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Bachelor of Contemporary Studies

Bachelors Degree

Course snapshot

Domestic snapshot

  • Course abbreviation


  • Course code


  • Credit points


  • Equivalent units


  • Indicative Fee


The Bachelor of Contemporary Studies is a three-year full-time (or part-time equivalent) degree which is a qualification in its own right or it can provide a pathway to other disciplines. After the first session, students select a study area, choosing from disciplines including arts, science, allied health, engineering, business and tourism.

This degree is particularly suitable for VET graduates, mature aged students, or school leavers who may have achieved lower than anticipated results in Year 11 and 12. 

Students can progress through this degree, exit early with a diploma or associate degree, or seek to transfer to another SCU degree upon achieving the required results.

This course is offered through SCU College which provides students with extra support through College Connect while undertaking this degree.

Graduate AttributeCourse Learning Outcome
Intellectual rigour

Exercise critical judgement and creative thinking to identify, analyse and solve problems in a range of contemporary areas of study


Exercise critical judgement and creative thinking to identify, analyse and solve problems in a range of contemporary areas of study

Ethical practice

Apply scholarly, ethical and sustainable values and practices within a coherent, contemporary studies context.

Knowledge of a discipline

Apply broad knowledge and skills within a range of contemporary studies contexts

Lifelong learning

Demonstrate responsibility and accountability for own learning and work in broad contemporary studies contexts

Communication and social skills

Coherently communicate information, concepts and solutions, individually and/or in a team, with competence with diverse cultural perspectives within a range of contemporary studies contexts

Cultural competence

Communicate information, concepts and solutions, individually and/or in a team, with an awareness of diverse cultural perspectives within a range of contemporary studies contexts

After completing the core units, students can select a study area, choosing from disciplines including:

  • Arts
  • Business
  • Tourism
  • Health*
  • Engineering*
  • Science* 

*Not available for Session 2 entry

Please note: Not all study areas are available at each campus or online. Please look carefully at the Course progressions to see where each study area is offered.

Location Teaching period UAC code QTAC code
Lismore Session 1 N/A N/A
Online Session 1 N/A N/A


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Course requirements

  1. To be eligible for the award of Bachelor of Contemporary Studies a candidate shall successfully complete not less than twenty-four (24) units (288 credit points) comprising:
    1. 16 units (192 credit points) from the Contemporary Studies stream comprising:
      1. all units listed in Part A of the Schedule of Units; and
      2. two (2) units listed in Part B; and
      3. twelve (12) units selected from Part C
    2. 16 units (192 credit points) from one of the following streams:
      1. Health following the awards rules and schedule of units listed in the Associate Degree of Health or
      2. Arts following the awards rules and schedule of units listed in the Associate Degree of Arts or
      3. Business/Tourism following the awards rules and schedule of units listed in the Associate Degree of Business or
      4. Science following the awards rules and schedule of units listed in the Associate Degree of Science.
    3. Eight (8) undergraduate elective units selected, in consultation with the Course Coordinator, from Part D of the Schedule of Units which will include at least six (6) Advanced units.
  2. A candidate who while enrolled in the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies has completed the equivalent of eight (8) units or 16 from Part A and/or Part B and/or C may elect to be awarded a Diploma of Contemporary Studies or Associate Degree of Contemporary Studies respectively following withdrawal from candidature for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies.
  3. A candidate who while enrolled for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies has completed the award requirements for the Diploma or Associate Degree of Health may elect to be awarded the relevant award following withdrawal from candidature for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies.
  4. A candidate who while enrolled for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies has completed the award requirements for the Diploma or Associate Degree of Arts may elect to be awarded the relevant award following withdrawal from candidature for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies.
  5. A candidate who while enrolled for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies has completed the award requirements for the Diploma or Associate Degree of Business may elect to be awarded the relevant award following withdrawal from candidature for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies.
  6. A candidate who while enrolled for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies has completed the award requirements for the Diploma or Associate Degree of Science may elect to be awarded the relevant award following withdrawal from candidature for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies.

