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Bachelor of Digital Media and Communications

Bachelors Degree

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Start Date

  • Duration

    3 years full-time; 6 years part-time

  • Location

    View in availability
    Online students are required to attend compulsory weekend residential workshops for some units.

  • Placements


  • Course abbreviation


  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Indicative Fee


Content rules and digital media specialists are in strong demand in communication and marketing roles across Australia.

The Bachelor of Digital Media and Communications prepares you to tell stories that matter, and develop the creative and production skills for a career in today’s fast-paced media environment. 

State-of-the-art production facilities on Lismore campus include digital workstations and labs, radio and television studios, and location recording equipment such as broadcast-standard HD cameras, lighting and sound recording equipment.

This degree has strong links to the vibrant creative industries of the North Coast of NSW and beyond. 

Graduate AttributeCourse Learning Outcome
Intellectual rigour

Analyse, interpret and evaluate issues, texts, sources and problems through creative, critical and reflective thinking in Australian and global media contexts.


Conceptualise, initiate, develop, deliver and promote industry-standard outcomes across a range of traditional and emerging media forms.

Ethical practice

Apply an understanding of ethical values and practices to media production and analysis, and professional practice.

Knowledge of a discipline

Demonstrate a broad, integrated command of knowledge of media industries, theories and practices in Australian and global contexts

Lifelong learning

Work independently and collaboratively on media projects in response to project demands.

Demonstrate the ability to self-direct and evaluate their own learning, and make a confident transition to professional life.

Communication and social skills

Demonstrate the ability to communicate and collaborate with individuals, and within teams, in professional media and community settings.

Cultural competence

Demonstrate awareness of diverse cultural and Indigenous perspectives in professional practice.

This course includes a compulsory 100-hour professional placement with the possibility of gaining invaluable workplace experience across the media and communications spectrum: at radio or television stations, in newspapers and publishing houses, on film shoots, at film festivals or in graphic design or post-production companies. 

Students in this degree will learn the core skills required for a future in the digital media industries of today:

  • Visual communication and design
  • Digital video production and storytelling
  • Journalism and news writing
  • Media theory and analysis.

In addition, students have the opportunity to study in a range of areas to focus and refine their expertise and can choose four-unit minors from:

  • Digital design
  • Journalism
  • Screen media
  • Digital marketing
  • Music and technology
  • Creative writing
  • Visual culture.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Lismore Session 1, Session 2 333103 053041
Online Session 1, Session 2 N/A N/A


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Course requirements

  1. To be eligible for the award Bachelor of Digital Media and Communications degree a candidate shall successfully complete not less than twenty-four (24) units (288 credit points) comprising:
    1. all units listed in Part A; and
    2. three four (4) unit minors listed in Part B; OR
    3. two four (4) unit minors listed in Part B and four (4) elective units; OR
    4. one four (4) unit minor listed in Part B and eight (8) elective units
    5. elective units are any university-wide undergraduate unit.
    6. students must complete no more than ten (10) units at Introductory level and no less than six (6) units at Advanced level
  2. To be eligible for the award of the Associate Degree of Digital Media and Communications a candidate shall successfully complete not less than sixteen (16) units (162 credit points) comprising:
    1. twelve (12) units from Part A or Part B and
    2. four (4) elective units.
  3. A candidate who, while enrolled in the Bachelor of Digital Media and Communications, has completed the requirements for the Associate Degree of Digital Media and Communications may elect to be awarded the Associate Degree of Digital Media and Communications following withdrawal from the Bachelor of Digital Media and Communications degree.
  4. To be eligible for the award of Diploma of Digital Media and Communications a candidate shall successfully complete not less than eight (8) units (96 credit points) comprising any unit from Parts A or B.
  5. A candidate who, while enrolled in the Bachelor of Digital Media and Communications, has completed the requirements for the Diploma of Digital Media and Communications may elect to be awarded the Diploma of Digital Media and Communications following withdrawal from the Bachelor of Digital Media and Communications degree.

