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Undergraduate Certificate in Psychological Science


Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Course abbreviation


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  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Indicative Fee


If you are interested in human behaviour and the science behind it, the Undergraduate Certificate in Psychological Science is an excellent place to start your studies.

This course provides you with a foundational knowledge of the health sciences and the Australian healthcare system, and an introduction to the concepts, ethics and research as it applies to the discipline of psychology.

Graduates of this course are eligible for entry and up to four units of credit towards the Diploma of Health (Psychological Science) or the Bachelor of Psychological Science. Subsequent postgraduate studies are necessary to become a registered psychologist. 

Course Learning Outcome

demonstrate an understanding of foundational scientific concepts that are essential for successful university study in Psychological Science

apply independent learning and self-management strategies to university studies

identify and use different forms of communication relevant to Psychological Science

Core units:

  • Language and Learning in your Discipline
  • Introduction to Science for Health Professions

Elective units (Choose two from the following):

  • Introduction to Psychological Investigation
  • The Australian Health Care System
  • Introduction to Psychology I
  • Fundamentals of Career Success in Psychology.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Coffs Harbour Session 1, Session 2 N/A N/A
Gold Coast Session 2 N/A N/A
Online Session 1, Session 2 N/A N/A


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Entry requirements

Applicants for admission to candidature to the Undergraduate Certificate in Psychological Science must have an assessable entry qualification from a country where English is the main language and where the medium of instruction for that qualification was English, or have completed an International English Language Test (or comparable test scores*) with:

  • a minimum overall score of 5.5 minimum score of 5.0 in each subtest (or comparable test scores*), except for writing with a minimum score of 5.5

Course requirements

To be eligible to receive the Undergraduate Certificate in Psychological Science, students must complete the equivalent of 4 units (48 credit points), comprising:

  • 2 core units (24 credit points) and
  • 2 elective units (24 credit points)
Exit Pathway
Students admitted to the Bachelor of Psychological Science may be eligible to exit with the Undergraduate Certificate in Psychological Science after completing 4 approved core units (48 credit points) from the Bachelor of Psychological Science.



Course structure

Unit Code Unit Title Notes
EDUC1001 Language and Learning in your Discipline
HLTH1001 Introduction to Science for Health Professions
Choose two units from the following:
PSYC1001 Introduction to Psychology I
PSYC1004 Introduction to Psychological Investigation
PSYC1005 Fundamentals of Career Success in Psychology
PBHL1001 The Australian Health Care System

Bachelor of Psychological Science Early Exit Pathway

To be eligible to exit from the Bachelor of Psychological Science with the Undergraduate Certificate in Psychological Science, complete four core units from the Bachelor of Psychological Science including at least one of the following units:
PSYC1001 Introduction to Psychology I
PSYC1002 Introduction to Psychology II
PSYC1004 Introduction to Psychological Investigation
PSYC1005 Fundamentals of Career Success in Psychology