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Bachelor of Podiatry

Bachelors Degree

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Course abbreviation


  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Indicative Fee


The Bachelor of Podiatry prepares students for entry into professional podiatry practice. Podiatry is a branch of health care devoted to the study, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle and lower leg. Within the field of podiatry, practitioners can focus on many different specialty areas, including surgery, sports medicine, biomechanics, geriatrics, paediatrics and primary care.

This course aims to produce knowledgeable, skilled, empathetic, ethical and innovative professionals who are able to provide effective assessment and intervention for people of different ages.

Graduate AttributeCourse Learning Outcome
Intellectual rigour

Apply critical analysis, prudent judgement and the use of research/evidence to inform clinical/professional practice.


Develop an entrepreneurial and sustainable approach to clinical/professional practice utilising appropriate leadership and management skills.

Demonstrate knowledge, skill and empathy as ethical, innovative and creative professional eligible to enter clinical/professional practice.

Ethical practice

Establish clinical/professional practice based on ethical decision-making and evidence-based practice.

Demonstrate accountability and responsibility within clinical/professional practice.

Knowledge of a discipline

Function in accordance with all relevant legislation, registration requirements, guidelines and standards affecting clinical/professional practice.

Assess, plan, provide and evaluate safe and effective clinical practice with a range of client groups across the lifespan.

Lifelong learning

Identify and reflect on the generalist and specialist skills of practice required for continuing professional development and professional practice.

Communication and social skills

Work collaboratively in a range of health care teams with an understanding of best practice and the evidence base that supports it.

Communicate and collaborate effectively with clients, families, significant others and professional colleagues in ways that are appropriate to the scholarly, professional and/or social setting.

Cultural competence

Demonstrate cultural safety in clinical/professional practice and leadership.

Demonstrate an understanding of health inequalities and indigenous health (worldwide).

Students will complete approximately 1,000 hours of professional placement in various settings throughout the four years of study. These settings include but are not limited to public hospital rotations (high risk foot clinics), private practice placements (general, sports and surgical) and rural health locations.

Professional experience placements require students to fulfil certain pre-requisites prior to attending any placements. Before applying for this course, it is important that you understand what these requirements are.

The Bachelor of Podiatry enables students to develop an understanding of the theoretical and practical components of podiatry, with a focus on both general and specialist knowledge and skills. This includes broad subject areas including anatomy, patho-physiology, pharmacology, psychology and communication. As students move through the course, they study more specialised content including biomechanics, rehabilitation, dermatology, rheumatology and paediatrics.

Clinical skills are gained through a gradual process of preclinical stimulation, internal University clinics and external clinical practice placements.

Honours: The Embedded Honours option is not available in 2019. Further information on this will be provided in due course. 

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Gold Coast Session 1 , Session 2 , Session 3 330169 059961

Career Outcomes

The Bachelor of Podiatry is accredited with the Australian New Zealand Podiatry Accreditation Council (ANZPAC). Graduates can seek national registration as podiatry practitioners with the Podiatry Board of Australia.

In order to register to practice, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) standards for English language must be met. See the AHPRA website for further information.


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Course requirements

To be eligible to receive the Bachelor of Podiatry, students must complete 384 credit points, comprising:

  • all core units; and
  • one elective unit from University wide offerings.


To be eligible to receive the Bachelor of Podiatry with Honours, students must complete 384 credit points, comprising all honours units.

Students in Honours must successfully complete all units in years 3 and 4 on their first attempt and maintain a Credit grade average (GPA) of at least 5.0 for years 3 and 4.

Exit Awards

Students may be eligible to exit with an Associate Degree of Health and Human Sciences after completing 192 credit points, comprising any 16 core units.

Students may be eligible to exit with a Diploma of Health and Human Sciences after completing 96 credit points, comprising any 8 core units.

Professional Experience Learning

This course includes professional experience learning. Pre-requisites to meet national and state-based regulatory requirements, as detailed on School of Health and Human Sciences Professional Experience page must be met prior to attending professional experience placement. All professional experience learning hours must be completed and professional behaviour and conduct must be demonstrated.


