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Bachelor of Creative Arts

Bachelors Degree

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Course abbreviation


  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Indicative Fee


The Bachelor of Creative Arts provides students with a set of overarching skills that are readily transferable across the creative arts industries such as art, design, media, music and writing.

Students are engaged in inter-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary learning and develop skills relevant to the contemporary, converged and increasingly online media and arts industries while also developing creative production skills.

The degree has strong links to the vibrant creative industries of northern NSW and southeast QLD.

Core units focus on work-ready skills and provide opportunities for professional placement, community engagement and advanced project work. Students will be expected to accumulate examples of work in an e-portfolio as part of their studies. This e-portfolio, aligned with workplace-focused units, provides an essential tool for their transition into relevant workplaces and vocations. The course articulates with a range of VET awards. 

Graduate AttributeCourse Learning Outcome
Intellectual rigour

Creatively and critically analyse a broad range of socio-cultural issues relevant to arts practices, using persuasive argumentation that is historically informed.


Challenge and reinvent pre-existing methodologies relevant to national and global arts industries.

Ethical practice

Demonstrate an understanding of cross-cultural difference and the presence of ethical standards in the arts and social sciences.

Knowledge of a discipline

Demonstrate a broad knowledge of arts industries/creative practices and their associated social and theoretical contexts.

Lifelong learning

Demonstrate the ability to self-direct and evaluate learning, and to negotiate the social demands of professional life.

Communication and social skills

Demonstrate the ability to communicate clearly, and a willingness to collaborate with a range of professionals, institutions and the general public.

Cultural competence

Demonstrate critical multi-cultural perspectives, and an ability to reflect upon indigenous/non-indigenous and local/international methods of cultural production.

Professional placement provides students with the opportunity to gain experience in the workplace and to establish contacts. Students can undertake learning opportunities in the community through a number of units and through assessment opportunities. 

Art and Design includes units that focus on art and design for publication, graphic design, digital art and photography. (Lismore campus and some units also available by distance education)

Contemporary Music includes studies in contemporary music theory and styles, music technology and the internet, songwriting, sound theory and recording technique, and global perspectives in music. (Lismore campus only) 

Media Studies has a strong emphasis on digital media production and analysis for screen, print and online environments, and equips students with a range of practical skills appropriate to an increasingly technological world.

Writing enables students to pursue their passion for writing in a supportive, inter-disciplinary environment which promotes the type of creative learning needed by cutting-edge writers. Students acquire skills in writing genres including novels, short stories, writing for performance, feature and investigative journalism and essay writing as well as editing and publishing.

Students can also select elective units from across the University to complement their areas of specialisation.

University-wide majors are also available in this course.

Please note that some majors and units may not be available at each location.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Lismore Session 1 333104 053311
Online Session 1 N/A N/A


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Course requirements

  1. To be eligible for the award of Bachelor of Creative Arts degree a candidate shall successfully complete not less than twenty-four [24] units comprising:
    1. all eight [8] core units listed in Part A ; AND
    2. (a) two [2], eight [8] unit majors from Part B; OR
      (b) one [1], eight [8] unit major from Part B  PLUS eight [8] electives chosen from any undergraduate degree offered by the University, OR 
      (c)  one [1], eight [8] unit major from Part B PLUS any eight [8] unit University-wide major.
  2. To be eligible for the Award of the Associate Degree of Creative Arts a candidate shall successfully complete not less than sixteen (16) units comprising:
    1. any four (4) units listed in Part A of the Schedule of Units attached to these Rules; AND
    2. any twelve (12) units listed in Part B of the Schedule of Units attached to these Rules.
  3. No unit will be credited to more than one major.
  4. A candidate who while enrolled in the Bachelor of Creative Arts has completed the requirements of the Associate Degree of Creative Arts may elect to be awarded the Associate Degree of Creative Arts following withdrawal from candidature from the Bachelor Degree.

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Year 1, Session 1
CAR10001 -  Creativity and Arts Industries Introductory
CUL00412 -  Indigenous Ways of Cultural Expression Introductory
Choose 1 unit from: FIRST PART B MAJOR
Choose 1 unit from:
Shared majors
PART-TIME STUDY - students should complete CAR10001 and CUL00412 of this course progression for Year 1, Session 1
Year 1, Session 2
COM10295 -  Written Communication Introductory
COM20001 -  Sensory Cultures Intermediate
Choose 1 unit from:
Choose 1 unit from:
Shared majors
PART-TIME STUDY - students should complete COM10295 and COM20001 of this course progression for Year 1, Session 2
Year 2, Session 1
Choose 2 units from First Part B major
Choose 2 units from:
Second Part B major OR
Electives OR
Shared majors
Year 2, Session 2
Choose 2 units from FIRST PART B MAJOR
Choose 2 units from:
Shared majors
Year 3, Session 1
COM00471 -  Professional Placement Advanced
CAR10503 -  Arts Industry Studies Intermediate
Choose 1 unit from FIRST PART B MAJOR
Choose 1 unit from:
Shared majors
Year 3, Session 2
CUR30001 -  Curating Contemporary Culture Advanced
SOY10114 -  Independent Project Advanced
Choose 1 unit from FIRST PART B MAJOR
Choose 1 unit from:
Shared majors

