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Unit of Study COM00482 - Hot Topics: Feature Journalism (2016)
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Unit Snapshot
Unit type
UG Coursework Unit
Credit points
AQF level
Level of learning
Former School/College
Enrolment information
Basic newswriting and reporting skills.
Learning outcomes and graduate attributes
Unit Learning Outcomes express learning achievement in terms of what a student should know, understand and be able to do on completion of a unit. These outcomes are aligned with the graduate attributes. The unit learning outcomes and graduate attributes are also the basis of evaluating prior learning.
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
Learning outcome count | Learning outcome description | GA1 | GA2 | GA3 | GA4 | GA5 | GA6 | GA7 |
1 | discuss the characteristics of feature writing, including the role of argument, narrative, persuasion and description | |||||||
2 | apply skills in planning, researching and interviewing for feature-form journalism writing projects | |||||||
3 | access, critically evaluate and document information sources, including reports, databases and specialist publications | |||||||
4 | write a newspaper/magazine feature article | |||||||
5 | identify and discuss professional, legal and ethical issues in feature journalism practice. |
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
discuss the characteristics of feature writing, including the role of argument, narrative, persuasion and description
- GA2:
- GA4:
- GA5:
apply skills in planning, researching and interviewing for feature-form journalism writing projects
- GA2:
- GA4:
- GA5:
access, critically evaluate and document information sources, including reports, databases and specialist publications
- GA2:
- GA4:
- GA5:
write a newspaper/magazine feature article
- GA2:
- GA4:
- GA5:
identify and discuss professional, legal and ethical issues in feature journalism practice.
- GA2:
- GA4:
- GA5:
Prescribed learning resources
Prescribed Texts
- No prescribed texts.
Prescribed Learning Resources may change in future Teaching Periods.