Unit of Study FORS3005 - Planted Trees and Forests (2025)
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Unit Snapshot
Unit type
UG Coursework Unit
Credit points
Enrolment information
There will be a 2-day compulsory residential for ALL students (including Online students) that will be held at the Lismore campus. Please refer to http://scu.edu.au/timetables for further information on timetables.
Learning outcomes
Unit Learning Outcomes express learning achievement in terms of what a student should know, understand and be able to do on completion of a unit. These outcomes are aligned with the graduate attributes. The unit learning outcomes and graduate attributes are also the basis of evaluating prior learning.
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
assess the complexities involved in growing planted trees and forests
evaluate and apply techniques and methods appropriate to achieve management objectives
critically evaluate risks associated with planted trees: species selection, pests and disease, climatic and financial risks of long term planning horizons
research, evaluate and synthesise information needed to produce a farm plan or a financial analysis of a planted forest.
Prescribed learning resources
- No prescribed texts.
- No prescribed resources/equipment.
- Prescribed text information is not currently available.
- Prescribed resources/equipment information is not currently available.
Prescribed Learning Resources may change in future Teaching Periods.