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Master of Engineering Management, Master of Business Administration

Double Masters Degree

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Course abbreviation

    MEM, MBA

  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Indicative Fee


The Master of Engineering Management, Master of Business Administration combines the business specialist skills available from a Master of Business Administration with the specialist skills within a engineering management program. The course prepares graduates for the challenges of a managerial position through a range of subjects including strategic asset management planning, commercial research and development processes, economic viability, new product development and commercialisation. Students develop effective stakeholder engagement practices, and undertake an industry research project in engineering management.

This program allows students to complete the Master of Engineering Management and Master of Business Administration in two years of full-time study. This course is for students who have an undergraduate degree in engineering, or meet other entry requirements, and who want to develop both their management and engineering skills through a combination of two postgraduate awards.

Graduate AttributeCourse Learning Outcome
Intellectual rigour

Critically evaluate and synthesise a complex issue or theory from a discipline area to arrive at a conclusion/decision with justification.

Develop cognitive and technical skills to review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise engineering and management knowledge to identify and find solutions to complex problems with intellectual independence.


Adapt knowledge and skills in diverse contexts to form alternative solutions to complex problems.

Ethical practice

Apply ethics and judgment to complex engineering problems.

Apply discipline based knowledge and skills that require autonomy and a high level of responsible behaviour.

Analyse and compare challenging organisational ethical issues within a professional context.

Knowledge of a discipline

Develop technical skills and an in-depth understanding of specialist bodies of engineering knowledge.

Apply and integrate research principles and methods to complex management situations.

Demonstrate and apply well-developed discipline knowledge and professional skills in a specialised management area within a global perspective.

Lifelong learning

Self manage and be resourceful and effective at developing new knowledge and applying it to engineering management problems.

Develop appropriate professional practice, reflection skills, and leadership and management competencies through study.

Communication and social skills

Effectively communicate engineering and management ideas, concepts and arguments using written mediums to a variety of audiences.

Critically reflect on self and team regarding participation and performance.

Prepare and deliver professional discipline advice, knowledge and ideas orally for a business or public context.

Cultural competence

Engage with diverse cultural and indigenous perspectives with engineering, leadership and management environments.

Apply and integrate research principles and methods to complex management situations.

Demonstrate and apply advanced discipline knowledge and skills in a specialised management area within a global perspective.

Professional placement is not a requirement of this course.

Major areas of study include strategic infrastructure asset management, stakeholder engagement, engineering for a sustainable future, project management, and leadership and management.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Gold Coast Session 1, Session 2, Session 3 N/A N/A

Career Outcomes

Units undertaken in this course may count towards your continuing professional development (CPD) requirements with Engineers Australia or your relevant professional registering body. 

Graduates are eligible to apply for membership with the Australian Institute of Management (AIM).


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Entry requirements

  1. A four (4) year undergraduate degree in engineering, or in a cognate discipline; or
  2. A three (3) year undergraduate degree in engineering, or in a cognate discipline, plus at least two (2) years of documented relevant work experience; or
  3. Demonstrated relevant prior learning and/or relevant industry experience deemed equivalent to items a. or b. above.

Course requirements

  1. To be eligible for the Master of Engineering Management, Master of Business Administration, a candidate must successfully complete sixteen (16) units (192 credit points), comprising all units listed in the Schedule of Units attached to these Rules.
  2. A candidate, who while enrolled in Master of Engineering Management, Master of Business Administration, may withdraw from candidature and elect to be awarded:
    1. Master of Engineering Management upon successful completion of all Part A units, any three (3) units from Part B or Part C, and all Part D units; or
    2. Graduate Diploma in Business Administration upon successful completion of eight (8) units, including six (6) Part B units; or
    3. Graduate Certificate in Business Administration upon successful completion of four (4) units from Part B; or
    4. Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management upon successful completion of two (2) Part A units and two (2) Part B or Part C units.


Course structure

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes

Part A

MNG92100 Strategic Asset Management Intermediate
ENG93000 Engineering Management for a Sustainable Future Advanced
MNG93100 Stakeholder Engagement in Engineering Advanced

Part B

MNG00723 Global Business Intermediate
ACC03043 Corporate Governance Advanced
ACC00716 Finance Introductory
MNG03217 The Positive Leader Introductory
MNG03218 Managing Information Systems Advanced
MNG93002 Strategy and Case Analysis Advanced
MNG00785 Project Management Introductory

Part C

ACC00724 Accounting for Managers Introductory
MNG81001 Management Communication Introductory
MNG82001 Organisational Behaviour Introductory
ECO82001 Economics and Quantitative Analysis Intermediate

Part D

MNG93003 Industry Research Project Advanced Note 1, Note 2