop your skills in using innovation frameworks to solve problems, design product and service solutions that are customer-centric, and build organisations that are agile, sustainable and adaptable, whether new ventures or existing businesses. Your experiences will enable you to think globally, giving you the tools and networks to open up a range of career possibilities in entrepreneurship, product and service innovation, communications and marketing.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
BUSN2008Applied Social Entrepreneurship
BUSN2009The Founder's Journey
BUSN2010Service Design Thinking
MRKT2007Digital Marketing Strategies
BUSN3010Innovation Ecosystems
BUSN3009Entrepreneurial Finance
BUSN3011New Venture Creation

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History (Unavailable) - UHIS01

Studying the past and how we have interpreted history to understand contemporary issues.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
HIST1001Making History
HIST2001Writing Place: Landscapes, Memory, History
HIST1002US History: From Reconstruction to Globalization
CLST2003Australian Cultural History
HIST3001Community History Research Project
CLST2006Road Trip
INDG1009Colonising Histories
HIST3002Freedom and Tyranny in the Ancient Mediterranean World

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Humanities - UHUM01

Prepares students to critically engage with the contemporary world and develops transferrable skills in communication, problem solving and cultural awareness. The Humanities major comprises units in History and Cultural Studies in which students learn different methods of analysis and research through examining texts, events and places, enabling them to respond creatively and ethically in diverse employment and everyday contexts.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Education

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
HIST1001Making History
CLST2005Space, Place and Travel
HIST2001Writing Place: Landscapes, Memory, History
CLST2003Australian Cultural History
CLST2004Gender, Sexuality and Culture
CLST3002Borderlands: Identity, Culture and Belonging
HIST3002Freedom and Tyranny in the Ancient Mediterranean World
COMM3004Independent Project


Note 1: The Major Learning Outcomes are: MLO1: Demonstrate a depth of knowledge of history and culture and the theories relevant to their investigation. MLO2: Analyse historical, contemporary and developing debates in the study of history and culture. MLO3: Critically, ethically and creatively apply relevant theories and methodologies to analyse historical and cultural sources, practices and texts. MLO4: Orally, visually, or textually communicate evidence-based arguments or narratives resulting from independent research and analysis of complex historical and cultural issues. MLO5: Practice self-reflexivity and ethically analyse issues of cultural difference.

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Indigenous Knowledge - UIND02

The Indigenous Knowledge University-wide Major seeks to empower Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples through providing units of study that increase the knowledge of and understanding about Indigenous peoples, their cultures and associated rights, in historical and contemporary contexts. The major area of study provides students with a broad understanding of historical and contemporary issues affecting Indigenous Australian Peoples and a respect for Indigenous Australian identity and development.

Academic organisational unit: Gnibi College of Indigenous Australian Peoples

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
INDG2008Racism and Eugenics
INDG1010Trauma and Resilience I
INDG2013Aboriginal Community Organisations: Ethics and Sustainability
INDG1007Introduction to Indigenous Research
INDG2011Aboriginal Social Realities
INDG2015Aboriginal Social Enterprise I
INDG2005Working with Aboriginal Communities I (Professional Engagement)
INDG2014Aboriginal Organisational Principles and Practices

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International Business - UNIB01

Prepares students to respond to the complexity of global markets, addressing issues such as cross-cultural communication and negotiation, alternative market structures, variations in consumer demand patterns and differing government regulations and policies.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
ACCT2007Finance for Business
LAWS2021International Business Law
MRKT2003Global Marketing
BUSN3002Sustainable Business Management
BUSN3004International Business
BUSN3001Competitive Strategy
BUSN3010Innovation Ecosystems
MRKT2007Digital Marketing Strategies

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Law and Justice - ULAW01

A University-wide Law and Justice major provides students with the opportunity to gain legal perspectives that will complement their degree. Students will gain a foundational understanding of law and basic legal principles that will be useful in any employment situation. Completing the Law and Justice Major may provide the opportunity for employment in administration of government departments, fields of commerce, real estate, banking, human resources and other areas where an understanding of law complements duties undertaken.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
LEGL1001Legal Research and Writing
LEGL1004Australian Legal System
Plus choose six (6) units from the following:
LEGL2014Criminal Process
LEGL2002Foundations of Torts
LAWS2057Welfare Law
LAWS2010Environmental Law
LEGL2011Mediation and Dispute Resolution
LAWS2023International Law
LAWS2072Human Rights Law
LEGL2007Principles of Contract Law
LAWS2056Family Law Practice

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Marketing - UMKT01

Raises brand awareness through technology, to generate high-quality strategic and creative thinking. Students will be able to identify business and enterprise opportunities through strategic market research and take advantage of digital platforms to construct efficient and broad ad campaigns.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
MRKT1001Marketing Principles
MRKT2001Consumer Behaviour
MRKT2003Global Marketing
MRKT2004Marketing Communications
MRKT2005Services Marketing
MRKT2007Digital Marketing Strategies
MRKT3001Strategic Marketing
MRKT3002Marketing Research

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Politics and International Relations (Unavailable) - UPIR01

With an emphasis on social justice and positive change, the major in Politics and International Relations will develop students' ability to interpret, analyse and offer creative solutions to issues in contemporary society and encourage them to become dynamic citizens in the public sphere.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
POLT1001Australian Politics
SOCI1005Social Policy
SOCI2007Global Inequality and Development
POLT2002Local Government
POLT3004Global Social Movements
POLT3001Peace, War and International Politics
ENVR5007Building Resilience in a Changing Climate: Through Drought, Fire and Flood
Choose 1 unit from the following:
COMM3002Professional Placement
COMM3001Community Engagement Project
COMM3004Independent Project

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Psychology - UPSY01

This major is relevant for students who are interested in the scientific study of how humans think, feel, and behave. These areas can be explored for both individuals and groups, and can be applied to diverse topics such as learning, work, performance, communication, and culture.