Entry requirements

English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this course are as follows

Language requirements

  1. To be eligible for the award of Bachelor of Contemporary Studies a candidate shall successfully complete not less than twenty-four (24) units (288 credit points) comprising:
    1. 16 units (192 credit points) from the Contemporary Studies stream comprising:
      1. all units listed in Part A of the Schedule of Units; and
      2. two (2) units listed in Part B; and
      3. twelve (12) units selected from Part C
    2. 16 units (192 credit points) from one of the following streams:
      1. Health following the awards rules and schedule of units listed in the Associate Degree of Health or
      2. Arts following the awards rules and schedule of units listed in the Associate Degree of Arts or
      3. Business/Tourism following the awards rules and schedule of units listed in the Associate Degree of Business or
      4. Science following the awards rules and schedule of units listed in the Associate Degree of Science.
    3. Eight (8) undergraduate elective units selected, in consultation with the Course Coordinator, from Part D of the Schedule of Units which will include at least six (6) Advanced units.
  2. A candidate who while enrolled in the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies has completed the equivalent of eight (8) units or 16 from Part A and/or Part B and/or C may elect to be awarded a Diploma of Contemporary Studies or Associate Degree of Contemporary Studies respectively following withdrawal from candidature for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies.
  3. A candidate who while enrolled for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies has completed the award requirements for the Diploma or Associate Degree of Health may elect to be awarded the relevant award following withdrawal from candidature for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies.
  4. A candidate who while enrolled for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies has completed the award requirements for the Diploma or Associate Degree of Arts may elect to be awarded the relevant award following withdrawal from candidature for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies.
  5. A candidate who while enrolled for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies has completed the award requirements for the Diploma or Associate Degree of Business may elect to be awarded the relevant award following withdrawal from candidature for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies.
  6. A candidate who while enrolled for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies has completed the award requirements for the Diploma or Associate Degree of Science may elect to be awarded the relevant award following withdrawal from candidature for the Bachelor of Contemporary Studies.

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes

Year 1, Session 1

EDU10010 -  Language and Learning in your Discipline Introductory
2 unit from Part B
1 unit from Part C

Year 1, Session 2

EDU10011 -  Learning for Future Careers Intermediate
3 units from Part C

Year 2, Session 1

4 units from Arts and Social Science Units, Science Units, Business Units, OR Tourism Units

Year 2, Session 2

4 units from Arts and Social Science Units, Science Units, Business Units, OR Tourism Units

Year 3, Session 1

Students should consult with the Course Coordinator before selecting units from Part D. Units must be at the Advanced level
2 units from Arts and Social Science Units, Science Units, Business Units, OR Tourism Units
2 units from Part D

Year 3, Session 2

Students should consult with the Course Coordinator before selecting units from Part D. Units must be at the Advanced level
4 units from Part D

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes

Year 1, Session 2

EDU10010 -  Language and Learning in your Discipline Introductory
2 units from Part B
1 unit from Part C

Year 2, Session 1

2 units from Part B
EDU10011 -  Learning for Future Careers Intermediate
1 unit from Part C

Year 2, Session 2

4 units from Arts and Social Science Units, Science Units, Business Units, OR Tourism Units

Year 3, Session 1

4 units from Arts and Social Science Units, Science Units, Business Units, OR Tourism Units

Year 3, Session 2

Students should consult with the Course Coordinator before selecting units from Part D. Units must be at the Advanced level
2 units from Arts and Social Science Units, Science Units, Business Units, OR Tourism Units
2 units from Part D

Year 4, Session 1

Students should consult with the Course Coordinator. Units must be at the Advanced level
4 units from Part D

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes
Students must enrol in the core College units in the first session of study: EDU10010 -  Language and Learning in your Discipline AND HEA10001 -  Introduction to Science for Health Professions

