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Graduate Certificate in Regenerative Agriculture

Graduate Certificate

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Course abbreviation


  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Indicative Fee


Industrial agriculture is facing a growing number of serious challenges, with degrading soils, increasing inputs and reduced water holding capacity across Australian landscapes. Looking to the future of food production demands that we rethink our approach to farming systems.

The Graduate Certificate in Regenerative Agriculture is designed for students who want to be a part of a new way of farming that better supports, and is supported by natural processes, building more resilient farms and farmers in a future of increased seasonal and weather variability.

This course is ideal for students from multi-disciplinary, science, agricultural and business backgrounds to gain postgraduate qualifications in the field of regenerative agriculture. 

Drawing on the University’s specialist expertise in plant science, agronomy, ecology, agroforestry, environmental chemistry and socio-ecological systems, the course offers a choice of units covering the theory and practice of regenerative agriculture.

Course Learning Outcome

Develop a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the nature of complex socio-ecological systems.

Critically analyse and address dynamic complex problems in agriculture by critically evaluating and synthesising information from a range of relevant sources and disciplines.

Develop creative solutions to complex on-farm and socio-ecological challenges.

Develop a strong understanding of the ethical challenges required to address complex challenges.

Demonstrate an integrative understanding of agriculture by explaining the role and relevance of regenerative agriculture, its related sciences, and agribusiness in society.

Be resourceful and effective at reflecting on the role of self in building new knowledge and applying it to socio-ecological challenges.

Apply discipline based knowledge and skills that require autonomy and a high level of personal integrity and self-reflective capacity.

Recognise and accept continuous learning as being central to one’s capacity to realise potential.

Effectively communicate and generate ideas, concepts and knowledge with a variety of stakeholders in the agricultural context using a range of mediums.

Engage with diverse indigenous and other cultural perspectives in rural and agricultural contexts.

Understand a citizenship role that is connected to and responsible for the social, environmental, political and economic contexts in which we live.

Most units include compulsory on-farm field trips and practical workshops.

Students complete two core units and two elective units.

Core units

  • Building Resilience in a Changing Climate: Through Drought, Fire & Flood.
  • Ecological Perspectives for Transformational Change.

Elective units (choice of two)

  • Introduction to Regenerative Agriculture
  • Regenerative Agricultural Practices
  • Regenerative Agricultural Strategies
  • Planning Rural Landscapes
  • Ecology for Natural and Managed Systems
  • Soil Processes
  • Soil Management for Biodiversity
  • Food as Medicine
  • Ecological Economics for Sustainable Development
  • Indigenous Knowledge
  • Caring for Country
  • Ecological Jurisprudence
  • Planted Trees and Forests
  • Fire Ecology and Management
  • The Interconnected World.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Lismore Session 1, Session 2 N/A N/A
Online Session 1, Session 2 N/A N/A


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Course requirements

To be eligible to receive the Graduate Certificate in Regenerative Agriculture students must complete the equivalent of 4 units (48 credit points), comprising 2 core units and 2 elective units, with no more than one unit at introductory level.

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Notes

Session 1

ENVR6008 Ecological Perspectives for Transformational Change
Location Domestic International
The following two units are suggested Electives or choose from the Elective list in the Schedule of Units.
AGRC1003 Introduction to Regenerative Agriculture
Location Domestic International
Enrolment information There will be a compulsory Industry Tour for all students. Please refer to for further information on timetables.
BIOL2011 Ecology for Natural and Managed Systems
Location Domestic International
National Marine Science Centre Coffs Harbour

Study Period 3

ENVR5007 Building Resilience in a Changing Climate: Through Drought, Fire and Flood
Study Period3,6
Location Domestic International
Study Period3,6
Study Period3,6
Study Period3,6
Study Period3,6

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Notes

Session 2

ENVR6008 Ecological Perspectives for Transformational Change
Location Domestic International
Elective Unit Session 2 Elective Units
Elective Unit Session 2 Elective Units

Study Period 6

ENVR5007 Building Resilience in a Changing Climate: Through Drought, Fire and Flood
Study Period3,6
Location Domestic International
Study Period3,6
Study Period3,6
Study Period3,6
Study Period3,6

Note 1:

Please note that this unit is an undergraduate unit, thus the unit level is lower than an introductory postgraduate unit.

Note 2:

The core unit, Building Resilience in a Changing Climate, Through Drought, Fire and Flood, will focus on building resilience for communities and landscapes, while understanding the natural cycles and important socio-ecological interactions that relate to climate change. The other core unit is Ecological Perspectives for Transformational Change. Through engaging with these core, post-graduate units, the GradCertRA will provide graduate students from a diversity of academic backgrounds insight into the philosophical underpinnings of regenerative agriculture, whilst allowing students with a science background to gain broad skills and/or select soil or other more science focussed elective units. Though undergraduate units are acceptable as electives, only one elective can be introductory level.

Note 3:

Enrolment in this unit requires prior studies in CHEM1001 Chemistry and SOIL2001 Soil Processes or equivalent.

Note 4:

This unit is a highly recommended elective unit for students commencing in Session 2.

Note 5:

This unit is available Session 3 only.

Unit Code Unit Title Notes

Core Units

ENVR6008 Ecological Perspectives for Transformational Change
ENVR5007 Building Resilience in a Changing Climate: Through Drought, Fire and Flood

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
Select two units from the following:
AGRC1003 Introduction to Regenerative Agriculture Note 1
BUSN1007 The Interconnected World Note 1
INDG1002 Indigenous Knowledge Note 1
AGRC2006 Regenerative Agricultural Practices Note 1
BIOL2011 Ecology for Natural and Managed Systems Note 1
LAWS2065 Ecological Jurisprudence Note 1
SOIL2001 Soil Processes Note 1
AGRC6001 Soil Management for Biodiversity
AGRC3003 Regenerative Agricultural Strategies Note 1
ENVR2011 Ecological Economics Note 1
FOOD5004 Food as Medicine
AGRC3004 Planning Rural Landscapes Note 1
INDG3001 Caring for Country Note 1
FORS3005 Planted Trees and Forests Note 1
FORS5008 Fire Ecology and Management