Unit of Study WELF3004 - Mental Health (2025)
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Unit Snapshot
Unit type
UG Coursework Unit
Credit points
Enrolment information
Learning outcomes
Unit Learning Outcomes express learning achievement in terms of what a student should know, understand and be able to do on completion of a unit. These outcomes are aligned with the graduate attributes. The unit learning outcomes and graduate attributes are also the basis of evaluating prior learning.
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
investigate the diverse lived experiences of people living with mental distress and their recovery journeys
describe how the most common expressions of mental distress are diagnosed and analyse the diverse explanatory frameworks for mental distress
critically reflect on mental health practice and demonstrate an understanding of how to effectively support people with lived experience of mental distress and their loved ones
understand, navigate and critically evaluate the mental health service system and how legislation and policy influences the theoretical frameworks and practices used in mental health organisations.
Prescribed learning resources
- No prescribed texts.
- No prescribed resources/equipment.
Prescribed Learning Resources may change in future Teaching Periods.