Year 1, Session 1

EDU10010 -  Language and Learning in your Discipline Introductory
HEA10001 -  Introduction to Science for Health Professions Introductory
HLT10598 -  Introduction to Complementary Medicine Introductory
CUL00408 -  Health and Indigenous Australian Peoples Intermediate Note 1

Year 1, Session 2

EDU10011 -  Learning for Future Careers Intermediate
HEA10200 -  Trans- and Intergenerational Trauma Introductory
CUL00409 -  The Mental Health of Australian Indigenous Peoples Introductory
Any unit from Part B of the Associate Degree of Health 2207273

Year 2, Session 1

BHS10581 -  Psychology and Sociology for Health Sciences Introductory
BIO01302 -  Human Anatomy Introductory
Any two (2) units from Part B of the Associate Degree of Health 2207273

Year 2, Session 2

BIO00307 -  Human Physiology Introductory
MAT00330 -  Research and Analysis in Health Introductory
HLT10584 -  Mobility and Personal Care Occupations Introductory
HLT10583 -  Communication Skills for Health Sciences Introductory

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes

Year 1 & Year 2

Please follow the Associate Degree of Science course progressions for Year 1 and Year 2. Please note the Year 2 must be from the same progression selected for Year 1. Note session 2 entry is not available for this stream.
To access the 2016 Associate Degree of Science course progressions go to the Search Courses button at the top of this page, change the default year to 2016, search and select the Associate Degree of Science, then go to the course progressions at the bottom of the Course Structure page.
Students must enrol in the core College units in the first session of study – EDU10010, MAT10001, SCI10001

Year 3, Session 1

Students should consult with the Course Coordinator before selecting units from Part D. Units must be at the Advanced level.
4 units from Part D

Year 3, Session 2

Students should consult with the Course Coordinator before selecting units from Part D. Units must be at the Advanced level.
4 units from Part D

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes

Year 1 & Year 2

Please follow the Associate Degree of Arts course progressions for Year 1 and Year 2. Please note the Year 2 must be from the same progression selected for Year 1.
To access the 2016 Associate Degree of Arts course progressions go to the Search Courses button at the top of this page, change the default year to 2016, search and select the Associate Degree of Arts, then go to the course progressions at the bottom of the Course Structure page.
Students must enrol in the core College units in the first session of study – EDU10010, COM61001

Year 3, Session 1

Students should consult with the Course Coordinator before selecting units from Part D. Units must be at the Advanced level.
4 units from Part D

Year 3, Session 2

Students should consult with the Course Coordinator before selecting units from Part D. Units must be at the Advanced level.
4 units from Part D

Unit Code Unit Title Available Credit points Level of learning Notes

Year 1 & Year 2

Please follow the Associate Degree of Business course progressions for Year 1 and Year 2. Please note the Year 2 must be from the same progression selected for Year 1.
To access the 2016 Associate Degree of Business course progressions go to the Search Courses button at the top of this page, change the default year to 2016, search and select the Associate Degree of Business, then go to the course progressions at the bottom of the Course Structure page.
Students must enrol in the core College units in the first session of study – EDU10010, MAT10706

Year 3, Session 1

Students should consult with the Course Coordinator before selecting units from Part D. Units must be at the Advanced level.
4 units from Part D

Year 3, Session 2

Students should consult with the Course Coordinator before selecting units from Part D. Units must be at the Advanced level.
4 units from Part D

Note 1:

Available by Distance Education only

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
Students must choose a stream of study from either the Associate Degree stream or the Contemporary Studies stream.

