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Bachelor of Information Technology

Bachelors Degree

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Course abbreviation


  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Indicative Fee


The Bachelor of Information Technology offers a complete grounding in all aspects of the information and communications technology (ICT) industries including programming, systems analysis and design, multimedia development and usage, database development, networking and communications theory, computer security and technology management.

Students have the opportunity to study some of the issues confronting the ICT industry, including employer obligations, employee rights, impacts on society, and future directions of the industry.

The University also offers the mentoring program, Women in Technology to provide dedicated support and scholarship opportunities for women entering this specialised area.

Graduate AttributeCourse Learning Outcome
Intellectual rigour

Develop and create effective solutions to straight forward problems from a discipline area.

Critically evaluate, analyse and synthesise a straight forward issue or theory from a discipline area to arrive at a conclusion / decision with justification.


Incorporated in Intellectual rigour.

Ethical practice

Describe and apply a recognised ethical framework to analyse behaviour in a discipline or workplace/organisation.

Apply discipline based knowledge and skills in situations that require autonomy and well-developed responsible behaviour.

Knowledge of a discipline

Demonstrate and apply in-depth discipline specific knowledge and skills with a global perspective.

Demonstrate an understanding and application of research, analytical and technical skills in a broad business discipline.

Lifelong learning

Incorporated in Intellectual rigour.

Communication and social skills

Prepare and deliver well developed discipline advice, knowledge and ideas orally for a business and public context.

Prepare and deliver well developed and justified, discipline advice using written communications suitable for business and public contexts.

Investigate and identify a broad range of leadership practices in the management of people and self.

Demonstrate the ability to effectively participate in and reflect upon self and team activities in general business situations.

Cultural competence

Incorporated in Knowledge of a discipline.

Students have the opportunity to complete a workplace internship, which counts towards their degree. They need to choose their internships units, and any placement must be approved by the unit assessor.

This course offers the following majors:

Information Systems gives students the skills needed to design, develop, implement and manage information systems and also provides students with a realistic understanding of the roles of information technology in organisations.

Software Development gives students the skills needed to efficiently develop and maintain high quality software systems and also provides students with the knowledge to participate in and manage software projects.

Interactive Multimedia gives students the skills needed to effectively and efficiently design and develop multimedia resources and interactive multimedia programs. Students develop an ability to select and use multimedia resources that facilitate engagement and usability for users.

Additional majors: University-wide majors are also available in this course.

Please note that some units may not be available at each location. Unit availabilities are published for each study period and vary from year to year.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Coffs Harbour Session 1 , Session 2 332153 052531
Gold Coast Session 1 , Session 2 , Session 3 332161 052361
Online Session 1 , Session 2 , Session 3 N/A N/A

Career Outcomes

This course is accredited by the Australian Computer Society.


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Entry requirements

Credit for prior learning

  1. Candidates who have completed an Associate Degree of Information Technology may be granted advanced standing for up to sixteen (16) units.
  2. Candidates who have completed a TAFE two year Diploma in Information Technology in the three years prior to admission to candidature are eligible for advanced standing for a minimum of eight (8) units.
  3. Subject to approval by Head of School Advanced Standing of up to sixteen (16) units may be granted.

Course requirements

  1. To be eligible for the award of Bachelor of Information Technology a candidate shall successfully complete not less than twenty four (24) units comprising:
    1. all eight (8) units listed in Part A of the Schedule of Units attached to these Rules; and
    2. one (1) eight (8) unit major from Part B of the Schedule of Units; OR all four (4) units from Part C of the Schedule and any four (4) units from Part D or Part E of the Schedule including at least one (1) unit from Part E of the Schedule; and
    3. eight (8) elective units chosen from Part F and/or any University undergraduate degree; OR an eight (8) unit University-wide Major.
  2. A candidate who while enrolled for the Bachelor of Information Technology has completed the requirements for the Associate Degree of Information Technology may elect to be awarded the Associate Degree of Information Technology following removal from candidature for the Bachelor degree. 

