Unit of Study CHEM2001 - Environmental Chemistry (2025)
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Unit Snapshot
Unit type
UG Coursework Unit
Credit points
Enrolment information
There will be a 2-day compulsory residential for Online students that will be held on the Lismore campus. Please refer to http://www.scu.edu.au/timetables for further information.
Learning outcomes
Unit Learning Outcomes express learning achievement in terms of what a student should know, understand and be able to do on completion of a unit. These outcomes are aligned with the graduate attributes. The unit learning outcomes and graduate attributes are also the basis of evaluating prior learning.
On completion of this unit, students should be able to:
characterise the major processes controlling the concentration, distribution, and fate of chemical elements and species in natural environments
synthesise, evaluate and apply concepts of biomagnification, bioaccumulation, toxicology, biotolerance, bioremediation and green chemistry
collect, evaluate and interpret field data for environmental assessment and monitoring
synthesise scientific information into written and spoken presentations for diverse audiences.
Prescribed learning resources
- No prescribed texts.
Students must come to laboratory classes with the laboratory manual, laboratory coat, covered footwear and protective safety glasses for use in class.
Prescribed Learning Resources may change in future Teaching Periods.