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Bachelor of Laws and Creative Writing

Bachelors Double Degree

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Course abbreviation


  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Indicative Fee


This unique four-year combined degree in laws and creative writing provides graduates with clear professional pathways as both legal and writing practitioners. Students gain fluency in written and oral expression, reading and research skills, and above all, writing across a range of genres, both professional and imaginative. The course anchors creativity, imagination and expressiveness within a professional degree, with clear vocational outcomes in law, government and industry. Graduates will be highly competent and adept in these two locally significant and globally relevant fields.

The degree meets legal accreditation requirements and can be completed on campus or fully online. 

Graduate AttributeCourse Learning Outcome
Intellectual rigour

Demonstrate the intellectual and practical skills needed to identify, research, evaluate and synthesise relevant factual, legal and policy issues.

Creatively and critically analyse a broad range of socio-cultural issues relevant to arts practices, using persuasive argumentation that is historically informed.


Apply legal reasoning, critical analysis and research to generate appropriate responses to legal problems.

Demonstrate an understanding of approaches to ethical decision-making and an ability to recognise, reflect upon, and respond to ethical issues likely to arise in professional contexts.

Challenge and reinvent pre-existing methodologies relevant to national and global arts industries

Ethical practice

Demonstrate an ability to recognise and reflect upon the professional responsibilities of lawyers in promoting justice and in service to the community.

Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between law and sustainability.

Demonstrate an understanding of cross-cultural difference and the presence of ethical standards in the arts and social sciences

Knowledge of a discipline

Demonstrate an understanding of a broad and coherent body of knowledge that includes the fundamental areas of law, the Australian legal system, and underlying principles and concepts, including international and comparative contexts, and the broader contexts within which legal issues arise.

Demonstrate a broad knowledge of arts industries/creative practices and their associated social and theoretical contexts.

Lifelong learning

Demonstrate an understanding of the international and comparative contexts in which legal issues arise.

Access, manage and evaluate sources of information relevant to legal research and practice.

Learn and work independently. Reflect on and assess their own capabilities and performance, and seek and make use of feedback as appropriate, to determine personal and professional development needs and achievements.

Communication and social skills

Communicate in ways that are effective, appropriate and persuasive for legal and non-legal audiences. Collaborate effectively and constructively with others.

Cultural competence

Apply an understanding of Australian Indigenous perspectives to all aspects of legal professional practice.

Demonstrate critical multi-cultural perspectives, and an ability to reflect upon indigenous/non-indigenous and local/international methods of cultural production.

Law students can undertake voluntary legal experience and professional placement with legal firms or offices, to complement their practical legal skills and become familiar with the issues facing working lawyers.

Students study core units, plus select units from electives to suit their career aspirations.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Gold Coast Session 1 , Session 2 336164 056371
Lismore Session 1 , Session 2 336115 056211
Online Session 1 , Session 2 , Session 3 N/A N/A

Career Outcomes

The degree meets legal accreditation requirements and can be completed on campus or fully online.

The Bachelor of Laws is accredited by the Legal Profession Admission Board (LPAB) of NSW and satisfies the academic requirements for admission to the practice of law in Australia. Professional admission authorities also require law graduates of all universities to complete practical legal training or similar to be eligible for admission.

Students who intend to practise law outside Australia should check with the relevant country’s admission body to confirm their admission requirements.


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Course requirements

To be eligible to receive the Bachelor of Laws and Creative Writing, students must complete 384 credit points, comprising:

  • 23 core units; and
  • 72 credit points in Law electives; and
  • 36 credit points in Creative Writing electives.

Entry requirements

English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this course are as follows

Language requirements

To be eligible to receive the Bachelor of Laws and Creative Writing, students must complete 384 credit points, comprising:

  • 23 core units; and
  • 72 credit points in Law electives; and
  • 36 credit points in Creative Writing electives.

