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Master of Forest Science and Management

Masters by Coursework

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

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  • Indicative Fee


The Master of Forest Science and Management is a postgraduate qualification in plantation and natural forest management. Concerns about climate change, carbon sequestration and environment-friendly building materials have rekindled the demand for professional forest managers. Worldwide, forest management is becoming more intensive, with many forest products traded internationally as commodities. As a result, forest management agencies now require foresters with enhanced skills in strategic planning and management, which are both features of this course.

The Graduate Diploma of Forest Science and Management is also available as an entry point and is suited to graduates with a background in general or environmental sciences who wish to seek careers in government forest services, management of native forests, fire fighting, land use and parks management, mine site rehabilitation, plantation management and forestry restoration.

Graduate AttributeCourse Learning Outcome
Intellectual rigour

Demonstrate skills of critical analysis and application of scientific methods in forest science and management.

Make decisions and exercise informed judgement in relation to native forest, plantation and agroforestry science and management


Demonstrate imagination, initiative and enterprise in problem-solving.

Respond creatively to intellectual, professional, environmental and social challenges.

Ethical practice

Evaluate issues with reference to sound ethical frameworks and sustainability.

Demonstrate well-developed judgement on principles of social justice and professional standards

Knowledge of a discipline

Demonstrate broad and coherent knowledge of forest science and management.

Apply disciplinary knowledge and skills in professional and community settings.

Demonstrate knowledge in several sub-disciplines.

Lifelong learning

Demonstrate cognitive and technical skills in self-managed learning.

Critically reflect on practice.

Demonstrate information literacy skills

Communication and social skills

Communicate clearly and coherently knowledge and ideas in forest science and management contexts.

Collaborate effectively with stakeholders and academic, operational and technical workers.

Cultural competence

Demonstrate awareness and respect for cultural diversity and the relationship between people and the environment.

The course structure is flexible to accommodate students who are interested in operational forestry or those who wish to pursue a research career.

Forestry units involve fieldwork in eucalypt forests, rainforests, plantations and on farms. The course provides targeted forest science and management education and training. It includes studies in natural resource management, measuring trees and forests, fire ecology and management, plant physiology and ecology, wood science, forest operations, silviculture, forest health and pest management.

Students enrolled in the Masters course can also select to undertake a minor thesis, research project, or pilot study, and choose from a range of elective units including financial, strategic and project management.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Lismore Session 1 , Session 2 N/A N/A

Career Outcomes

Masters graduates qualify for automatic full membership of the Institute of Foresters of Australia.


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Entry requirements

Credit for prior learning

Candidates for the Master of Forest Science and Management who have completed all the requirements for a relevant four (4) year undergraduate award in forestry or natural resource management may be granted advanced standing for up to eight (8) units.

Course requirements

  1. To be eligible for the award of Master of Forest Science and Management a candidate shall successfully complete not less than sixteen (16) units comprising:
    1. all units listed in Part A of the Schedule of Units attached to these Rules;
    2. at least five (5) units from Part B of the Schedule
    3. remaining units from Part C of the Schedule.
  2. A candidate who while enrolled for a Master of Forest Science and Management:
    1. has successfully completed four (4) units comprising two (2) units from Part A and two (2) units from Part B of the Schedule of units may elect to be awarded the Graduate Certificate of Forest Science and Management following withdrawal from candidature for the Master Degree; or
    2. has successfully completed eight (8) units comprising four (4) units from Part A and four (4) units from Part B of the schedule may elect to be awarded the Graduate Diploma of Forest Science and Management following withdrawal from candidature for the Master Degree

Course structure

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes

Part A

FOR03083 Measuring Trees and Forests Advanced
FOR03085 Native Forests Silviculture Advanced
FOR03105 Fire Ecology and Management Advanced
FOR03107 Plantation Silviculture Advanced

Part B

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
FOR03019 Extension and Professional Practice in Natural Resource Management Advanced
FOR03082 Forest Modelling and Management Advanced
FOR03084 Forest Operations Advanced
FOR03106 Plant Physiology and Ecology Intermediate
FOR03081 Forest Health: Pest and Disease Management Intermediate
FOR03108 Wood Science and Utilisation Introductory
FOR03110 Agroforestry and Farm Forestry Advanced
FOR03111 Natural Resources Policy Intermediate
FOR03198 Product Development and Marketing Intermediate
BIO03076 Protected Area Management Advanced

Part C

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
ACC00724 Accounting for Managers Introductory
FOR03169 Minor Thesis (Part 1 of 2) Advanced
FOR03170 Minor Thesis (Part 2 of 2) Advanced
IST03301 Postgraduate Independent Study - Science I Advanced
MNG91002 Entrepreneurship Introductory
MNG00785 Project Management Introductory
MNG82001 Organisational Behaviour Introductory
MNG03067 Strategic Knowledge Management Introductory
MNG03217 The Positive Leader Introductory
ACC03043 Corporate Governance Advanced
Any Southern Cross University postgraduate unit
MNG03048 Quantitative Research Methods Advanced
AGT03090 Land Degradation and Rehabilitation Introductory
ENV03398 Environment and Development Advanced
ENV03399 Environmental Governance Advanced
BIO03103 Wildlife Conservation Introductory
GLY03113 Geographical Information Systems Intermediate
ISY03087 Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis Intermediate
IST03301 Postgraduate Independent Study - Science I Advanced
IST03302 Postgraduate Independent Study - Science II Advanced
IST03303 Postgraduate Independent Study - Science III Advanced
IST03304 Postgraduate Independent Study - Science IV Advanced