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Graduate Diploma in Business

Graduate Diploma

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

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  • Indicative Fee


The business world is constantly evolving, with issues such as changing technology, greater global mobility and increasing competition all factors in this process.

As a business owner or professional, you need to understand the core business principles that help you succeed and stay ahead in today’s fast-paced world.

This one-year program includes study in financial analysis and budget control, marketing concepts, consumer behaviour, market systems and their limitations. It also examines the impact of government policy on the business environment.

As well as guiding you towards management roles, the Graduate Diploma of Business is a pathway to further study, including Southern Cross University's Master of Business Administration program. Graduates receive eight units of credit towards the MBA.

Course Learning Outcome

Demonstrate critical thinking, independent judgement and the ability to reflect on self and others in business environments.

Assess innovative solutions to complex business problems.

Develop an advanced understanding of complex ethical and socially responsible business practices informed by a global perspective.

Develop an advanced understanding of a body of knowledge in one or more discipline areas.

Prepare a systematic approach to increasingly complex problem solving in a business context.

Practice and develop expert communication and collaborations skills.

Develop an advanced understanding of culturally appropriate business practices informed by a global perspective.

The Graduate Diploma in Business includes study in financial analysis and budget control, marketing concepts such as relationship marketing, and consumer behaviour, and market systems and their limitations, including impacts of government policy on business environments.

Students also develop an understanding of organisational behaviour, administrative hierarchy, job design, international business, strategic and project management, communication, leadership and teamwork in the contemporary organisation. 

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Gold Coast Session 1, Session 2, Session 3 N/A N/A


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Entry requirements

Applicants for admission to candidature in the Graduate Diploma in Business may be selected where they can demonstrate professional standing approved by the School Board to be equivalent to the requirements of Rule 2, Section 3.

Course requirements

To be eligible to receive the Graduate Diploma in Business students must complete the equivalent of 8 units (96 credit points), comprising:
- 8 core units (96 credit points).

Exit Awards
Students may be eligible to exit with the Graduate Certificate in Business after completing the equivalent of 4 core units (48 credit points) as approved by the Course Coordinator.

Course structure

Unit Code Unit Title Notes

Core Units

Note 1
ACCT5002 Accounting for Managers
ECON5001 Economics and Quantitative Analysis
MGMT5002 Organisational Behaviour
BUSN5003 Management Communication
MRKT6001 Marketing
BUSN6001 Global Business
PROJ5001 Project Management
MGMT6002 The Positive Leader