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Session 1
CAR10001 -  Creativity and Arts Industries Introductory
CUL00412 -  Indigenous Ways of Cultural Expression Introductory
Choose 1 unit from: FIRST PART B MAJOR
Choose 1 unit from:
Shared majors
Session 2
COM10295 -  Written Communication Introductory
COM20001 -  Sensory Cultures Intermediate
Choose 1 unit from:
Choose 1 unit from:
Shared majors
PART-TIME STUDY - SESSION 1 - students should complete CAR10001 and CUL00412,
PART-TIME STUDY - SESSION 2 - students should complete COM10295 and COM20001.

Note 1:

COM20001 Sensory Cultures is currently delivered biannually.

Note 2:

ART & DESIGN MAJOR - units ART00621 Visual Arts Studio Studies I and ART00622 Visual Arts Studio Studies II are double-weighted units [equal to 2 units].

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes

Part A

COM10295 Written Communication Introductory
CUL00412 Indigenous Ways of Cultural Expression Introductory
CAR10001 Creativity and Arts Industries Introductory
COM20001 Sensory Cultures Intermediate Note 1
SOY10114 Independent Project Advanced
CAR10503 Arts Industry Studies Intermediate
CUR30001 Curating Contemporary Culture Advanced
COM00471 Professional Placement Advanced

Part B

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Choose any eight (8) from the following:
ART00621 Visual Arts Studio Studies I: Foundation Introductory
ART00622 Visual Arts Studio Studies II Introductory
ART00601 Framing Modernity Introductory
ART00630 Design Introductory
ART00406 Studio Drawing I Introductory
ART10275 Digital Photography I Introductory
ART00407 Studio Drawing II Introductory
ART10094 Digital Art and Design I Intermediate
ART10095 Digital Art and Design II Intermediate
ART00456 Photography II Intermediate
ART00498 Contemporary Debates in Visual Culture Intermediate
COM30001 Community Engagement Project Advanced
COM30002 Community Partnerships for Social Change II Advanced
Note 2

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
COM00439 Theory in Practice: Issues in Media Studies Introductory
COM10627 Telling Tales: Introduction to Digital Storytelling Introductory
COM00447 The Rebirth of Frankenstein: Media and New Technologies Studies Intermediate
Plus, choose any five (5) from the following:
COM00446 The Big Picture: Global Media Introductory
COM10110 Visual Communication and Design Introductory
COM00455 Online Media Design Intermediate
COM00461 Making Radio and Podcasts Intermediate
COM00481 The Fourth Estate: News Journalism Intermediate
COM00482 Hot Topics: Feature Journalism Intermediate
COM01402 Act One: Screenwriting Intermediate
COM10081 True Stories: Video Journalism Intermediate
COM10082 Film Studies: Cinema, Culture, Context Intermediate
COM10112 From Page to Production: Essential Screen Skills Intermediate
COM10628 To Be Continued: Media Project Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Choose any eight (8) from the following:
MUS10501 Music Practice I Introductory
MUS10502 Music Practice II Introductory
MUS00620 Contemporary Music Theory I Introductory
MUS10509 Sounds, Styles and Cultures Introductory
MUS00630 Songwriting Introductory
MUS00497 Introduction to Music Technology Introductory
MUS10506 Music Industry Landscapes Introductory
MUS10508 Sound Theory and Recording Technique Intermediate
MUS10545 Oceans of Sound: Global Music Cultures in the 21st Century Intermediate
MUS00621 Contemporary Music Theory II Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
WRI10001 Introduction to Creative Writing Introductory
Plus, choose any seven (7) from the following:
ENG00400 Introduction to Written Texts Introductory
ENG00401 Issues and Themes in Contemporary Writing Intermediate
WRI10003 Short Story Writing Intermediate
ENG00407 Writing for Performance Intermediate
ENG00411 Writing Genre Intermediate
WRI20004 Writing Lives Intermediate
COM00481 The Fourth Estate: News Journalism Intermediate
COM00482 Hot Topics: Feature Journalism Intermediate
WRI20001 Writing for Young People Intermediate
WRI20003 Writing Poetry Intermediate
ENG10022 Writing from the Edge Advanced
ENG00406 Theories of Text and Culture Advanced
ENG00408 Writing Project Advanced
WRI20002 Introduction to Editing and Publishing Advanced