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Session 1, Year 1
CSC00235 -  Applications Development Introductory
COM00207 -  Communication in Organisations Introductory Note 1
MAT10251 -  Statistical Analysis Introductory
ISY10209 -  Web Development I Introductory
Session 2, Year 1
ISY10212 -  Contemporary Issues in Multimedia and Information Technology Introductory
CSC00240 -  Data Communications and Networks Introductory
ISY00245 -  Principles of Programming Introductory
ISY00243 -  Systems Analysis and Design Introductory
Session 1, Year 2
CSC00228 -  Database Systems I Intermediate
MNG10247 -  Managing Organisations Introductory
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 1 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 2 of 8
Session 2, Year 2
ISY10058 -  Electronic Commerce Systems Intermediate
ACC10707 -  Accounting for Business Introductory
Elective Unit OR Uni-wide Major 3 of 8
Elective OR OR Uni-wide Major 4 of 8
Session 1, Year 3
ACC00222 -  Computer Control Auditing and Security Advanced
ISY10221 -  Computing Project I: Analysis and Design Advanced
ISY10056 -  Intelligent Decision Systems Intermediate
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 5 of 8
Session 2, Year 3
ISY10222 -  Computing Project II: Development and Implementation Advanced
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 6 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 7 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 8 of 8

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Session 1, Year 1
CSC00235 -  Applications Development Introductory
COM00207 -  Communication in Organisations Introductory Note 1
MAT10251 -  Statistical Analysis Introductory
ISY10209 -  Web Development I Introductory
Session 2, Year 1
ISY10212 -  Contemporary Issues in Multimedia and Information Technology Introductory
CSC00240 -  Data Communications and Networks Introductory
ISY00245 -  Principles of Programming Introductory
ISY00243 -  Systems Analysis and Design Introductory
Session 1, Year 2
CSC00228 -  Database Systems I Intermediate
ISY00324 -  Digital Media I: Images, Text and Interface Design Introductory
MNG10247 -  Managing Organisations Introductory
CSC10214 -  Interactive Multimedia Application Development I Intermediate
Session 2, Year 2
ISY00325 -  Digital Media II: Audio-Video Resources and Linear Scriptwriting Introductory
CSC10215 -  Interactive Multimedia Application Development II Advanced
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 1 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 2 of 8
Session 1, Year 3
ISY10221 -  Computing Project I: Analysis and Design Advanced
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 3 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 4 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 5 of 8
Session 2, Year 3
ISY10222 -  Computing Project II: Development and Implementation Advanced
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 6 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 7 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 8 of 8

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Session 1, Year 1
CSC00235 -  Applications Development Introductory
COM00207 -  Communication in Organisations Introductory Note 1
MAT10251 -  Statistical Analysis Introductory
ISY10209 -  Web Development I Introductory
Session 2, Year 1
ISY10212 -  Contemporary Issues in Multimedia and Information Technology Introductory
CSC00240 -  Data Communications and Networks Introductory
ISY00245 -  Principles of Programming Introductory
ISY00243 -  Systems Analysis and Design Introductory
Session 1, Year 2
CSC00228 -  Database Systems I Intermediate
CSC10210 -  Object Oriented Program Development Intermediate
MNG10247 -  Managing Organisations Introductory
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 1 of 8
Session 2, Year 2
ISY00246 -  Client/Server Systems Advanced
CSC10217 -  Web Development II Intermediate
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 2 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 3 of 8
Session 1, Year 3
ISY10221 -  Computing Project I: Analysis and Design Advanced
CSC10216 -  Object Oriented GUI Development Advanced
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 4 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 5 of 8
Session 2, Year 3
ISY10222 -  Computing Project II: Development and Implementation Advanced
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 6 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 7 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 8 of 8

