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Doctor of Business Administration

Doctorate by Coursework and TB Thesis

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The Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) is a research-based management program. As per the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), our DBA Degree (AQF Level 10) qualifies students who apply a substantial body of knowledge to research, investigate and develop new knowledge, in one or more fields of investigation, scholarship or professional practice. It is particularly designed to allow high-achieving business managers, business owners and senior public servants (who possess a Masters degree) to develop their research skills (via solid training in business research methods) and to develop a project (as a research thesis) that will have practical implications for the student's industry sector or individual business.
All aspects of the qualification can be related to the students own workplace or industry, which enables them to uncover new information or insights within their profession, become an expert in their industry and make a significant contribution to their profession. 

Graduate AttributeCourse Learning Outcome
Intellectual rigour

Develop and create effective solutions to complex problems from the frontier of a discipline area.

Critically evaluate, analyse and synthesise a complex issue or theory from the frontier of a discipline area to arrive at a conclusion/decision with justification.


Independently develop and create innovative ideas and strategies within complex business environments.

Independently identify, critically evaluate, analyse and synthesise complex problems or theories from a discipline area to arrive at a conclusion/decision with justification.

Ethical practice

Critically evaluate challenging interpersonal, organisational and governance issues in terms of their ethical implications.

Apply discipline based knowledge and skills in situations that require autonomy and a high level of responsible behaviour.

Knowledge of a discipline

Demonstrate and apply in-depth discipline knowledge and skills at the forefront of a specialised discipline area with a global perspective.

Apply and integrate research principles and methods to complex management problems at the frontier of a management discipline area.

Contribute new knowledge to a specialised management area.

Lifelong learning

Use research skills with full autonomy to develop and create effective solutions to complex problems from the forefront of a discipline area.

Critically evaluate, analyse and synthesise a complex issue or theory from a discipline area to arrive at a conclusion/decision with authoritative judgement.

Communication and social skills

Demonstrates professional behaviour in the preparation and delivery of advanced discipline advice, knowledge and ideas orally in a business or public context on complex issues.

Demonstrate leadership in the preparation and delivery of advanced written communications of justified advice for a business context, an academic context or the general public on complex issues.

Cultural competence

Demonstrate and apply advanced discipline knowledge and skills in a specialised management area within a global environment.

Apply and integrate research principles and methods to complex management situations.

While this course has no majors it does include postgraduate studies, notably in critical literature review, introduction to research methods, qualitative or quantitative methods and research proposal development along with thesis research units relevant to the DBA.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Gold Coast Session 1 , Session 2 , Session 3 N/A N/A
Online Session 1 , Session 2 , Session 3 N/A N/A


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Course requirements

  1. To be eligible for the award of Doctor of Business Administration a candidate shall successfully complete not less than the equivalent of twenty four (24) units (288 credit points) comprising:
    1. four (4) units from Part A; and
    2. four (4) units from Part B; and
    3. all units in Part C.
  2. A candidate, who, while enrolled in the Doctor of Business Administration, has completed four (4) units from Part A and four (4) units from Part B, may elect to be awarded the Graduate Diploma in Business Research following withdrawal from candidature for the Doctor of Business Administration award.

Entry requirements

English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this course are as follows

Language requirements

  1. To be eligible for the award of Doctor of Business Administration a candidate shall successfully complete not less than the equivalent of twenty four (24) units (288 credit points) comprising:
    1. four (4) units from Part A; and
    2. four (4) units from Part B; and
    3. all units in Part C.
  2. A candidate, who, while enrolled in the Doctor of Business Administration, has completed four (4) units from Part A and four (4) units from Part B, may elect to be awarded the Graduate Diploma in Business Research following withdrawal from candidature for the Doctor of Business Administration award.

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes

Year 1, Session 1

Four (4) Postgraduate units as approved by the DBA Program Director

Year 1, Session 2

EDU00751 -  Critical Literature Review Advanced
MNG03047 -  Qualitative Research Methods Advanced

Year 1, Session 3

MNG03048 -  Quantitative Research Methods Advanced
MNG10800 -  DBA Research Proposal Advanced

Year 2 and Year 3

MNG89022 -  Doctor of Business Administration Thesis Advanced Note 1

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes

Year 1, Session 1

Two (2) Postgraduate units as approved by the DBA Program Director

Year 1, Session 2

Two (2) Postgraduate units as approved by the DBA Program Director

Year 1, Session 3

EDU00751 -  Critical Literature Review Advanced

Year 2, Session 1

MNG03048 -  Quantitative Research Methods Advanced

Year 2, Session 2

MNG03047 -  Qualitative Research Methods Advanced

Year 2, Session 3

MNG10800 -  DBA Research Proposal Advanced

Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

MNG89022 -  Doctor of Business Administration Thesis Advanced Note 1

Note 1:

16 unit equivalent

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes

Part A

Part A consists of four (4) Postgraduate coursework units relevant to the proposed research project and as approved by the Doctor of Business Administration Program Director. These four (4) units may be selected from within the School of Business and Tourism or University-wide.

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
EDU00751 Critical Literature Review Advanced
MNG10800 DBA Research Proposal Advanced
MNG03047 Qualitative Research Methods Advanced
MNG03048 Quantitative Research Methods Advanced

Part C

MNG89022 Doctor of Business Administration Thesis Advanced Note 1