Associate Degree Stream

One of the following:
Associate Degree of Health
Associate Degree of Arts
Associate Degree of Business
Associate Degree of Science

Contemporary Studies Stream

Part A

All of the following units:
EDU10010 Language and Learning in your Discipline Introductory
EDU10011 Learning for Future Careers Intermediate

Part B

Two (2) units in total from the following five (5)
only one (1) of the following two (2) can be selected:
SCI10001 Nature of Science Introductory
HEA10001 Introduction to Science for Health Professions Introductory
only one (1) of the following two (2) can be selected:
MAT10001 Foundation Mathematics Introductory
MAT10706 Quantitative Methods with Economics Introductory
COM61001 Pop: Encounters with the Arts and Humanities Introductory

Part C

Select twelve (12) units offered from the four (4) lists - Arts and Social Science Units, Tourism units, Science units or Business units:

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
SOC10400 Gender, Sexuality and Culture Intermediate
CUL00211 Perspectives on Australia Introductory
COM00439 Theory in Practice: Issues in Media Studies Introductory
COM10082 Film Studies: Cinema, Culture, Context Intermediate
COM00446 The Big Picture: Global Media Introductory
COM20001 Sensory Cultures Intermediate
POL00013 Global Social Movements Intermediate
POL00005 Ideas and Ideals in Politics Intermediate
SOC00115 Global Inequality Intermediate
SOC10027 Networked Society Intermediate
SOC10296 Understanding Community Introductory
WRI10001 Introduction to Creative Writing Introductory
COM10627 Telling Tales: Introduction to Digital Storytelling Introductory
COM10295 Written Communication Introductory
MUS10545 Oceans of Sound: Global Music Cultures in the 21st Century Intermediate
MUS10509 Sounds, Styles and Cultures Introductory
SOC10399 Critical Thinking for Digital Times Introductory
CUL00210 Australia, Asia and the World Introductory
HUM00270 Doing Cultural Studies Introductory
POL10244 Australian Politics Introductory
SOC00118 Introduction to Sociology Introductory

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
COM00207 Communication in Organisations Introductory
SOY00411 Tourism Theories and Practices Introductory
MKT01420 Convention and Exhibition Planning Intermediate
MNG00421 Festival and Special Events Planning Intermediate
MKT00204 Special Interest Tourism Intermediate
MKT01425 Tourism in Pacific Asia Intermediate
MNG10724 Coastal and Marine Tourism Intermediate
HMS00423 Sustainable Tourism Intermediate
MNG10291 The Cruise Business Intermediate
MNG10714 The Human Resource Management Expert Practitioner Intermediate
MNG10476 Professional Development for the Workplace Intermediate
SOY00412 Contemporary Tourism Issues Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
BIO00232 Coastal Marine Ecosystems Intermediate
GLY00201 Earth Systems I: The Lithosphere Introductory
ECO00202 Ecological and Environmental Economics for Sustainable Development Intermediate
CHE00201 Chemistry Introductory
SUR00201 Environmental Mapping Introductory
ENV00207 Environmental Planning Intermediate
SCI10003 Foundations: Science and Technology Introductory
BIO10187 Global Environmental Issues Introductory
ENG10759 Processes and Philosophy of Engineering Introductory
SCI10002 Science in Society Introductory
ENS00203 Earth Systems II: The Hydrosphere Introductory
BIO00202 Ecology Introductory
ENG10758 Humanitarian Engineering Project Introductory
BIO00201 Biology Introductory
ENV10655 Coastlines - Diversity, Dynamics and Risks Intermediate

Unit Code Unit Title Level of learning Notes
SOC10236 Applied Ethics and Sustainability Intermediate
MKT00075 Marketing Principles Introductory
MNG10247 Managing Organisations Introductory
MNG00313 International Management Intermediate
ISY10058 Electronic Commerce Systems Intermediate
ISY10209 Web Development I Introductory
CSC10217 Web Development II Advanced
ISY00324 Visual Resources for Interactive Applications Intermediate
ISY00325 Audio-Video Resources for Interactive Applications Intermediate
ISY10212 Contemporary Issues in Information Technology Introductory
MNG10713 Understanding the Business Environment Intermediate
MKT10723 Marketing Communications Intermediate
MKT10724 Services Marketing Advanced
All students, from both Streams, must complete Part D:
Part D
Select eight (8) units from all undergraduate units offered by SCU subject to prerequisites and in consultation with the Course Coordinator
Six (6) of these eight (8) units must be at the Advanced level.