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Unit of Study HLT10594 - Evaluation of Occupational Therapy Programs (2014)

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Unit Snapshot

Learning outcomes and graduate attributes

Unit Learning Outcomes express learning achievement in terms of what a student should know, understand and be able to do on completion of a unit. These outcomes are aligned with the graduate attributes. The unit learning outcomes and graduate attributes are also the basis of evaluating prior learning.

On completion of this unit, students should be able to:

GA1: Intellectual rigour, GA2: Creativity, GA3: Ethical practice, GA4: Knowledge of a discipline, GA5: Lifelong learning, GA6: Communication and social skills, GA7: Cultural competence
Learning outcome count Learning outcome description GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 GA6 GA7
1 conceptualise and prioritise questions of critical concern to professional practice
2 comprehensively investigate research literature in order to understand and critically evaluate a topic of clinical interest
3 identify and defend a coherent framework for the conduct of evaluation
4 design a well integrated, effective, coherent and comprehensive methodological approach to addressing questions of critical concern
5 identify, respect and address the values and beliefs of all evaluation stakeholders in the design and implementation of an evaluation and consistent with professional standards of ethical conduct
6 prepare an evaluation proposal which is succinct, logical, unambiguous, compelling and well written and researched.
7 evaluate research proposals and reports of professional peers consistent with peer review guidelines employed by academic journals and scholars in occupational therapy.

On completion of this unit, students should be able to:

  1. conceptualise and prioritise questions of critical concern to professional practice
    • GA1:
    • GA2:
    • GA4:
    • GA5:
  2. comprehensively investigate research literature in order to understand and critically evaluate a topic of clinical interest
    • GA1:
    • GA4:
    • GA5:
  3. identify and defend a coherent framework for the conduct of evaluation
    • GA1:
    • GA4:
    • GA5:
  4. design a well integrated, effective, coherent and comprehensive methodological approach to addressing questions of critical concern
    • GA1:
    • GA2:
    • GA4:
    • GA5:
  5. identify, respect and address the values and beliefs of all evaluation stakeholders in the design and implementation of an evaluation and consistent with professional standards of ethical conduct
    • GA3:
    • GA4:
    • GA5:
    • GA7:
  6. prepare an evaluation proposal which is succinct, logical, unambiguous, compelling and well written and researched.
    • GA1:
    • GA4:
    • GA5:
    • GA6:
  7. evaluate research proposals and reports of professional peers consistent with peer review guidelines employed by academic journals and scholars in occupational therapy.
    • GA1:
    • GA4:
    • GA5:
    • GA6:

Prescribed learning resources

Prescribed Texts
  • No prescribed texts.

Prescribed Learning Resources may change in future Teaching Periods.