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Year 1, Session 1
Part-time students should complete the first two units in Year 1, Session 1. The remaining two units should be completed in Year 2, Session 2.
LAW00051 -  Legal Research and Writing Introductory
LAW00111 -  Legal Process Introductory Note 1
COM10295 -  Written Communication Introductory
ENG00400 -  Introduction to Written Texts Introductory
Year 1, Session 2
LAW72002 -  Torts Intermediate
LAW00112 -  Constitutional Law Intermediate
WRI10001 -  Introduction to Creative Writing Introductory
Creative Writing Elective Creative Writing Electives
Year 2, Session 1
LAW10001 -  Contract Law I Introductory
LAW10002 -  Australian Criminal Law I Introductory
LAW30005 -  Statutory Interpretation Advanced
Creative Writing Elective Creative Writing Electives
Year 2, Session 2
LAW10003 -  Contract Law II Intermediate
LAW10004 -  Australian Criminal Law II Intermediate
LAW71006 -  The Rhetoric of Law Introductory
WRI10003 -  Short Story Writing Intermediate
Year 3, Session 1
LAW00527 -  Corporations Law Intermediate
LAW72005 -  Evidence Advanced
LAW72001 -  Civil Litigation and Procedure Intermediate
WRI10002 -  The Nature of Narrative: Self, Time, Place and the Environment Intermediate
Year 3, Session 2
LAW71005 -  Property Principles Introductory
LAW72009 -  Principles of Equity Advanced
LAW00117 -  Administrative Law Advanced
LAW00519 -  Professional Conduct Advanced
Year 4, Session 1
Creative Writing Elective Creative Writing Electives
Law Elective Law Electives
Law Elective Law Electives
Law Elective Law Electives
Year 4, Session 2
LAW73004 -  Legal Fictions: Writing the Law Advanced
Law Elective Law Electives
Law Elective Law Electives
Law Elective Law Electives

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Year 1, Session 2
LAW00051 -  Legal Research and Writing Introductory
LAW00111 -  Legal Process Introductory Note 1
LAW72002 -  Torts Intermediate
COM10295 -  Written Communication Introductory
Year 1, Session 2
LAW10001 -  Contract Law I Introductory
LAW10002 -  Australian Criminal Law I Introductory
ENG00400 -  Introduction to Written Texts Introductory
Law Elective Law Electives
Year 2, Session 2
LAW10003 -  Contract Law II Intermediate
LAW10004 -  Australian Criminal Law II Intermediate
LAW00112 -  Constitutional Law Intermediate
WRI10001 -  Introduction to Creative Writing Introductory
Year 3, Session 1
LAW00527 -  Corporations Law Intermediate
LAW30005 -  Statutory Interpretation Advanced
Creative Writing Elective Creative Writing Electives
WRI10002 -  The Nature of Narrative: Self, Time, Place and the Environment Intermediate
Year 3, Session 2
LAW71005 -  Property Principles Introductory
LAW72009 -  Principles of Equity Advanced
LAW71006 -  The Rhetoric of Law Introductory
WRI10003 -  Short Story Writing Intermediate
Year 4, Session 1
LAW72005 -  Evidence Advanced
LAW72001 -  Civil Litigation and Procedure Intermediate
Creative Writing Elective Creative Writing Electives
Law Elective Law Electives
Year 4, Session 2
LAW00117 -  Administrative Law Advanced
LAW00519 -  Professional Conduct Advanced
LAW73004 -  Legal Fictions: Writing the Law Advanced
Creative Writing Elective Creative Writing Electives
Year 5, Session 1
Law Elective Law Electives
Law Elective Law Electives
Law Elective Law Electives
Law Elective Law Electives

Note 1:

Attendance at a compulsory workshop is required.

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes

Core Units

LAW00051 Legal Research and Writing Introductory
LAW00111 Legal Process Introductory Note 1
COM10295 Written Communication Introductory
ENG00400 Introduction to Written Texts Introductory
LAW10001 Contract Law I Introductory
LAW10002 Australian Criminal Law I Introductory
LAW10003 Contract Law II Intermediate
LAW10004 Australian Criminal Law II Intermediate
WRI10003 Short Story Writing Intermediate
LAW30005 Statutory Interpretation Advanced
LAW00527 Corporations Law Intermediate
LAW72005 Evidence Advanced
LAW72001 Civil Litigation and Procedure Intermediate
WRI10001 Introduction to Creative Writing Introductory
LAW72002 Torts Intermediate
LAW00112 Constitutional Law Intermediate
WRI10002 The Nature of Narrative: Self, Time, Place and the Environment Intermediate
LAW71005 Property Principles Introductory
LAW72009 Principles of Equity Advanced
LAW00117 Administrative Law Advanced
LAW00519 Professional Conduct Advanced
LAW71006 The Rhetoric of Law Introductory
LAW73004 Legal Fictions: Writing the Law Advanced