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Part-time students should complete the first two units for Year 1, Session 1 and the remaining two units for Year 2, Session 1 and so on.
Year 1, Session 1
COM10295 -  Written Communication Introductory
COM00439 -  Theory in Practice: Issues in Media Studies Introductory
COM10110 -  Visual Communication and Design Introductory
CUL00210 -  Australia, Asia and the World Introductory
Year 1, Session 2
COM10627 -  Telling Tales: Introduction to Digital Storytelling Introductory
COM00481 -  The Fourth Estate: News Journalism Intermediate
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Year 2, Session 1
COM10112 -  From Page to Production: Essential Screen Skills Intermediate
AAD71104 -  Photography and Digital Imaging Introductory Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Year 2, Session 2
HUM71005 -  Aboriginal Cultural Strengths Introductory Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Year 3, Session 1
COM73001 -  Cyborg, Virus, Algorithm: Concepts for Media Practice Advanced
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Year 3, Session 2
COM10628 -  To Be Continued: Media Project Advanced
COM00471 -  Professional Placement Advanced
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Part-time students should complete the first two units for Year 1, Session 2 and the remaining two units for Year 2, Session 2 and so on.
Year 1, Session 2
COM10295 -  Written Communication Introductory
COM10627 -  Telling Tales: Introduction to Digital Storytelling Introductory
COM00481 -  The Fourth Estate: News Journalism Intermediate
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Year 2, Session 1
COM00439 -  Theory in Practice: Issues in Media Studies Introductory
COM10110 -  Visual Communication and Design Introductory
CUL00210 -  Australia, Asia and the World Introductory
AAD71104 -  Photography and Digital Imaging Introductory
Year 2, Session 2
HUM71005 -  Aboriginal Cultural Strengths Introductory Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Year 3, Session 1
COM10112 -  From Page to Production: Essential Screen Skills Intermediate
COM73001 -  Cyborg, Virus, Algorithm: Concepts for Media Practice Advanced
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Year 3, Session 2
COM10628 -  To Be Continued: Media Project Advanced
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Year 4, Session 1
COM00471 -  Professional Placement Advanced
Minor unit OR elective
Minor unit OR elective Note 1
Minor unit OR elective Note 1

Note 1:

Students must complete at least one Part B Minor. Students can complete a maximum of 8 electives.

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes

Part A

COM00439 Media Studies Introductory
CUL00210 Australia, Asia and the World Introductory
COM00471 Professional Placement Advanced
COM10110 Visual Communication and Design Introductory
COM10295 Written Communication Introductory
COM10628 Media Project Advanced
COM10627 Digital Media Practices Introductory
HUM71005 Aboriginal Cultural Strengths Introductory
COM10112 Essential Screen Skills Intermediate
COM00481 Journalism in the Digital Age Intermediate
AAD71104 Photography and Digital Imaging Introductory
COM73001 Cyborg, Virus, Algorithm: Concepts for Media Practice Advanced

Part B Minors

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
COM10082 Film Studies Intermediate
COM00456 Animation Theory and Practice Intermediate
COM10113 Advanced Screen Production Advanced
MUS10550 Screen Sound Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
COM10081 Video Journalism Intermediate
COM10111 Online Journalism Intermediate
COM00461 Making Radio and Podcasts Intermediate
COM00482 Hot Topics: Feature Journalism Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
AAD72212 Communication Design Intermediate
COM00455 Online Media Design Intermediate
AAD73306 Advanced Design Advanced
AAD73305 Advanced Digital Imaging Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
AAD72202 Modern Art and the Avant-Garde Intermediate
COM20001 Sensory Cultures Intermediate
AAD72204 Art after 1960 Intermediate
AAD73302 Advanced Theories of Contemporary Art Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
WRI10001 Introduction to Creative Writing Introductory
WRI10002 The Nature of Narrative: Self, Time, Place and the Environment Intermediate
COM01402 Screenwriting Intermediate
WRI20002 Introduction to Editing and Publishing Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
MUS71003 Sound Production I Introductory
MUS72005 Sound Production II Intermediate
MUS73006 Sound Production III Advanced
MUS10509 Sounds, Styles and Cultures Introductory

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
MKT10725 Strategic Marketing Advanced
MKT00102 Consumer Behaviour Intermediate
MKT00075 Marketing Principles Introductory
MKT10723 Marketing Communications Intermediate