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Session 1, Year 1
CSC00235 -  Applications Development Introductory
COM00207 -  Communication in Organisations Introductory Note 1
MAT10251 -  Statistical Analysis Introductory
ISY10209 -  Web Development I Introductory
Session 2, Year 1
ISY10212 -  Contemporary Issues in Multimedia and Information Technology Introductory
CSC00240 -  Data Communications and Networks Introductory
ISY00245 -  Principles of Programming Introductory
ISY00245 -  Principles of Programming Introductory
Session 1, Year 2
CSC00228 -  Database Systems I Intermediate
MNG10247 -  Managing Organisations Introductory
IT unit (1 of 4) from Part D or E
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 1 of 8
Session 2, Year 2
IT unit (2 of 4) from Part D or E
IT unit (3 of 4) from Part D or E
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 2 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 3 of 8
Session 1, Year 3
ISY10221 -  Computing Project I: Analysis and Design Advanced
IT unit (4 of 4) from Part D or E
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 4 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 5 of 8
Session 2, Year 3
ISY10222 -  Computing Project II: Development and Implementation Advanced
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 6 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 7 of 8
Elective unit OR Uni-wide Major 8 of 8

Note 1:

If studying part-time it is suggested that you do this unit in Session 1, Year 1.

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes

Part A

COM00207 Communication in Organisations Introductory
CSC00235 Applications Development Introductory
ISY10212 Contemporary Issues in Information Technology Introductory
ISY00243 Systems Analysis and Design Introductory
MAT10251 Statistical Analysis Introductory
ISY10209 Web Development I Introductory
CSC00240 Data Communications and Networks Introductory
ISY00245 Principles of Programming Introductory

Part B

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
ACC10707 Accounting and Finance for Business Introductory
ISY10058 Electronic Commerce Systems Intermediate
MNG10247 Managing Organisations Introductory
ACC00222 Computer Control Auditing and Security Advanced
ISY10056 Intelligent Decision Systems Advanced
CSC00228 Database Systems I Advanced
ISY10221 Computing Project I: Analysis and Design Advanced
ISY10222 Computing Project II: Development and Implementation Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
MNG10247 Managing Organisations Introductory
CSC10210 Object Oriented Program Development Advanced
ISY00246 Client/Server Systems Advanced
CSC10217 Web Development II Advanced
CSC10216 Object Oriented GUI Development Advanced
CSC00228 Database Systems I Advanced
ISY10221 Computing Project I: Analysis and Design Advanced
ISY10222 Computing Project II: Development and Implementation Advanced

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
MNG10247 Managing Organisations Introductory
ISY00324 Visual Resources for Interactive Applications Intermediate
ISY00325 Audio-Video Resources for Interactive Applications Intermediate
CSC10214 Designing the User Experience Intermediate
CSC10215 Developing the User Experience Advanced
CSC00228 Database Systems I Advanced
ISY10221 Computing Project I: Analysis and Design Advanced
ISY10222 Computing Project II: Development and Implementation Advanced

Part C

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
CSC00228 Database Systems I Advanced
MNG10247 Managing Organisations Introductory
ISY10221 Computing Project I: Analysis and Design Advanced
ISY10222 Computing Project II: Development and Implementation Advanced

Part D

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
ISY10058 Electronic Commerce Systems Intermediate
ACC00222 Computer Control Auditing and Security Advanced
ISY10056 Intelligent Decision Systems Advanced
CSC10210 Object Oriented Program Development Advanced
ISY00246 Client/Server Systems Advanced
CSC10217 Web Development II Advanced
CSC10216 Object Oriented GUI Development Advanced
ISY00324 Visual Resources for Interactive Applications Intermediate
ISY00325 Audio-Video Resources for Interactive Applications Intermediate
CSC10214 Designing the User Experience Intermediate
CSC10215 Developing the User Experience Advanced

Part E

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
CSC10215 Developing the User Experience Advanced
ISY10056 Intelligent Decision Systems Advanced
ISY00246 Client/Server Systems Advanced
ACC00222 Computer Control Auditing and Security Advanced
CSC10216 Object Oriented GUI Development Advanced

Part F

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
ISY10621 Information Communication Technology Internship I Advanced
ISY10622 Information Communication Technology Internship II Advanced
ISY10623 Information Communication Technology Internship III Advanced
ISY10624 Information Communication Technology Internship IV Advanced