Students are not permitted to have an extended period of more than 18 months between study of any two (2) units with professional experience learning.

Students are not permitted to have an extended period of more than 18 months between study of a theory unit that relates specifically to a particular unit with professional experience learning.

Students who have an interrupted study sequence of more than 18 months will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and may be required to undertake a specified supported professional experience placement to ensure professional experience currency prior to continuation of the course.

Inherent Requirements

Inherent Requirements apply to this course as defined on the Student Access & Inclusion website. Students who have a disability or health condition which may impact on their ability to meet these requirements are encouraged to visit the Student Access & Inclusion website for further information and contact details.

Entry requirements

English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this course are as follows

Language requirements

To be eligible to receive the Bachelor of Podiatry, students must complete 384 credit points, comprising:

  • all core units; and
  • one elective unit from University wide offerings.


To be eligible to receive the Bachelor of Podiatry with Honours, students must complete 384 credit points, comprising all honours units.

Students in Honours must successfully complete all units in years 3 and 4 on their first attempt and maintain a Credit grade average (GPA) of at least 5.0 for years 3 and 4.

Exit Awards

Students may be eligible to exit with an Associate Degree of Health and Human Sciences after completing 192 credit points, comprising any 16 core units.

Students may be eligible to exit with a Diploma of Health and Human Sciences after completing 96 credit points, comprising any 8 core units.

Professional Experience Learning

This course includes professional experience learning. Pre-requisites to meet national and state-based regulatory requirements, as detailed on School of Health and Human Sciences Professional Experience page must be met prior to attending professional experience placement. All professional experience learning hours must be completed and professional behaviour and conduct must be demonstrated.


Students are not permitted to have an extended period of more than 18 months between study of any two (2) units with professional experience learning.

Students are not permitted to have an extended period of more than 18 months between study of a theory unit that relates specifically to a particular unit with professional experience learning.

Students who have an interrupted study sequence of more than 18 months will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and may be required to undertake a specified supported professional experience placement to ensure professional experience currency prior to continuation of the course.

Inherent Requirements

Inherent Requirements apply to this course as defined on the Student Access & Inclusion website. Students who have a disability or health condition which may impact on their ability to meet these requirements are encouraged to visit the Student Access & Inclusion website for further information and contact details.

