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Unit of Study BIOL2008 - Haematology I (2024)

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Unit Snapshot

  • Unit type

    UG Coursework Unit

  • Credit points


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  • Placement


  • Enrolment information

    Please note this unit has an assessment scheduled in Week 7. Details will be provided closer to the time. This unit contains laboratory activities that requires students to meet mandatory compliance requirements prior to attending. Failure to comply by the compliance deadline may result in failure of the unit. Full details are available at

Learning outcomes

Unit Learning Outcomes express learning achievement in terms of what a student should know, understand and be able to do on completion of a unit. These outcomes are aligned with the graduate attributes. The unit learning outcomes and graduate attributes are also the basis of evaluating prior learning.

On completion of this unit, students should be able to:

summarise the processes involved in the development, regulation and metabolism of blood cells

evaluate normal and abnormal cell morphologies of erythrocytes, leukocytes, reticulocytes and platelets in various haematological states and the impact on their function

investigate a range of blood cell disorders, their causes and clinical diagnoses

select and employ relevant laboratory methods and safe practice in the haematology laboratory

Prescribed learning resources

Prescribed Texts
  • Keohane, EM, Smith, LJ & Walenga, JM , 2016, Rodak's Hematology: Clinical principles and applications, 5th edn, Elsevier , St. Louis, Missouri..
  • Rodak, BF & Carr, JH, 2017, Clinical Hematology Atlas, 5th edn, Elsevier, St, Louis, Missouri. ISBN: 978-0-323-32249-2.
Prescribed Resources/Equipment
  • The following items must be purchased and students must wear them at each laboratory class: Shoes – fully enclosed non-absorbent shoes made from leather, rubber or vinyl. Shoes must have a sturdy sole and fully covered heel, sides, top of foot and toes. If you are unsure of appropriate footwear please see further information on the Lab Safety video available on the Blackboard site or you can check with Lab technical staff at your campus. Safety glasses – available at Co-op Bookshop. Safety glasses must be worn when performing experiments that involve the use of chemicals or bodily fluids. If you wear prescription glasses, you must purchase safety glasses that fit over your prescription glasses. Plastic-covered notebook and display folder – students should acquire these for collecting, writing up, and presenting their experimental data. Laboratory manual – this is available on the MySCU unit site and is required for laboratory classes. Students should print the laboratory manual for each lab class and present it in their plastic-covered display folder. Gloves and laboratory coats are provided and must be worn during laboratory activities. Students must watch the Lab Safety video, available on the MySCU unit site, and obtain 100% on the quiz relevant to the video. Students who do not meet the OH&S and vaccination requirements will not be admitted to the laboratory.

Prescribed Learning Resources may change in future Teaching Periods.