Please note: this major is not accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) and does not provide entry into the Bachelor of Psychological Science with Honours. For information on our accredited psychology options, please refer to our Bachelor of Psychological Science or contact Client Services at For details on the education and training required to become eligible for general registration as a psychologist in Australia, please refer to the Australian Psychological Society.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Health

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
From the following choose the three (3) foundational units plus an additional five (5) optional units including at least one Level 3 unit
PSYC1001Psychology Foundations: Brain and Cognition
PSYC1002Psychology Foundations: Self and Situation
STAT2002Quantitative Methods in Psychology
PSYC1005Fundamentals of Career Success in Psychology
PSYC1010Positive Psychology
PSYC2001Psychological Assessment
PSYC2004Lifespan Psychology
PSYC2005Psychological Investigation I
PSYC3004Biological Psychology
PSYC3001Social Psychology
PSYC3003Learning and Memory
STAT3001Advanced Quantitative Methods in Psychology
PSYC3005Culture and Psychology
PSYC2002Understanding Psychological Diagnoses
PSYC2007Behaviour Change
PSYC3002Psychological Investigation II

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Regenerative Agriculture (Unavailable) - REAG01

Conventional, intensive agricultural approaches have resulted in a number of serious environmental issues, such as degraded soils and reduced landscape water holding capacity. Looking to the future of food production requires us to rethink our approach to farming systems.

Drawing on the University’s specialist expertise in plant science, agronomy, ecology, agroforestry, and socio-ecological systems, this major delves into the emerging practices of, and growing evidence-base for regenerative agricultural practice and strategies, examining human ecology and soil management as well as the planning of rural landscapes.

This university wide major in Regenerative Agriculture develops specialist knowledge in a whole-of-system approach to food production and farm management.

It is designed for students who want to be a part of a new way of farming that better supports, and is supported by natural processes, building more resilient farms and farmers in a future of increased seasonal and weather variability.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Science and Engineering

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
Students must complete all core units:
ENVR1001Science and Global Challenges
SCIN1004Planet Earth
AGRC1003Introduction to Agriculture
AGRC2006Regenerative Agricultural Practices
AGRC2005Ecological Perspectives: Human Ecology
AGRC3003Regenerative Agricultural Strategies
Select one elective from the list below.
AGRC3002Planning Rural Landscapes
ENVR1005Ecosystem Management and Regeneration
ENVR2011Ecological Economics

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Social Science - USSC01

Provides students with learning opportunities for understanding how society works through the examination of institutions like the government, the economy, and family; how individuals and groups interact; movements for change and crucial issues of social concern. Social Science students will learn a range of methods of analysis and ways of doing research, applying critical thinking and problem-solving skills to social issues that are valued in the job market and their everyday life.

Through the application of research processes in social sciences including design, methodology and methods, ethics, analysis, interpretation, students will learn critical thinking, analytical and problem-solving skills and ways to communicate these that can be used in the job market and in their everyday life.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Education

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
SOCI1001Introduction to Sociology
POLT1001Australian Politics
SOCI1005Social Policy
SOCI2006Doing Social Research
SOCI2007Global Inequality and Development
CLST3003EcoCultural Studies
COMM2005Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and Culture
COMM3004Independent Project

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Sustainability (Unavailable) - USUS01

The Sustainability Shared Major examines the social, cultural, economic and environmental aspects of sustainability. It equips students with concepts and tools enabling multidisciplinary sustainable solutions to be found within a broad range of industry applications. Career opportunities include sustainability project management, corporate social responsibility reporting, sustainability services consulting, sustainable supply chain management, sustainable resource management, social sustainability management, and stakeholder engagement within commercial, government and charitable organisations.


Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
BUSN2008Applied Social Entrepreneurship
BUSN3002Sustainable Business Management
ENVR2011Ecological Economics
CLST3003EcoCultural Studies
COMM3004Independent Project
TOUR2001Sustainable Tourism
TOUR2012Transport for Sustainability
PLAN3001Waste as a Resource

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Tourism and Event Management - UTRM01

Equips students with a contemporary understanding of the tourism industry, tourist experience, destination management and the conceptual and applied aspects of responsible and sustainable tourism and event management.

Academic organisational unit: Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

Schedule of units

Schedule of units

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
HOSP2007The Casino, Club and Hotel Environment
HOSP2001Event Planning
TOUR2008Event Operations
TOUR2001Sustainable Tourism
TOUR2010Tourist Behaviour and Interactions
TOUR2014Managing the Visitor Economy
TOUR1003Service Quality Management
MRKT2007Digital Marketing Strategies

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