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Year 1, Session 1
BIO71002 -  Human Physiology I Introductory
PDT10001 -  Introduction to Podiatry and Pedorthics Introductory
BIO01302 -  Human Anatomy Introductory
BHS10581 -  Psychology and Sociology for Health Sciences Introductory
Year 1, Session 2
BIO71003 -  Human Physiology II Introductory
CMM10580 -  The Australian Health Care System Introductory
MAT71004 -  Introduction to Evidence for Health Science Practitioners Introductory
BIO10001 -  Functional Anatomy of the Lower Limbs and Foot and Ankle Intermediate
Year 2, Session 1
PDT30002 -  Lower Limb Medicine I Advanced
SCI20001 -  Physical Sciences in Health Introductory
PDT72001 -  Lower Limb Assessment I Intermediate
BIO20002 -  Biomechanics of Gait Intermediate
Year 2, Session 2
PDT30003 -  Lower Limb Medicine II Advanced
PDT72002 -  Lower Limb Assessment II Intermediate
PDT20002 -  Orthoses and Bracing Intermediate
PDT20001 -  Internal Clinical Placement Intermediate
Year 2, Session 3
PHA00315 -  Introductory Pharmacology Introductory Note 3
Year 3, Session 1
HLT30001 -  Simulated and Actual Internal Clinics: Mixed Caseload Advanced
CUL00408 -  Health and Indigenous Australian Peoples Intermediate Note 2
Elective unit
PHA30001 -  Advanced Pharmacology for Podiatrists Advanced
Year 3, Session 2
PDT30004 -  Foot and Ankle Surgery Advanced
PDT30001 -  Management and Treatment of the High Risk Foot Intermediate
HLT30002 -  Clinics in Multimodal Intervention: Internal Advanced
Year 4, Session 1
HLT83006 -  Accountability and Clinical Reasoning Advanced
HLT83005 -  Diagnostic Intake Clinic: Advanced and Interdisciplinary Practice (Internal) Advanced
HLT83007 -  Health Promotion and Primary Health Care Advanced Note 1
Year 4, Session 2
PDT40001 -  Advanced Fieldwork (Podiatry) Advanced Note 1
MNG00306 -  Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Allied Health, Fitness and Sport Introductory
HLT10601 -  Transition to Professional Practice Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Year 1, Session 1
BIO71002 -  Human Physiology I Introductory
PDT10001 -  Introduction to Podiatry and Pedorthics Introductory
Year 1, Session 2
BIO71003 -  Human Physiology II Introductory
CMM10580 -  The Australian Health Care System Introductory
Year 2, Session 1
BHS10581 -  Psychology and Sociology for Health Sciences Introductory
BIO01302 -  Human Anatomy Introductory
Year 2, Session 2
MAT71004 -  Introduction to Evidence for Health Science Practitioners Introductory
BIO10001 -  Functional Anatomy of the Lower Limbs and Foot and Ankle Intermediate
Year 3, Session 1
PDT30002 -  Lower Limb Medicine I Advanced
PDT72001 -  Lower Limb Assessment I Intermediate
Year 3, Session 2
PDT30003 -  Lower Limb Medicine II Advanced
PDT20001 -  Internal Clinical Placement Intermediate
Year 4, Session 1
BIO20002 -  Biomechanics of Gait Intermediate
SCI20001 -  Physical Sciences in Health Introductory
Year 4, Session 2
PDT20002 -  Orthoses and Bracing Intermediate
PDT72002 -  Lower Limb Assessment II Intermediate
Year 5, Session 1
HLT30001 -  Simulated and Actual Internal Clinics: Mixed Caseload Advanced
PHA00315 -  Introductory Pharmacology Introductory
Year 5, Session 2
PDT30001 -  Management and Treatment of the High Risk Foot Intermediate
CUL00408 -  Health and Indigenous Australian Peoples Intermediate
Year 6, Session 1
PHA30001 -  Advanced Pharmacology for Podiatrists Advanced
Year 6, Session 2
PDT30004 -  Foot and Ankle Surgery Advanced
HLT30002 -  Clinics in Multimodal Intervention: Internal Advanced
Year 7, Session 1
HLT83005 -  Diagnostic Intake Clinic: Advanced and Interdisciplinary Practice (Internal) Advanced
HLT83006 -  Accountability and Clinical Reasoning Advanced
Year 7, Session 2
PDT40001 -  Advanced Fieldwork (Podiatry) Advanced Note 1
Year 8, Session 1
HLT83007 -  Health Promotion and Primary Health Care Advanced Note 1
Year 8, Session 2
HLT10601 -  Transition to Professional Practice Advanced
MNG00306 -  Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Allied Health, Fitness and Sport Introductory

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Year 1, Session 2
CUL00408 -  Health and Indigenous Australian Peoples Intermediate
BIO71002 -  Human Physiology I Introductory
Year 1, Session 3
BIO71003 -  Human Physiology II Introductory
Year 2, Session 1
BIO01302 -  Human Anatomy Introductory
PDT10001 -  Introduction to Podiatry and Pedorthics Introductory
BHS10581 -  Psychology and Sociology for Health Sciences Introductory
Year 2, Session 2
CMM10580 -  The Australian Health Care System Introductory
BIO10001 -  Functional Anatomy of the Lower Limbs and Foot and Ankle Intermediate
MAT71004 -  Introduction to Evidence for Health Science Practitioners Introductory
From Year 3, follow the Session 1 commencement from Year 2

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Complete one or more of the units under Session 3 below and then follow the Course Progression for Session 1 Commencement excluding the completed unit/s.
Session 3
BIO01302 -  Human Anatomy Introductory
CMM10580 -  The Australian Health Care System Introductory

