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Bachelor of Visual Arts with Honours

Bachelors Honours Degree (C/w)

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Course abbreviation


  • Course code


  • Credit points


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  • Indicative Fee


Honours in Visual Arts is a separate fourth year of study that is undertaken following the successful completion of a relevant undergraduate degree. It provides an opportunity to engage in advanced studio enquiry in contemporary arts practice in conjunction with academic research training. Students study Research Methodology and Creative Project units.

The degree provides opportunity for intellectual stimulation and academic and artistic achievements. This enables students to prepare for further postgraduate study such as a PhD and/or a professional artistic career. Students are supported through School-wide facilities and resources as well as specialised, individual visual arts supervision.

Prior to lodging an application, interested applicants must contact the University to discuss their eligibility and to find a suitable honours supervisor for their proposed honours topic. For more information refer to the School of Arts and Social Sciences Honours information

Graduate AttributeCourse Learning Outcome
Intellectual rigour

Demonstrate cognitive and technical skills in Visual Arts research in conceptual and technical production.

Develop, research and evaluate ideas, concepts and processes through critical and reflective thinking and practice.

Apply intellectual rigour and critical analysis to a self-proposed creative arts project encompassing sophisticated visual arts and cultural production issues.


Negotiate and develop creative, novel and innovative responses to visual arts challenges.

Apply relevant skills and knowledge to produce creative works and artefacts.

Develop research and evaluate ideas, concepts and processes through critical reflective thinking in the production of creative works.

Ethical practice

Demonstrate a commitment to ethical practices and legal obligations in professional and personal contexts.

Practice ethical enquiry and communication with regards to research and visual arts practices.

Knowledge of a discipline

Demonstrate a command of visual arts world views and contemporary issues relating to professional or scholarly settings in visual arts research.

Demonstrate advanced knowledge of the practices, languages, forms, materials, technologies and techniques in the visual arts.

Lifelong learning

Independently access, manage and evaluate sources of information in contemporary formats.

Develop the qualities of a reflective, responsible and inclusive practitioner in culturally diverse settings.

Work independently in the visual arts discipline in response to project demands

Communication and social skills

Communicate effectively in visual, oral and written form.

Interpret, communicate, collaborate and present ideas, problems and arguments in modes suited to a range of audiences.

Cultural competence

Demonstrate cultural proficiency, cultural competency and cultural safety in professional and scholarly community contexts.

Recognise, develop cultural understanding and reflect on social and cultural issues, and apply local and international perspectives to practice in the visual arts.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Lismore Session 1 N/A N/A


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Course requirements

The Honours course comprises the equivalent of eight (8) units (96 credit points) of study and includes a research methodology unit and a research project.

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Note 1:

Double-weighted unit

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
COM40015 Research Methods for Arts and Social Sciences Advanced Note 1
CAR40003 Creative Arts Research Thesis (Stage 1 of 3) Advanced Note 1
CAR40004 Creative Arts Research Thesis (Stage 2 of 3) Advanced Note 1
CAR40005 Creative Arts Research Thesis (Stage 3 of 3) Advanced Note 1