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Unit of Study HEA40001 - Health and Human Sciences Research Proposal (2014)
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Unit Snapshot
Unit type
Hons Unit
Credit points
AQF level
Level of learning
Former School/College
be admitted to course: Bachelor of Health Science with Honours
Enrolment information
Learning outcomes and graduate attributes
Unit Learning Outcomes express learning achievement in terms of what a student should know, understand and be able to do on completion of a unit. These outcomes are aligned with the graduate attributes. The unit learning outcomes and graduate attributes are also the basis of evaluating prior learning.
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
Learning outcome count | Learning outcome description | GA1 | GA2 | GA3 | GA4 | GA5 | GA6 | GA7 |
1 | select their thesis topic and develop a research question in consultation with academic staff member(s) with expertise in an area appropriate to the proposed topic areas | |||||||
2 | select an appropriate research design and provide associated rationale | |||||||
3 | critically review, analyse and synthesize the literature relevant to their research question and methodology | |||||||
4 | identify and explain the ethical issue(s) and demonstrate cultural awareness relevant to the research question and methodology | |||||||
5 | present an oral research proposal that encompasses envisaged background, aims, design, and methodology | |||||||
6 | present a written research proposal that encompasses critical review of the literature, ethical issues, envisaged aims, design, methodology, timetable and budget | |||||||
7 | demonstrate autonomy, well developed judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a learner. |
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
select their thesis topic and develop a research question in consultation with academic staff member(s) with expertise in an area appropriate to the proposed topic areas
- GA4:
select an appropriate research design and provide associated rationale
- GA1:
critically review, analyse and synthesize the literature relevant to their research question and methodology
- GA2:
- GA4:
identify and explain the ethical issue(s) and demonstrate cultural awareness relevant to the research question and methodology
- GA3:
- GA7:
present an oral research proposal that encompasses envisaged background, aims, design, and methodology
- GA6:
present a written research proposal that encompasses critical review of the literature, ethical issues, envisaged aims, design, methodology, timetable and budget
- GA6:
demonstrate autonomy, well developed judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a learner.
- GA5:
Prescribed learning resources
Prescribed Texts
- No prescribed texts.
Prescribed Texts
- No prescribed texts.
Prescribed Texts
- Prescribed text information is not currently available.
Prescribed Learning Resources may change in future Teaching Periods.