Choose six (6) units from the following Law Electives

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
ACC00132 Taxation Advanced
ACC00134 Advanced Taxation Advanced
LAW00054 Family Law Practice Intermediate
LAW00057 Conveyancing Law Intermediate
LAW00059 Welfare Law Intermediate
LAW00061 Drugs, Crime and the Law Intermediate
LAW00062 Wills and Estates Intermediate
LAW00104 Employment and Industrial Relations Law Advanced
LAW00106 EEO and OH&S Law and Practice Advanced
LAW00119 Local Government and Planning Law Intermediate
LAW00120 Victimology Intermediate
LAW00121 Intellectual Property Advanced
LAW00122 Clinical Legal Experience Intermediate
LAW00123 Law Placement Advanced
LAW00124 International Business Law Intermediate
LAW00125 Information Technology and the Law Advanced
LAW00126 Competition and Consumer Law Intermediate
LAW00214 Mediation and Dispute Resolution Introductory
LAW00216 Mediation Practice and Procedure Intermediate
LAW00514 Criminology Intermediate
LAW00516 Advanced Advocacy Intermediate
LAW00521 International Law Intermediate
LAW00522 Human Rights Advanced
LAW00523 Commercial Law Intermediate
LAW00524 Independent Legal Research Advanced
LAW00525 Cyberlaw Intermediate
LAW00526 International Criminal Justice Advanced
LAW00529 Restorative Justice Intermediate
LAW01125 Stock Exchange and Finance Law Intermediate
LAW10160 Public Interest Advocacy Advanced
LAW10166 Entertainment Law Advanced
LAW10167 International Intellectual Property Law and Public Policy Intermediate
LAW10168 Privacy Law and the Private Sector Intermediate
LAW10170 Race and the Law Intermediate
LAW10169 Human Rights and the Global Economy Advanced
LAW10171 Mediating Across Cultures Introductory
LAW10181 Legal Research: Context, Perspective and Method Advanced
LAW10206 The Holocaust, Genocide and the Law Intermediate
LAW10207 Psychiatry, Psychology and the Law Advanced
LAW10288 Mooting Advanced
LAW10292 Education and the Law Intermediate
LAW10472 International Human Rights Law Intermediate
LAW10487 Animal Law Intermediate
LAW10488 Crime, Globalisation and Governance Intermediate
LAW10489 Australian Military and National Security Law Intermediate
LAW10490 Trials and Witnesses Intermediate
LAW10491 Sexual Orientation and the Law Intermediate
LAW10527 Comparative Law Advanced
LAW10698 International Trade and Development Law Advanced
LAW10727 Marine Animal Protection Law Intermediate
LAW30001 Ecological Jurisprudence Intermediate
LAW30002 Advanced Sports Law Advanced
LAW30003 International Humanitarian Law Intermediate
LAW30004 Comparative Criminal Law Advanced
LAW73003 Remedies Advanced
LAW72006 Climate Law and Policy Intermediate
LAW72010 Property in Land Intermediate
LAW72007 International Business Negotiations Intermediate
LAW72008 Indigenous Jurisprudence Intermediate
LAW72011 Why the State Needs to Kill: law, violence and the production of political authority Intermediate
LAW00520 The Philosophy of Law Intermediate
LAW72014 Struggles, Movements, and the Idea of Communism Intermediate
LAW72015 Law, Film and Ideology Intermediate
LAW73051 Global Legal Pluralism Advanced Note 1
LAW00118 Environmental Law Intermediate
LAW73050 Jessup Moot Advanced Note 1
LAW73049 Information Environmentalism Advanced Note 1
Choose three (3) units from the following Creative Writing Electives

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
ENG00411 Writing Genre Intermediate
ENG00401 Issues and Themes in Contemporary Writing Intermediate
ENG00407 Writing for Performance Intermediate
WRI20004 Writing Lives Intermediate
ENG00406 Theories of Text and Culture Advanced
ENG10022 Writing from the Edge Advanced
COM01402 Act One: Screenwriting Intermediate
WRI20002 Introduction to Editing and Publishing Advanced
WRI20001 Writing for Young People Intermediate
WRI20003 Writing Poetry Intermediate
COM00481 The Fourth Estate: News Journalism Intermediate
COM00482 Hot Topics: Feature Journalism Intermediate
CUL00210 Australia, Asia and the World Introductory
SOC10399 Critical Thinking for Digital Times Introductory
CUL00412 Indigenous Ways of Cultural Expression Introductory
HIS10018 Writing Place: Landscapes, Memory, History Intermediate
ENG00408 Writing Project Advanced
COM00471 Professional Placement Advanced
COM10627 Telling Tales: Introduction to Digital Storytelling Introductory
HUM00271 Unruly Subjects: Citizenship Introductory
SOY10114 Independent Project Advanced