Note 1:

Double-weighted unit

Note 2:

Can be completed in Year 3, Session 2

Note 3:

Can be completed in Year 3, Session 1

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Core Units
BIO01302 Human Anatomy Introductory
BIO71002 Human Physiology I Introductory
BHS10581 Psychology and Sociology for Health Sciences Introductory
PDT10001 Introduction to Podiatry and Pedorthics Introductory
MAT71004 Introduction to Evidence for Health Science Practitioners Introductory
BIO71003 Human Physiology II Introductory
BIO10001 Functional Anatomy of the Lower Limbs and Foot and Ankle Intermediate
CMM10580 The Australian Health Care System Introductory
PDT20001 Internal Clinical Placement Intermediate
PHA00315 Introductory Pharmacology Introductory
SCI20001 Physical Sciences in Health Introductory
PDT30002 Lower Limb Medicine I Advanced
PDT30003 Lower Limb Medicine II Advanced
CUL00408 Health and Indigenous Australian Peoples Intermediate
PDT72001 Lower Limb Assessment I Intermediate
PDT72002 Lower Limb Assessment II Intermediate
BIO20002 Biomechanics of Gait Intermediate
PDT20002 Orthoses and Bracing Intermediate
PHA30001 Advanced Pharmacology for Podiatrists Advanced
HLT30001 Simulated and Actual Internal Clinics: Mixed Caseload Advanced
PDT30001 Management and Treatment of the High Risk Foot Intermediate
PDT30004 Foot and Ankle Surgery Advanced
HLT30002 Clinics in Multimodal Intervention: Internal Advanced
PDT40001 Advanced Fieldwork (Podiatry) Advanced Note 1
HLT83007 Health Promotion and Primary Health Care Advanced Note 1
HLT83006 Accountability and Clinical Reasoning Advanced
HLT83005 Diagnostic Intake Clinic: Advanced and Interdisciplinary Practice (Internal) Advanced
HLT10601 Transition to Professional Practice Advanced
MNG00306 Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Allied Health, Fitness and Sport Introductory
One elective unit from the University wide offerings

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
BHS10581 Psychology and Sociology for Health Sciences Introductory
BIO71002 Human Physiology I Introductory
BIO01302 Human Anatomy Introductory
CMM10580 The Australian Health Care System Introductory
CUL00408 Health and Indigenous Australian Peoples Intermediate
BIO71003 Human Physiology II Introductory
MAT71004 Introduction to Evidence for Health Science Practitioners Introductory
BIO10001 Functional Anatomy of the Lower Limbs and Foot and Ankle Intermediate
BIO20002 Biomechanics of Gait Intermediate
HLT30002 Clinics in Multimodal Intervention: Internal Advanced
MNG00306 Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Allied Health, Fitness and Sport Introductory
PDT10001 Introduction to Podiatry and Pedorthics Introductory
PDT20001 Internal Clinical Placement Intermediate
PDT20002 Orthoses and Bracing Intermediate
PDT30001 Management and Treatment of the High Risk Foot Intermediate
PDT30002 Lower Limb Medicine I Advanced
PDT30003 Lower Limb Medicine II Advanced
PDT72001 Lower Limb Assessment I Intermediate
PDT72002 Lower Limb Assessment II Intermediate
PDT30004 Foot and Ankle Surgery Advanced
PDT40001 Advanced Fieldwork (Podiatry) Advanced Note 1
PHA00315 Introductory Pharmacology Introductory
PHA30001 Advanced Pharmacology for Podiatrists Advanced
SCI20001 Physical Sciences in Health Introductory
HLT83006 Accountability and Clinical Reasoning Advanced
HLT83005 Diagnostic Intake Clinic: Advanced and Interdisciplinary Practice (Internal) Advanced
HLT83001 Allied Health Honours Seminar I Advanced
HLT83002 Allied Health Honours Seminar II Advanced
HLT83003 Allied Health Honours Thesis I Advanced Note 1
HLT83004 Allied Health Honours Thesis II Advanced